The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (2024)

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (1)09-15-12, 04:41 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (2)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (3)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (4)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (5)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (6)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (7)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (8)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (9)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (10)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (11)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (12)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (13)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (14)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (15)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (16)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (17)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (18)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (19)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (20)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (21)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (22)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (23)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (24)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (25)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (26)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (27)

Last edited by Surfinhank; 08-26-18 at 01:42 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (29)09-15-12, 04:42 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

2012 List

GOALS: Complete theme nights and watch more than 50.

First time viewings are in orange.

October 1st

1: Blood Frenzy (1987) [Youtube] - a psychiatrist takes six of her most complex patients on a camping trip in the desert for some confrontational therapy. Little does she know that someone will take the confrontation aspect a little too far, and bodies start piling up. This is a relatively obscure slasher that I'd been wanting to see for a while. Despite there being some elements of comedy and cheese present, I was surprised to find that this was a pretty serious film overall. The characters, being psychiatric patients, are obviously going to be a little quirky, and their interactions with each others is the highlight of the film. The desert atmosphere is also put to good use, and the music puts forth a nice sense of foreboding. I was really enjoying myself for the majority of the running time. Too bad the ending turned out to be disappointingly over-the-top. The reveal of the culprit and the motive didn't do much for me either, and you would think a former p*rn director would allow someone other than who you expect to survive. Lisa "Wednesday Addams" Loring has a sizable role as one of the patients. She would go to the opposite extreme the following year in the snowbound slasher, Iced. That one doesn't have many redeeming qualities.

2: Mutant (1984) [DVD/own] - revisited this childhood favorite that sees Wings Hauser and his brother running afoul toxic mutants in a small southern town. This film just oozes atmosphere, and the mutants are actually pretty unnerving with their look and acidic touch. The scene in the bathroom stall is one that stuck with me as a kid. Bo Hopkins plays the sheriff. He and Wings would later reunite for a similar tale in the cheese-fest, Nightmare at Noon.

3: Kolobos (1999) [DVD/own] - five people answer an ad to participate in an experimental film. They will be stuck in a big house with video cameras watching their every move. There's just one problem. Something is very awry in this house, and all hell is about to break loose. Could ex-loony Kyra be behind it, or is there something much more sinister afoot? Cursed with a horrible cover, I passed this gem up countless times back in the day. It wasn't until I heard good things that I finally gave it a chance, and I'm glad I did. It's atmospheric, smart and genuinely creepy. The characters are all well-portrayed, the actors making them feel like real people in search of their own 15 minutes of fame. It's somewhat ironic that Amy Weber, who plays Kyra, actually went on to be one of those flash in the pan types herself. Too bad, as she's actually quite solid here. The authenticity of the characters makes the brutal gore harder to take than it normally would be. The first death in the film, for instance, not only took me by total surprise, but it was disturbing to watch as the victim slowly succumbed. I didn't even like this particular person, but the brutality and realism, both in character and reaction, managed to get under my skin. This film took me by surprise and turned out to be an intense gem in the often generic sea of DTV horror.

4: Blackout (1985) [VHS/own] - superior TV film opens with a murdered mother and her kids. The father/husband, Ed Vincent, is missing and assumed the culprit. Detective Steiner becomes obsessed with finding Vincent. Meanwhile, a motorist picks up a hitcher only to wreck shortly thereafter. One man dies, the other has no memory and needs facial reconstruction surgery. Years later, a still obsessed Steiner is led to believe that the survivor is in fact Ed Vincent, and sets out to be sure. This is a fine film with a strong central theme. Supported by an able cast, the characters are all fleshed out and feel real. The film also plays with your expectations, turning them around time and time again. This, in turn, ratchets up the tension. There are some creepy moments as well, like sinister phone calls and the scenes with the zipper-faced maniac on the prowl. Speaking of that, I loved the mask, and wished it had been used more. It comes off too soon during the finale. Two other minor quibbles: I didn't find Quinlan's character sympathetic, and there's one bothersome contrivance involving a radio toward the end.

5: Mardi Gras for the Devil (1993) [DVD/rental] - released to DVD under it's original Night Trap title, I prefer this moniker over that generic one. From director David Prior, the man behind the fabulous Aero-Bicide and the tedious Sledgehammer, this film stars the incomparable Michael Ironside as a demonic serial killer stalking New Orleans. He's awesome as always, and he gets quality support from some seasoned character actors. Unfortunately, the film itself is more generic than I anticipated. It occasionally feels like a run of the mill detective show and is absolutely nothing special. Still, if you're an Ironside fan (and why wouldn't you be?), it's worth seeing once just for him.

October 2nd

6: Biohazard (1985) [DVD/rental] - scientists and a psychic conjure up an alien or some such nonsense. This is cheesy fun from Fred Olen Ray, who's son plays the diminutive "bio-monster". The creature design is pretty sweet, and overall, this is one of Olen Ray's more entertaining movies. It's crap, but it's the kind of crap that makes for a nice diversion every now and then. The ending is a real head-scratcher, however, and I've never been a fan of bloopers over end credits.

7: Grave of the Vampire (1972) [DVD/own] - vamp by the name of Caleb Croft rises from his crypt and happens upon a couple making out in their car. After killing the man and having a few sips of his blood, Croft rapes the woman in an empty grave. Eventually, the woman gives birth to a half human, half vampire baby. In order to feed him, she uses a syringe to extract her own blood, eventually leading to her demise. Her now grown son seeks vengeance against his father and is determined to track him down. Did I mention that Croft is now teaching night classes on the occult? This offbeat vampire film has many interesting twists in it's storyline. One of Croft's students longs to be a vampire, for instance. As the vile vamp himself, Michael Pataki comes across as cold-blooded and cruel. While the film isn't very bloody, the acts of violence he commits seem more vicious than the norm. William Smith plays the son, and he reminded me more of a bump on a log than anything. I suppose that's just the part, that of a secluded outsider with no world experience. There's a fight towards the end that is surprisingly well-done. The film isn't as good as director John Hayes earlier effort, Dream No Evil, but it's a unique addition to the vampire sub-genre all the same.

8: The sad*st (1963) [DVD/own] - three teachers are driving to Los Angeles for a Dodgers game when they're sidelined with car trouble, pulling into a junkyard. It isn't long before they're set upon by the unhinged Charlie Tibbs and his silent girlfriend, Judy. Held at gunpoint and subjected to almost nonstop psychological torment by the murderous couple, the teachers may find this auto graveyard to be their final resting place as well. Having been curious about it via a reference book, I made a point of catching The sad*st on TCM a few years back. I found myself ordering the DVD the very next day. As far as 60's horror goes, I'd say it's close behind Rosemary's Baby for my favorite of the decade. It's a tight little affair that doesn't take long to get going. Once the three teachers meet Charlie and his gal, it's wall-to-wall tension for the remainder of the film. It can be seen as sort of a blueprint for some of the torture films that would follow in years to come. It's also worth noting that it's subdued shocks are more effective than the graphic shocks seen in the majority of those later films. The acting is fine all around, but the film belongs to Arch Hall Jr. Long considered a camp king, he is chilling as the Starkweather-inspired sad*st. He plays Charlie as a real oddball with some bizarre quirks and mannerisms. This could have come off as cheesy, but it doesn't. It's also a wonderfully shot picture, Vilmos Zsigmond delivering some stunning cinematography.

October 3rd

9: Hospital Massacre (1982) [VHS/own] - during an overnight stay at the hospital, a woman is stalked by the psycho she scorned one Valentine's Day many years before. This is my favorite of the hospital slashers, not that the competition is anything to write home about. It's all pretty absurd with some surreal moments of oddness thrown in. Playmate Barbi Benton isn't the best actress, but she does get naked, as you would expect. The killer here really goes to a great deal of trouble getting his plan to work. Director Boaz Davidson goes a little overboard with the red herrings. A scene involving Barbi getting a special Valentine in her hospital room makes for a gruesome highlight.

10: Prince of Darkness (1987) [DVD/own] - John Carpenter's masterpiece about a priest enlisting the help of a college professor and his students in preventing the coming of the Anti-God. Yep, masterpiece. I consider this to be Carpenter's crowning achievement. In fact, it's my favorite horror film aside from the original Black Christmas. Carpenter really hit gold with the script, as it's both intelligent and thought provoking. The film is slow burning, yet intensely unnerving. The overall mood, the creepy street people, the church itself and the eerie occurrences caused by the Anti-God's growing power all make for an unsettling watch. I also must make mention of the recurring dream projections via tachyons. A brilliant idea that adds an even deeper level to the film's frightening nature. The sense of hopeless isolation that Carpenter is able to convey despite the church being in L.A. is yet another impressive accomplishment in a film that never fails to impress. It's a rare case when I have not one bad thing to say about a movie, but this is one of those instances. It all works beautifully for me. The film's terrific church setting makes a brief appearance in the Dolph Lundgren/Brandon Lee flick, Showdown in Little Tokyo.

11: Creature (1985) [DVD/rental] - William Malone's Alien ripoff about a space monster with a telekinetic ability to raise the dead. Sounds pretty cool, but not enough is done with it. As far as where the creature is found, I love the idea of an intergalactic butterfly collection. The question is, who or what made the collection? You'd think they'd be a bigger threat than the creature. Malone should have just scrapped the creature altogether and gone with this story line. Or maybe done so with a sequel. On another note, Klaus Kinski's role doesn't last nearly long enough.

October 4th

12: Waxwork (1988) [DVD/own] - a group of high school friends visit the new waxwork museum that's opened up in their neighborhood. Little do they know, the sinister owner has plans to bring about the end of the world, but he needs victims to sacrifice first. Long-time favorite from my VHS rental days. The idea of each waxwork having it's own portal to another world is a novel one, and it's very fun seeing all the classic monsters and madmen represented. The steak tar-tar scene led to a running joke between my friends and I. David Warner is his typically excellent self as the main villain, and Deborah Foreman is both lovely and charming. Zach Galligan, on the other hand, is annoying. Shocking, I know. The melee at the end is a blast. Followed by a sh*tty sequel that's better ignored.

13: Beneath Still Waters (2005) [DVD rental] - years after the town of Marienbad was purposely flooded, the evil that was thought to be flooded with it rises to seek vengeance. Muddled Brian Yuzna flick is a squandered opportunity. The story had definite potential, but absolutely nothing of interest is done with it. For a low grade, direct to video flick, you could do worse, but from the director of Society, I expect better. There are some pretty stupid scenes here, like the almighty warlock not being able to free his hands from rope, but easily ripping away the steel shackle around his neck. The special effects are mediocre at best and accents are all over the place. We do get a nice scene with a kid getting his head ripped open. I like Yuzna, but he hasn't impressed me in a long time.

October 5th

14: The Centerfold Girls (1974) [VHS/own] - Andrew Prine is Clement Dunne, a fanatic out to "help" the women who posed for some magazine's annual skin calendar. The problem? His brand of help involves stalking and slit throats. This overlooked gem is the very definition of a grindhouse film. It is a gritty, mean-spirited romp with a bleak world view and a narrow plot. Most of the men in the film are rapists, sleaze balls or exploiters. Then there is Dunne himself, who seems to flip-flop in his motivation. One minute he is wanting to "help" his victims, and the next he is telling them how they have to be punished for the smut they implant in the minds of those who view their calendar. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the film is the way in which it is structured. We follow Dunne as he hunts down three girls in particular, one segment of the film for each girl. Reminiscent of an anthology, but with the same basic story line and key character throughout. Only the victims and settings change. The first act deals with Ms. March and her 24 hours of hell. The second story has Dunne stalking the young Ms. May and a few other models during an island photo shoot. The third and final segment finds Dunne gunning for Vera (the lovely Tiffany Bolling). This is the best act of the film, thanks in large part to the strong screen presence of Bolling. I like her quite a bit, and she makes for a worthy adversary to the persistent Dunne. I have the Media VHS, and the print really compliments the mood of the picture. For exploitation/grindhouse fans, it gets my highest recommendation.

15: Equinox (1970) [DVD/own] - four college students go to meet a professor at his cabin in the Califonia wilderness, but get more than they bargained for when they come into possession of a strange book that the devil himself seeks. Ultra low budget flick that could have been an inspiration for The Evil Dead. It started out as a student film and was later bought for theatrical release, new scenes being shot for it. Both versions are on the Criterion set, though I only watched the more polished theater version for the challenge. The monsters on display here are impressive given the limited funds, especially the flying demon. The acting is awful, and the lead has a bizarre voice, but that adds to the charm in this film's case. So do the various continuity flaws that were the result of filming on and off for more than two years and then having extra filming done years later. This was clearly a labor of love, and you have to respect what they pulled off given the resources. That and it's pretty fun to watch despite the overly talky first half.

16: Winterbeast (1991) [DVD/own] - haha, this one just rules! The basic gist of things revolves around an Indian gateway to Hell. A few park rangers investigate. Like Equinox, this is a low budget labor of love with a variety of weird stop-motion creatures on display. When I first saw this, I had no idea what was going on with the owner of the Wild Goose Lodge. His story arc made no sense to me, and it still doesn't. Not that it really matters. This thing is all over the map, and that's part of the reason it's such a blast. The myriad of creatures we get to see, the ridiculous acting and the oddball atmosphere all adds up to one hell of a good time.

October 6th

17: The Borrower (1991) [Youtube] - an alien criminal is turned human and banished to earth as punishment for his crimes. The transformation process wasn't perfect, however, and his head explodes. He replaces it with that of a redneck hunter, but it won't be the last head he needs. John McNaughton's followup to Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is a complete 180 in tone. From the opening scene, I knew I was in for some ridiculous fun. McNaughton throws in a lot of comedic touches and various in-jokes. Things get a little more serious toward the end, and there are a few striking images, such as the alien staring across the ocean as a plane soars by, obviously longing for his old life. His head switch at a local hospital also makes for a highlight, and things get really odd when a dog enters the picture. Rae Dawn Chong stars as the detective assigned the case of the serial decapitator, while Tom "Otis" Towles is the hunter who's likeness is "borrowed". The lovely Madchen Amick also shows up briefly in the wildest sequence of the film.

18: V/H/S (2012) [HDNet Movies/DVR recording] - a group of troublemakers break into a house to steal a VHS tape. When they arrive, they find a dead man in front of several TV screens and many VHS tapes to go through. Each tape leads to a different segment in this found footage anthology. Overall, I don't think this film lived up to it's potential. The first, second and fourth stories are the best, though I think the fourth could have used a bit more fleshing out. The last story had some cool imagery, but it was pretty typical as far as the story itself, and the characters were pretty stupid. The third story was my least favorite. I'm a big slasher fan, but it just didn't do much for me at all. With the traps and the look of the killer, it sorta' reminded me of Predator. The first tale was intense and gruesome with a terrific final shot. It was done by David Bruckner, who was one of the directors behind the fantastic The Signal. My favorite segment was #2, Second Honeymoon. I'm hot and cold on director Ti West, and this one falls firmly into the hot category. It has an unsettling subtlety to it that really worked for me. Story four is shot in a unique fashion with the Skype format, and it goes in an unexpected and interesting direction. That said, the guy in this segment is annoying, and I wanted to delve further into what was going on. As for the wraparound, it leads absolutely nowhere, so the less said about it, the better. So, two solid stories, another that's good, but needed more time, and two that were pretty poor.

October 7th

19: The Sentinel (1977) [DVD/own] - one of my all-time favorites. A model rents an apartment, which she soon discovers is sitting upon the gateway to Hell. Based on the novel of the same name, The Sentinel is an underrated gem from director Michael Winner. It sports quite the cast, though it's the gorgeous Cristina Raines who shines the brightest. I really wish she had been in more films. The atmosphere of the New York brownstone is palpable, as it should be considering what it's on top of. The neighbors, who may or may not really be there, add a lot of flavor to the picture. Burgess Meredith is particularly memorable as the deceptively vile Charles Chasen. We also get a great uncomfortable moment with Beverly D'Angelo. This film has some amazingly effective imagery, from the carnival freaks to the shots of that roaming old man. Indeed, the scene where Cristina goes to investigate the strange noises in the apartment above her's makes for one of the creepiest sequences in film. Black and white cat, black and white cake!

20: Curse II: The Bite (1989) [DVD/own] - a couple driving through the desert take an ill-advised shortcut which leads to the boyfriend getting bitten by a radioactive snake. It isn't long before he starts going through drastic physical changes. His girlfriend is not amused. This is a fantastic little nasty starring my favorite scream queen, Jill Schoelen. The snake and gore effects by Screaming Mad George (who also did the fantastic effects for Society) are really quite remarkable. Graphic stuff that really gets skin-crawling during the climax. The tragic love story at the center of the plot is pretty effective as well, both Schoelen and J. Eddie Peck doing well with their roles. I came out of it caring about the characters by the time the end rolled around. Excellent score too, and there are some nice rural locations. This is the best of the Curse series, though none of the films have anything to do with each other aside from the titles. I first saw this on local channel 27 when they used to show interesting films for the overnight movie. The days before infomercials... They're sorely missed.

October 8th

21: Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1970) [DVD/own] - as far as I'm concerned, this is the best of the Friday the 13th series. I love the halfway house setting. It's a unique idea that naturally lends itself to some offbeat slasher fodder. I also think the area the film was shot in is the most atmospheric of the series. This is probably the most bizarre film of the bunch too, and I like that. The characters are great. From the quirky halfway house residents to the crazed backwoods hicks, this film's characters are very entertaining, not to mention quite amusing. I also love the direction in which they take the character of Tommy Jarvis, having all these mental problems thanks to Mr. Voorhees. His hallucinations are actually rather eerie in their own right. It's a damn shame they didn't continue the idea in Jason Lives, which I consider to be one of the weakest entries in the series. We also get some unusual kills, like a leather strap crushing someone's head against a tree and a road flare to the mouth. I like the attempt at a mystery as well. I could go on and on about how enjoyable this film is. It has a real charm to it. And remember, "Y-ya don't s-set a place for a dead person!"

October 9th

22: Screamtime (1986) [VHS/own] - two guys steal some tapes from a rental store and stop by a female acquaintance's place to watch them. The first one, involving a loser puppeteer, is pretty stupid. The second one has a couple moving into a new home. The wife begins seeing things that lead her to believe the place is haunted. This segment is a good one. There's one effective shock about midway through it, as well as a terrific ending that took me by surprise. The third and final tale finds a biker working for two rich old women who say their house is watched over by fairies. Naturally, he figures they're just senile and decides to rob the place. This story was amusing, though it felt like the shortest of the three. Of course, the weak opener seemed to be the longest. Most anthologies do have at least one stinker, but it's worth seeing for the second and third bits, especially the second, though it naturally wasn't as interesting knowing the ending this time around. By no means a great anthology, just middle of the road.

23: Stone Cold Dead (1979) [MGM HD/DVR recording] - a crazed sniper is killing prostitutes in Toronto. Using a camera mounted on the gun, the killer takes pictures of the victims as they're gunned down. Boyd is a police sergeant who suspects high-level pimp, Julius Kurtz, of being behind the slayings. But are these cases ever that easy? This is a grimy amalgamation of giallo, crime drama and exploitation archetypes. The sniper's appearance and M.O. are right out of a giallo, as is the terrific music that pops up whenever the sniper is in action. I also loved the scenes in the killer's darkroom with whispering voices running rampantly through a damaged psyche. The addition of the camera mount to shoot pictures and bullets at the same time is certainly an inspired touch. Psychological aspect aside, it ensures that the various murder scenes lack a feeling of repetition. The atmosphere of the film is one of grunge and decay. The photography is gritty, due in part to the budget, and the locations are trashy. It's an appropriate look, and this thing would have been right at home on the grindhouse circuit. There's an ample amount of sleaze on display as we're treated to the seedy underbelly of Toronto. Kurtz dealing with his girls and Boyd's quest to bring him down get as much screen time as the hunt for the killer. Paul Williams gives a standout performance as Kurtz, a classy type who actually shows a level of compassion and respect for those under his employ. His character is supposed to be scum, yet I actually found him to be more likable than Richard Crenna's hard-ass sergeant. Michael Ironside shows up in one of the briefest roles ever as an ill-fated cop. While some of the subplots only serve to slow the film down, this seldom-seen little cheapie has a lot going for it, especially if you're into gialli. I think it's far superior to 1983's American Nightmare, which it's somewhat similar to.

24: Zeder (1983) [DVD/own] - a typewriter is given to an author as a gift. He reads the ink ribbon and discovers that it reveals the locations of K-zones, places that supposedly lead to the resurrection of the dead if buried there. Pupi Avati is a very underrated filmmaker. None of his films get the recognition they deserve, be it The House with Laughing Windows, The Arcane Enchanter or this unsung gem. Some call it boring, but I absolutely disagree. The mystery, characters and atmosphere were more than enough to keep me intrigued throughout. It's a slow burn with a deeply ominous tone. There are some fascinating ideas thrown around, and the film is often times very creepy. I can't let the gorgeous Anne Canovas go unmentioned either. I totally fell in love with her when I first saw this. Anyway, it's a very rewarding picture that only gets better with repeat viewings. As a side note, it's rather interesting to see the similarities between certain aspects of this film and Stephen King's later novel, Pet Sematary.

October 10th

25: Project: Metalbeast (1995) [VHS/own] - military scientists are studying werewolf blood when Butler, the soldier who obtained it in the first place, foolishly decides to inject himself with a large quantity. He soon turns, but Colonel Miller puts him down and has him cryogenically frozen. 20 years later, the same military installation is now home to a research group working on a synthetic skin called bio-ferrin. Metallic in nature, the skin is meant to help burn victims. Miller gets wind of their work and decides that it's time to thaw out Butler to have him fitted with the skin, in turn making an indestructible killing machine for use on the battlefield. As usual, things do not go according to plan. I rented this back in the mid-90's and found it to be an entertaining shot in the arm to the then all but dormant werewolf sub-genre. I'm happy to say that it still holds up as an enjoyable treat among a sea of mostly bad werewolf pictures. The idea of creating a super soldier is hardly original, but who cares? Where else are you going to see a werewolf with armored skin? Lycanthropes are threatening to begin with, but this film takes it a step further with it's metallic monstrosity. It's a hulking behemoth too, as it should be with Kane Hodder wearing the monster suit. We also get some nice half man, half wolf make-up following Butler's first escape from the lab. Yummy Kim Delaney plays the head of the bio-ferrin research group. Delaney is a personal favorite of mine, and a sorely under-appreciated actress to boot. Despite appearing in popular TV shows, she also did her fair share of horror films over the years. While this certainly isn't a masterpiece of the genre or anything like that, it succeeds at being an entertaining little monster flick, which is exactly what it set out to do. Yes, Delaney runs a little too easily for someone who just had a metal rod run through her foot and the werewolf's impenetrable skin isn't milked to it's fullest, but hey, this thing makes for a good time while delivering a new spin on lycanthropy.

26: The People Who Own the Dark (1976) [DVD/own] - several wealthy men head to a country estate where they intend to take part in sex games with various prostitutes. Just as things are about to get under way, a nuclear blast rattles the house. All the participants, having been in the basem*nt, are fine, but everyone above has been blinded, including the residents of a nearby village. After an incident while gathering food, the group finds themselves targeted by the blind townspeople. Leon Klimovsky once again teams with Paul Naschy for this bleak tale. I had serious doubts about how seriously I could take the threat of a blind mob, but then I realized a similar idea worked beautifully in de Ossorio's Blind Dead films. The human mob here obviously isn't as threatening, and there are a few flaws in how easily some of them adjust to blind maneuvering, but Klimovsky pulled it off. It helps that they're led by a deranged man who was blind before the bomb hit, his role giving them that extra little push into the sinister. The film is in a similar vein to many living dead pictures with a few oddball touches thrown, like the fat doctor going insane and crawling around naked. I honestly don't care for most of the Naschy films I've seen. He's always good, but the material often isn't. That being said, I enjoyed this one well enough.

October 11th

27: Fangs of the Living Dead (1969) [DVD/own] - a countess inherits a castle and goes to visit her uncle there. It turns out that he's a vampire with some unpleasant plans for her. Before Amando de Ossorio struck gold with the Blind Dead series, he directed this bland vamp picture. There's really nothing to it. The story is silly and the film is dull. All DVD versions are edited by about 20 minutes, and you can tell by certain inconsistencies. I don't think the missing scenes would do much to help the film, though, as it drags enough as it is. Anita Ekberg is nice to look at, but she can be grating at times. Gianni Medici is awful in the role of her fiancee, and his dialogue isn't much better. There's not even that strong of an atmosphere present. We have a damn castle in the film, and castles equal atmosphere, right? Well, not this time. Really stupid ending too. This is easily the worst effort I've seen from de Ossorio... At least The Sea Serpent is entertaining in it's incompetence.

28: Perfect Victims (1988) [VHS/own] - mean-spirited film about a guy who has a grudge against women after contracting AIDS, so he goes around L.A. trying to infect any he can via rape. This had better acting than I expected. The cover art makes it seem like it's going to be one of those cheap sexual thrillers, but in reality it's a pretty serious picture with some effective attack scenes. It falls into a similar mold as Don't Go in the House, Maniac and other sleazy psycho pictures. Tom Dugan is quite believable as the hateful scumbag, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Clarence Williams III here as the detective on the case. The direction is fairly generic as a whole, but the plausible story, uneasy situations and better than average acting make this an interesting watch.

29: Red White & Blue (2010) [DVD/own] - incredibly dark indie deals with Erica, an emotionally empty young woman who has unprotected sex with anyone she can, including a four-way with members of a garage band, lead player, Franki, among them. Enter Nate, an oddball stranger who helps her find work when she's about to be kicked out of her apartment. The two form an unlikely bond. Meanwhile, Franki is caring for his cancer-stricken mother. After he gives some blood to help her, he's soon informed that he has HIV. Horrified not only for himself but for what he's given his mother, he and his band mates set out to find Erica. Bad choices are made and revenge is brutally dished out. Simon Rumley's film is one of the bleakest to come along in recent years. Austin is the backdrop as we watch damaged characters making choices that lead to their undoing. It's hard to say who to root for here, and a revelation regarding Erica midway through adds a whole new layer to the proceedings. I respected that Rumley left in numerous ambiguities throughout, as it made for a more intriguing structure. The acting is strong across the board with Noah Taylor, Amanda Fuller and Marc Senter all vying for the title of most disturbed. Senter, who played memorable nutjobs in The Lost and Cabin Fever 2, actually gets outdone this time around. There's also a memorable scene of a family being held hostage.

30: Eyes of Fire (1983) [VHS/own] - in 1750 during the early colonization of America, a hypocritical preacher and his followers are excommunicated from the small settlement of Dalton's Ferry. While attempting to find their own personal "promised land", the group is forced into a valley by marauding Indians. The preacher declares the valley to be the place they've been seeking. As they begin to start a new life, little do they know that this place is already inhabited by a devil witch and her ghastly minions. Filmed in the wilds of Missouri, Avery Crounse's offbeat gem is one of the most beautifully photographed horror films of the 80's. The dense woodlands are naturally pleasing to the eye, but they become something else entirely when seen through the stunning direction of Crounse. His style combines the contemplative visual poetry of a Terrence Malick with truly nightmarish imagery and acidic color fades. He makes sure that, while lovely in appearance, these woods are deeply foreboding. Brad Fiedel's score adds to the unease of the situation and gives off an otherworldly vibe to match. In spite of a low budget, the period setting feels authentic. You never once believe that these people aren't living in the colonial days. It was a fascinating period, the colonial era, and I feel that more horror films should be set in and around that time. The all-encompassing isolation, the lack of modern weapons or technology and the endless amount of rich history are all elements which are positively ripe for tales of the macabre. This continent was still a relatively unknown place then, none of the settlers really having a clue as to what they might encounter. I don't think there is anything more terrifying than the unknown, so what better time than the days of the unknown to tell a story of this nature?

And with that, I'm finally caught up on my list! Time to retire the review format and just type two or three lines for each film. No one reads these anyway and it'll save me some time to watch more stuff. I'm on a pretty good pace this year.

October 12th

31: Hardware (1990) [BD/own] - long-time favorite with a tone that reminds me of another 90's fave, Highway to Hell. Between this and Dust Devil, I really wish Richard Stanley had managed to get more projects off the ground.

32: The Visitor (1979) [DVD/own] - one of the wildest things I've seen in a good while. This one's pretty out there. As a fan of the terminally weird, I enjoyed it. Quite the cast too. One of the rare DVDs from Code Red with a good transfer.

October 13th

33: Sweet 16 (1983) [DVD/own] - one of my favorite slashers. Too bad the DVD transfer is botched. It's nice seeing Dana Kimmell in a slasher other than Friday the 13th Part 3.

34: All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) [BD/own] - very enjoyable film that still hasn't received a proper U.S. release for some reason. Makes a great double feature with Sweet 16 due to similar plot, Texas settings and both films having predictable endings.

35: Night of the Seagulls (1975) [DVD/own] - needed to wash away the bad taste left by Fangs of the Living Dead, so I popped in one of de Ossorio's Blind Dead films. Much like The Ghost Galleon, this is an underrated sequel. Reminiscent of The Wicker Man in many ways.

October 14th

36: Dark Heritage (1989) [Youtube] - a much more faithful adaptation of the Lovecraft tale than Full Moon's lousy Lurking Fear. Bad acting, but the creatures are well-done and the story obviously interesting.

October 15th

37: Frankenstein: The True Story (1973) [DVD/own] - thoughtful adaptation is possibly my favorite version of the classic story. Terrific performances from a strong cast and some interesting twists make sure that the lengthy running time never becomes a burden. A subversive gem.

38: Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell (1973) [DVD/own] - the final film in Hammer's Frankenstein series, as well as director Terence Fisher's last picture. This is my friend's favorite of the series. I'm a fan too, but wouldn't go that far. It definitely tackles some intriguing ideas and enters darker territory than some of the other entries. It does get a little bogged down in tedium at certain points, but a quality film overall.

39: Session 9 (2001) [DVD/own] - I'm one of the few to have caught this in the theater. Worth seeing for Danvers alone, but this is also a very creepy film that touches on some interesting themes.

40: A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) [DVD/friend's house] - my friend rented this from Redbox and forgot to return it. He wanted to show it to me for a laugh, and yep, it's pretty amusing in how bad certain aspects are. Only other reason to see this is for Rooney Mara.

October 16th

41: Ilsa: She Wolf of the S.S. (1975) [DVD/own] - gruesome Nazisploitation classic. Gotta' love how they used the same sets as Hogan's Heroes.

October 17th

42: The Tenant (1976) [DVD/own] - Polanski gem isn't as great as Rosemary's Baby, but is better than Repulsion. A real mind-f*ck with terrific acting, a sense of paranoia that rivals anything else in Polanski's filmography and a nice touch of class.

43: Dark August (1976) [VHS/own] - unknown and eerie regional film about a guy who runs over a little girl and is promptly cursed by her grandfather. The scenes of the poor sap being haunted are unnerving. Another golden example of how you don't need a big budget to make something effective.

October 18th

44: Amsterdamned (1988) [Youtube] - this one's title always stood out, yet it's another one I simply never got around to renting. The same director's The Lift is an amusing little picture, but I liked this one more. The Amsterdam locations are exquisite, and there's a lengthy speedboat chase sequence that's extremely well-done for this type of film, though the budget was higher than usual for a slasher.

October 19th

45: The House with Laughing Windows (1976) [DVD/own] - Pupi Avati's slow-burn shocker with a zinger of an ending. Still my favorite giallo. The atmosphere is as unnerving as the mystery itself.

46: Footprints on the Moon (1975) [DVD/own] - after watching my favorite giallo, I thought why not follow it up with my #2 fave. Surreal and enigmatic with some strong underlying themes and disturbing dream sequences.

47: Next of Kin (1982) [VHS/own] - following the death of her mother, Linda inherits the retirement home that she ran. Once there, reading through her mother's diary sets off a series of unsettling memories. Bizarre occurrences begin taking place as well, almost as if someone were toying with her. I've seen this Aussie gem referred to as a slasher film on more than one occasion, though I wouldn't necessarily call it a slasher myself. It's more of a slow-burning mood piece, one that's quite ambiguous at times. It's also effectively creepy, one of my favorite scenes involving a figure watching the heroine just out of her eye range as she roams the woods in search of her boyfriend. Said boyfriend is played by John Jarratt, a mainstay in Australian horror. Naturally, the filming locations are gorgeous and the cinematography does a fine job of catching them in all of their glory. The film is complimented by a unique score and some stylish sequences, such as one terrific slow motion bit where Linda is rushing down a flight of stairs. The ending gets really wild, leaving the film's more subdued nature behind for an extravagant finale. All said and done, this is one of Australia's finest contributions to the genre.

48: The Redeemer (1978) [VHS/own] - this interesting curiosity happens to be one of my absolute favorite slasher films. In fact, only 1974's Black Christmas (which is also my favorite horror film in general) beats it. Released mere months before Carpenter's Halloween would kick-start the genre, it's an extremely eerie picture. There's a sense of the foreboding here that is more prevalent than in most horror films I've seen, let alone slashers. For the uninitiated, it's about a mysterious morality killer who tricks a group of "undesirables" into attending a fake high school reunion, only to pick them off once they get there. If you think this sounds a bit like Slaughter High, you'd be right. This came first, and it's religious subtext alone makes it far more intriguing. The six so-called degenerates include a lawyer, a gay actor, a lesbian, a rich snob, a cute girl who takes pride in her appearance, and a co*cky former football jock with gluttonous tendencies. The Redeemer himself comes off as a little over the top at times (the scene in the auditorium for instance), but this actually works in the character's favor, as it really makes him seem like an absolute lunatic. Indeed, the Redeemer is a very creepy individual. Throughout the film, he dons many different costumes (as the Terror Train killer did a few years later), each one representing an aspect of each victim's life. These costumes can be unsettling, and they really add to the film's effectiveness. Perhaps the creepiest scene in the entire movie is when the lesbian is yelling for a man to let them out of the school, and that man turns out to be the Redeemer dressed up as the Grim Reaper. He proceeds to pound on the bars with his scythe, toying with her. This is a bleak, dread-inducing slasher that never has been regarded all that highly. Personally, I think it's easily one of the best films of it's kind. Too bad the DVD transfer is of such poor, choppy quality that it makes the film come off as being more disjointed than it actually is. I watched my VHS this time around since it's a better print.

October 20th

49: The Lair of the White Worm (1988) [DVD/own] - fun Ken Russell picture with the sexy Amanda Donahoe as a slithery temptress and Hugh Grant in one of his only good roles. The scene where one character randomly pulls out a mongoose to take care of Donahoe always cracks me up. Glad I grabbed the Pioneer DVD when it was still in print.

October 21st

50: End of the Line (2006) [DVD/own] - taking place in a subway, the story involves several members of a large religious cult who simultaneously receive notice via pagers that it's Judgment Day. This gives them the go ahead to bring out their special daggers and "save" all the nonbelievers by way of murder. Maurice Devereaux's film possesses the kind of raw ambition that reminds me of why I love horror in the first place. It's an original and highly imaginative effort, even more so when you realize the director had to finance the film out of his own pocket. The director's prior effort, [I]Slashers, was a most cheesy affair. This, on the other hand, is quite serious. The film can be rather unnerving, especially if you find fanatical cult members to be disturbing sorts. I'm a big fan of religion themed horror in general. Throw in apocalyptic scenarios and you have my attention entirely. There are many underlying hints as to what's truly going on in the film. Little things that don't beat you over the head and really enrich the viewing experience. After ending on a particularly strong note, the strength of the finale is carried over into the end credits thanks to the eerie song which plays over them. This was my subset pick back in 2009, and I still think it deserves far more attention than it's received three years later.

51: The Last Wave (1977) [DVD/own] - Peter Weir's artful apocalypse by way of Aborigine legend. A hypnotic gem with a truly haunting final scene.

October 22nd

52: The Pumpkin Karver (2006) [DVD/rental] - poor DTV slasher with a muddled story line and weaker than usual acting. Amy Weber isn't as good here as she was in Kolobos.

53: Masters of Horror: Dance of the Dead (2005) [DVD/own] - the best episode in the MOH series and the best thing Tobe Hooper has done since The Funhouse.

October 23rd

54: Suicide Circle (2001) [DVD/own] -

55: Noriko's Dinner Table (2005) [DVD/own] -

56: Uzumaki (2000) [DVD/own] -

October 24th

57: The Mummy (1959) [DVD/own] -

58: Daddy's Gone A-Hunting (1969) [VHS/own] -

October 25th

59: Idle Hands (1999) [DVD/friend's house] -

60: Long Weekend (1978) [DVD/own] -

61: Dark Age (1987) [VHS/own] -

October 26th

62: The Legend of Hell House (1973) [DVD/own] -

63: Endangered Species (1982) [VHS/own] -

October 27th

64: The Outing (1987) [VHS/own] -

65: Wishmaster (1997) [DVD/own] -

66: Wishcraft (2002) [DVD/own] -

October 28th

67: Wheels of Terror (1990) [Youtube] -

68: Highway to Hell (1991) [VHS/own] -

69: The Hitcher (1986) [DVD/own] -

October 29th

70: Bad Moon (1996) [DVD/own] -

71: Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988) [DVD/own] -

October 30th

72: The Pyx (1973) [DVD/own] -

73: The Devonsville Terror (1983) [DVD/own] -

74: The Dark Side of the Moon (1990) [VHS/own] -

October 31st

75: The Night Flier (1997) [DVD/own] -

76: Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982) [BD/own] -

77: The Blair Witch Project (1999) [DVD/own] -

Theme Nights



LIST FINALIZED - just some thoughts to finish adding, but that's inconsequential as everything that needs to be final is.

Last edited by J. Farley; 09-30-13 at 06:27 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (31)09-15-12, 04:44 PM


DVD Talk Special Edition

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (32)

Join Date: Sep 2010

Posts: 1,701

Received 116 Likeson82 Posts

Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

My list is completed

Goal: At least one movie a day for the month
☼ - First Time Viewing

1. Resident Evil: Damnation☼, 2012, Makoto Kamiya, Japan, Dvd


2. The Legacy, 1978, Richard Marquand, UK/USA, Dvd


3. Charlie Chan in Egypt, 1935, Louis King, USA, Dvd

4. Painted Skin☼, 1993, King Hu, Hong Kong, Dvd

5. Inn of the Damned☼, 1975, Terry Bourke, Australia, Dvd


6. Turkey Shoot, 1982, Brian Trenchard-Smith, Australia, Dvd


7. The Stone Tape, 1972, Peter Sasdy, UK, Dvd

8. Veerana☼, 1988, Tulsi & Shyam Ramsay, India, Dvd


9. The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, 1974, Jorge Grau, Spain/Italy, Dvd


10. Innocent Blood, 1992, John Landis, USA, Dvd


11. 1408☼, 2007, Mikael Håfström, USA, Dvd

12. A Chinese Ghost Story☼, 2011, Wilson Yip, China, Dvd

13. Splinter☼, 2008, Toby Wilkins, USA, Dvd

14. Village of the Damned, 1960, Wolf Rilla, UK, Dvd

15. Hotel Transylvania☼, 2012, Genndy Tartakovsky, USA, Theater
16. The Faculty☼, 1998, Richard Rodriguez, USA, Dvd
17. Horrors of the Black Museum, 1959, Arthur Crabtree, UK, Dvd

18. King of Thorn☼, 2009, Kazuyoshi Katayama, Japan, Dvd

19. The Halloween Tree, 1993, Mario Piluso, USA, Dvd

20. Red Sands☼, 2009, Alex Turner, USA, Dvd

21. MST3K: The Deadly Mantis, 1997,, USA, Youtube

22. The Beast Must Die, 1974, Paul Annett, UK, Dvd

23. The Legend of Hell House, 1973, John Hough, UK, Dvd

24. La Momia Azteca☼, 1957, Rafael Portillo, Mexico, Dvd

25. Lord of Illusions (Unrated Director's Cut), 1995, Clive Barker, USA, Dvd

26. The Skull, 1965, Freddie Francis, UK, Dvd

27. Demoness From Thousand Years☼, 1990, Jeng Wing-Chiu, HK, Dvd

28. The Call of Cthulhu, 2005, Andrew Leman, USA, Dvd

29. The Puppet Masters, 1994, Stuart Orme, USA, Dvd

30. Operation Pink Squad II (Thunder Cops), 1989, Jeff Lau, HK, Dvd


31. Scream of Fear☼, 1961, Seth Holt, UK, Dvd
32. The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires, 1974, Roy Ward Baker, UK/HK, Dvd
33. Quatermass 2, 1957, Val Guest, UK, Dvd

34. 100 Feet☼, 2008, Eric Red, USA, Dvd
35. Unknown Island, 1948, Jack Bernhard, USA, Dvd
36. Lo☼, 2009, Eric Red, USA, NWI
37. Invisible Invaders, 1959, Eric Red, USA, Dvd
38. Mr Vampire III, 1987, Ricky Lau, HK, Dvd

39. The Walking Dead, 1936, Michael Curtiz, USA, Dvd

40. The Butterfly Murders☼, 1979, Tsui Hark, HK, Dvd

41. Ernest Scared Stupid, 1991, John R. Cherry III, USA, Dvd
42. Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein, 1948, Charles Barton, USA, Dvd

42 Total
17 First Time Views
1 Theater
1 Netflix Instant
40 Dvd

20 USA
9 UK
8 HK
2 Australia
2 Japan
1 Mexico
1 India
1 Spain
1 Italy

1 1935
1 1936
2 1948
2 1957
2 1959
1 1960
1 1961
1 1965
1 1972
1 1973
3 1974
1 1975
1 1978
1 1979
1 1982
1 1987
1 1988
1 1989
1 1990
1 1991
1 1992
2 1993
1 1994
1 1995
1 1997
1 1998
1 2005
1 2007
2 2008
3 2009
1 2011
2 2012

2 1930's
2 1940's
4 1950's
3 1960's
8 1970's
4 1980's
9 1990's
7 2000's
3 2010's

Last edited by coyoteblue; 11-01-12 at 08:07 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (34)09-15-12, 04:45 PM


Senior Member

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (35)

Join Date: Oct 2007

Location: California

Posts: 665

Received 31 Likeson21 Posts

Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

2012 October Horror Challenge

Post updated and finished!

2007 Film Count: 60
2008 Film Count: 123
2009 Film Count: 108
2010 Film Count: 108
2011 Film Count: 173

2012 GOAL: 100
2012 COUNT: 209
2012 TIME: 318H 51M



* = First Time Viewing
Starred rating is based upon how much I enjoyed the title, not necessarily film "quality". (Scale of 1-5)

September 30 -- Time: 4H 47M

001. *Kuroneko / 1968 / 99 min / Google Video Play / **
002. Cat People / 1982 / 118 min / HBO VOD / **
003. *Island of Lost Souls / 1932 / 70 min / Netflix DVD / ***

October 1 -- Time: 11H 33M

004. Candyman / 1992 / 98 min / NWI / ***
005. *Hood of Horror / 2006 / 88 min / NWI / *
006. Tales from the Hood / 1995 / 97 min / NWI / *
007. *Hands of the Ripper / 1971 / 85 min / NWI / **
008. Wild Card: The Haunted Castle / 1896 / 3 min / The Sealed Room / 1909 / 12 min / Frankenstein / 1910 / 12 min / YouTube / ***
009. *Blacula / 1972 / 94 min / Amazon Video **
010. *Hex: Season 1: The Story Begins: Parts 1 & 2 / 89 min / DVD / ***

October 2 -- Time: 10H 39M

011. Comedy of Terrors / 1963 / 83 min / NWI / ***
012. *Curse of the Swamp Creature / 1966 / 83 min / NWI / **
013. *Fearless Vampire Killers / 1967 / 108 min / Amazon Video / **
014. Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy / 1955 / 79 min / DVD / ****
015. *My Soul to Take / 2010 / 108 min / Cinemax / ***
016. *Cannibal Holocaust / 1980 / 96 min / Netflix DVD / *
017. Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein / 1948 / 82 min / DVD

October 3 -- Time: 10H 08M

018. *The Dentist / 1996 / 92 min / NWI / **
019. Hellbound: Hellraiser II / 1988 / 93 min / NWI / ***
020. *100 Tears / 2007 / 91 min / NWI / *
021. *Scar / 2007 / 83 min / NWI / *
022. *The Brain That Wouldn't Die / 1962 / 82 min / DVD / ***
023. *Bloodlust / 1959 / 89 min / DVD / **
024. *The Amazing Mr. X / 1948 / 78 min / DVD

October 4 -- Time: 10H 49M

025. *Tucker & Dale vs Evil / 2010 / 88 min /NWI / ****
026. *Waxwork / 1988 / 97 min /NWI / ***
027. *Hillside Cannibals / 2006 / 83 min /NWI / *
028. *The Cabin in the Woods / 2012 / 95 min / BD / ***
029. *Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde / 1920/ 67 min / DVD / ***

October 5 -- Time: 9H 20M

030. *Count Yorga, Vampire / 1970 / 92 min / NWI / ***
031. Nightmares in Red White and Blue / 2009 / 96 min / NWI / ***
032. Trog / 1970 / 91 min / Netflix DVD
033. Night of the Living Dead / 1968 / 96 min / / **
034. *Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield / 2007 / 90 min / CHLL / ***
035. *Frozen / 1998 / 95 min / Encore HD / ***

October 6 -- Time: 12H 30M

036. Return of the Living Dead / 1985 / 91 min / Netflix DVD / ***
037. *Quando Alice ruppe lo spercchio (Touch of Death) / 1988 / 81 min / YouTube / **
038. *Hotel Transylvania / 2012 / 95 min / Theater / ****
039. *Hex: Season 1: Life Goes On / Deeper Into the Darkness / 89 min / DVD / ***
040. Horror of Dracula / 1958 / 82 min / DVD / ***
041. The Curse of Frankenstein / 1969 / 98 min / DVD / ***
042. The Birds / 1963 / 119 min / DVD / ***
043. *Bundy: A Legacy of Evil / 2008 / 95 min / CHLL / *

October 7 -- Time: 11H 13M

044. Deep Star Six / 1988 / 103 min / DVD / ***
045. *The Curse of the Werewolf / 1961 / 91 min / DVD / ***
046. The Reaping / 2007 / 99 min / BD / ***
047. Signs / 2008 / 107 min / BD / ****
048. Creature From the Black Lagoon / 1954 / 79 min / DVD / ***
049. Psycho / 1960 / 109 min / Encore / ***
050. Lake Placid / 1999 / 85 min / Cinemax / ***

October 8 -- Time: 12H 18M

051. *I Spit on Your Grave / 1978 / 101 min / NWI / ***
052. Ghosts of Mars / 2001 / 98 min / NWI / **
053. The Thing / 1982/ 108 min / NWI / ***
054. Yongary, Monster from the Deep / 1967/ 79 min / NWI / ***
055. *Mother's Day / 2010 / 112 min / ShoHD / **
056. Jaws / 1975 / 125 min / Cinemax HD / ***
057. Jaws 2 / 1978 / 120 min / Cinemax HD / ***

October 9 -- Time: 10H 37M

058. *Deadgirl / 2008 / 101 min / NWI / *
059. *Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies / 2012 / 96 min / NWI / ***
060. *1313: Actor Slash Model / 2011 / 76 min / NWI / *
061. Ju-on 2 / 2003 / 91 min / NWI / ***
062. Child's Play 2 / 1990 / 84 min / Cinemax / **
063. The Abominable Dr. Phibes / 1971 / 94 min / Netflix DVD / ***
064. *The Class of 1999 / 1990 / 99 min / Netflix DVD / ***

October 10 -- Time: 9H 17M

065. *The Loreley's Grasp / 1974 / 84 min / YouTube / ***
066. The Werewolf of London / 1935 / 75 min / NWI / ***
067. *Jaws of Satan / 1981 / 92 min / NWI / **
068. The Mummy's Curse / 1944 / 62 min / DVD / ***
069. Creature From the Haunted Sea / 1961 / 75 min / DVD / **
070. *Grimm: S2: The Good Shepherd / Over My Dead Body / 2012 / 84 min / NBC / ***
071. *Frankenhooker / 1990 / 85 min / Netflix DVD . *

October 11 -- Time: 8H 51M

072. Nosferatu / 1922 / 80 min / NWI / ***
073. *The Cabinet of Dr. Caligary / 1919 / 71 min / NWI / **
074. *MST3K: Soultaker / 1999 / 92 min / NWI / ***
075. Godzilla's Revenge / 1969 / 69 min / NWI / ****
076. *Dead of Night / 1945 / 62 min / TCM / ***
077. *Cat People / 1942 / 73 min / DVD / ***
078. *Supernatural: S8: We Need to Talk About Kevin / What's Up, Tiger Mommy? / 2012 / 84 min / CW HD / ***

October 12 -- Time: 10H 48M

079. *Funny Games / 1998 / 104 min / NWI / **
080. *Antichrist / 2009 / 109 min / NWI / **
081. *Forget Me Not / 2009 / 95 min / NWI / **
082. *Hardware / 1990 / 94 min / NWI / **
083. *[REC] 2 / 2009 / 84 min / Netflix DVD / ***
084. *Entrails of a Virgin / 1986 / 72 min / Netflix DVD / *
085. *Brides of Dracula / 1960 / 85 min / DVD / ***
086. The Uninvited / 1944 / 99 min / TCM / ***

October 13 -- Time: 11H 19M

087. *Phantom of the Opera / 1962 / 84 min / DVD / ***
088. *Paranoiac / 1963 / 80 min / DVD / ***
089. White Zombie / 1932 / 69 min / DVD / ***
090. Scream / 1996 / 111 min / TCM / ***
091. *Deep Red / 1975 / 126 min / Netflix DVD /
092. King Kong / 1933 / 104 min / BD / ***
093. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / 1931 / 105 min / TCMHD / ***

October 14 -- Time: 8H 53M

094. *The Haunted Palace / 1963 / 90 min / TCM / ***
095. Lake Placid 2 / 2007 / 85 min / SYFY / ***
096. Frankenstein / 1931 / 71 min / DVD / ***
097. *Buried / 2010 / 94 min / NWI / ***
098. The Descent / 2005 / 99 min / IFC / ***
099. *The Rig / 2010 / 94 min / TMC VOD / ***

October 15 -- Time: 7H 35M

100. Son of Frankenstein / 1939 / 99 min / NWI / ***
101. The Ghoul / 1933 / 77 min / NWI / ***
102. *The Evil of Frankenstein / 1964 / 87 min / DVD / ***
103. The Monster That Challenged the World / 1957 / 85 min / DVD / ***
104. *The Last Winter / 2006 / 107 min / TCM / ***

October 16 -- Time: 9H 44M

105. *Chillerama / 2011 / 119 min / NWI / ****
106. *Nazi's at the Center of the Earth / 2012 / 90 min / NWI / ***
107. *Shark Attack in the Mediterranean (aka Shark Attack in Mallorca) / 2004 / 92 min / NWI / ***
108. *Stake Land / 2010 / 98 min / Netflix DVD / ***
109. *Murder Party / 2007 / 80 min / Netflix DVD / **
110. Raising Cain / 1992 / 105 min / ENC VOD / ***

October 17 -- Time: 11H 05M

111. *Noroi: The Curse / 2005 / 115 min / YouTube / *
112. *Troll / 1986 / 82 min / NWI / ****
113. *Apartment 143 / 2012 / 81 min / NWI / *
114. *Fido / 2006 / 91 min / NWI / ***
115. *Driller Killer / 1979 / 96 min / Netflix DVD / *
116. *Urban Legend / 1998 / 100 min / DVD / ***
117. *Urban Legends Final Cut / 1998 / 100 min / DVD / ***

October 18 -- Time: 9H 22M

118. *Saint Nick / 2010 / 85 min / NWI / ***
119. Dod Sno (Dead Snow) / 2009 / 88 min / NWI / ***
120. *Memory / 2007 / 98 min / NWI / ***
121. *Sleepless / 2001 / 117 min / Netflix DVD / ***
122. *The Vampire Diaries: S4: Growing Pains / Memorial / 2012 / 84 min / CW HD / ***
123. *The Curse of El Charro / 2005 / 90 min / SHOBY / *

October 19 -- Time: 7H 37M

124. *Hercules in the Haunted World / 1961/ 81 min / NWI / ***
125. *Red Riding Hood / 2003 / 92 min / NWI / ***
126. *The Traveller / 2010 / 91 min / NWI / ***
127. *Trauma / 1993 / 106 min / Netflix DVD / *
128. The Good Son / 1993 / 87 min / NWI / ***

October 20 -- Time: 9H 26M

129. *Grimm: S2: The Bottle Imp / The Other Side / 2012 / 84 min / NBC / ***
130. Dracula / 1931 / 75 min / DVD / ***
131. *Lovely Molly / 2011 / 100 min / NWI / ***
132. Dracula's Daughter / 1936 / 71 min / DVD / ***
133. House of Dracula / 1945 / 77 min / DVD / ***
134. *Phantom Ship / 1935 / 61 min / YouTube / ***
135. Carrie / 1976 / 98 min / HBO VOD / ***

October 21 -- Time: 8H 00M

136. Deep Blue Sea / 1999 / 105 min / BD / ***
137. 28 Days Later / 2002 / 113 min / DVD / ***
138. 28 Weeks Later / 2007 / 100 min / DVD / ***
139. *Feast / 2005 / 85 min / Netflix DVD / ***
140. The Nightmare Before Christmas / 1993 / 77 min / BD / ***

October 22 -- Time: 7H 46M

141. The Last Man on Earth / 1964 / 87 min / NWI / ***
142. The Legend of Hell House / 1973 / 93 min / NWI / ***
143. *11/11/11 / 2011 / 87 min / NWI / **
144. *Hex: S1: Possession / The Release / 2004 / 94 min / DVD / ***
145. The Order / 2003 / 105 min / MAXHD / ***

October 23 -- Time: 9H 12M

146. A Tale of Two Sisters / 2004 / 109 min / NWI / ***
147. *Sector 7 / 2011 / 101 min / NWI / ***
148. *Slaught Night (Slachtnicht) / 2006 / 89 min / NWI / ***
149. *Red: Werewolf Hunter / 2010 / 88 min / Netflix DVD / ***
150. *Scream of the Banshee / 2011 / 90 min / Netflix / **
151. *Isle of the Dead / 1945 / 75 min / TCMHD / ***

October 24 -- Time: 5H 34M

152. *I Sell the Dead / 2008 / 85 min / NWI / ****
153. Frankenstein: Part 1 / 2004 / 88 min / NWI / ***
154. Frankenstein: Part 2 / 2004 / 88 min / NWI / ***
155. The Mummy / 1932 / 73 min / DVD / ***

October 25 -- Time: 8H 02M

156. Lake Mungo / 2008 / 87 min / NWI / ***
157. *Don't Go in the Woods / 2010 / 83 min / NWI / **
158. *Don't Be Afraid of the Dark / 2011 / 99 min / NWI / ***
159. *The Other / 1972 / 108 min / Netflix DVD / ***
160. *Frankenstein Created Woman / 1967 / 105 min / TCMHD / ***

October 26 -- Time: 12H 37M

161. *A Haunting in Salem / 2011 / 85 min / NWI / ***
162. *The New Daughter / 2011 / 107 min / NWI / ***
163. *Fascination / 1979 / 81 min / NWI / *
164. *Rubber / 2011 / 85 min / NWI / *
165. *The Innkeepers / 2011 / 105 min / TCMHD / ***
166. *The Woman in Black / 2012 / 95 min / BD / ***
167. *The Innocents / 1961 / 105 min / TCMHD / ***
168. *Hex: S1: The Cursed / Death Takes the Mother / 2004 / 94 min / DVD / ***

October 27 -- Time: 11H 07M

169. *Hex: S1: Spiral / Ella Burns / 2004 / 94 min / DVD / ***
170. *The Invisible Ghost / 1941 / 66 min / DVD / ***
171. The Monster Walks / 1932 / 60 min / DVD / ***
172. The Corpse Vanishes/ 1942 / 60 min / DVD / ***
173. Maniac / 1934 / 51 min / DVD / ***
174. King of the Zombies / 1941 / 67 min / DVD / ***
175. The Monster Maker / 1944 / 64 min / DVD / ***
176. The Wolfman / 2010 / 119 min / BD / ***
177. *Critters / 1986 / 86 min / DVD / ***

October 28 -- Time: 13H 25M

178. *Critters 2: The Main Course / 1988 / 88 min / DVD / ***
179. *Critters 3: You Are What They Eat / 1991 / 85 min / DVD / ***
180. *Critters 4 / 1991 / 85 min / DVD / ***
181. *Urban Legends: Bloody Mary / 2005 / 93 min / DVD / ***
182. *The Car / 1977 / 97 min / NWI / ***
183. *The Abominable Snowman / 1957 / 91 min / Netflix DVD / ***
184. *Nosferatu the Vampyre / 1979 / 107 min / Netflix DVD / **
185. *The Curse of the Cat People / 1944 / 70 min / DVD / ***
186. *Revenge of Frankenstein / 1958 / 89 min / TCM HD / ***

October 29 -- Time: 10H 15M

187. *Night of the Werewolf / 1980 / 93 min / YouTube / *
188. *Werewolf: The Beast Among Us / 2012 / 93 min / NWI / ***
189. *The Beast Within / 1982 / 98 min / NWI / ***
190. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans / 2009 / 92 min / BD / ***
191. Underworld / 2003 / 133 min / DVD / ***
192. Underworld: Evolution / 2006 / 106 min / DVD / ***

October 30 -- Time: 13H 13M

193. *The Pyx / 1973 / 108 min / / **
194. Poltergeist II / 1986 / 90 min / NWI / ***
195. Stigmata / 1999 / 102 min / NWI / ***
196. *The Dunwich Horror / 1970 / 87 min / NWI / ***
197. *The Rite / 2011 / 113 min / MAX HD / **
198. *Blood of Dracula / 1957 / 108 min / IFC / **
199. *The Devil's Bride / 1968 / 105 min / TCM HD / **
200. *Mark of the Vampire / 1935 / 80 min / TCM HD / ***

October 31 -- Time: 15H 18M

201. Halloween / 1978 / 103 min / DVD / ***
202. Trick 'R Treat / 2009 / 82 min / DVD / ***
203. The Vampire Bat / 1933 / 71 min / DVD / ***
204. *The Killer Shrews / 1959 / 69 min / DVD / ***
205. The Fog / 1979 / 90 min / DVD / ***
206. The Changeling / 1980 / 115 min / DVD / ***
207. *Mad Monster Party / 1967 / 95 min / DVD / ****
208. *The Phantom From 10,000 Leagues / 1990 / 104 min / Netflix DVD / ***
209. *The Vampire Diaries: S4: The Rager / 2012 / 42 min / CW HD / *** // *Mockingbird Lane / 2012 / 42 min / NBC HD / ***

Completed: 10/28/12


Theme Nights:
Completed: 10/30


31 Film Subset:
Completed: 10/31/12


Temporary List:

Last edited by shellebelle; 11-05-12 at 07:31 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (37)09-15-12, 05:01 PM


Senior Member

Join Date: Jun 2005

Posts: 742

Received 67 Likeson49 Posts

Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

2005 = 85
2006 = 134
2007 = 128
2008 = 98
2009 = 67
2010 = 130
2011 = 115

* = First-time Views
Theme Night Selections

September 30:
1. Kuroneko (1968)*
2. Haxan (1922)*
October 1:
3. Thinner (1996)*
4. White Noise 2 (2007)*
5. Candyman (1992)
6. Apartment 143 (2011)*
October 2:
7. Blood and Roses (1960)*
8. Kill Baby Kill (1966)*
9. Dead End (2004)*
October 3:
10. Re-Animator (1985)
11. Bride of Re-Animator (1989)*
12. Lovely Molly (2011)*
October 4:
13. Scream (1996)
14. Scream 2 (1997)
15. The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
October 5:
16. Scream 3 (2000)
17. Scream 4 (2011)
18. Count Yorga, Vampire (1970)*
19. The Return of Count Yorga (1971)*
October 6:
20. Scanners (1981)
21. Scanners II (1991)*
October 7:
22. Return of the Living Dead (1985)
23. Return of the Living Dead Part 2 (1988)
24. Dexter S7E1 "Are You...?"/Dexter S7E2 "Sunshine and Frosty Swirl"*
25. Simpsons S24E2 "Treehouse of Horror XXIII"* wildcard
October 8:
26. Scanners III (1992)*
27. Scanner Cop (1994)*
28. Scanner Cop 2 (1995)*
October 9:
29. Deadgirl (2008)
30. 2012: Zombie Apocalypse (2011)*
October 10:
31. It! The Terror From Beyond Space (1958)*
32. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010)*
33. The Walking Dead: S1E01 "Days Gone Bye"/S1E02 "Guts"
October 11:
34. The Orphanage (2007)*
35. Trouble Every Day (2002)*
36. The Walking Dead: S1E03 "Tell It To the Frogs"/S1E04 "Vatos"
October 12:
37. Chopping Mall (1986)*
38. The Walking Dead: S1E05 "Wildfire"/S1E06 "TS-19"
39. The Walking Dead: S2E01 "What Lies Ahead"/S2E02 "Bloodletting"
October 13:
40. Class of 1999 (1980)*
41. The Walking Dead: S2E03 "Save the Last One"/S2E04 "Cherokee Rose"
42. The Walking Dead: S2E05 "Chupacabra"/S2E06 "Secrets"
43. The Walking Dead: S2E07 "Pretty Much Dead Already"/S2E08 "Nebraska"
October 14:
44. The Devil's Tomb (2009)*
45. The Walking Dead: S2E09 "Triggerfinger"/S2E10 "18 Miles Out"
46. The Walking Dead: S2E11 "Judge, Jury, Executioner"/S2E12 "Better Angels"
47. The Walking Dead: S2E13 "Beside the Dying Fire"/S3E01 "Seed"
October 15:
48. Frankenstein: A Cinematic Scrapbook (1991)*
49. Frankenstein (1931)
50. Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
October 16:
51. Chillerama (2011)*
52. The Devil's Rock (2011)*
53. Blood Creek (2009)*
October 17:
54. Rosemary's Baby (1973)
October 18:
55. Saint Nick (2010)*
56. Witchfinder General (1968)*
57. La Bete (1975)*
October 19:
58. Giallo (2009)*
59. The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976)*
October 20:
60. MST3K: The Corpse Vanishes (1942)
61. Son of Frankenstein (1939)
62. One Body Too Many (1942)*
October 21:
63. Pontypool (2008)
64. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
65. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
October 22:
66. Last Man on Earth (1964)
67. Mimic (1997)*
October 23:
68. Oldboy (2003)
69. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2005)*
70. Lady Vengeance (2006)*
October 24:
71. I Bury the Living (1958)
72. I Sell the Dead (2008)*
73. Wake Wood (2011)*
74. The Perfect Host (2010)*
October 25:
75. Don't Go in the Woods (2010)*
76. Jigoku (1960)*
77. The Evil Dead (1981)
78. Evil Dead II (1987)
October 26:
79. The Innkeepers (2011)*
80. Red White and Blue (2010)*
81. The Birds (1963)
82. The Girl (2012)*
October 27:
83. Hellraiser (1987)
84. Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)*
85. Fascination (1979)*
86. The Thing (1982)
87. The Thing (2011)*
October 28:
88. The Hitch-hiker (1953)*
89. The Walking Dead: S3E03 "Sick"/S3E04 "Walk With Me"*
90. Dexter: S7E04 "Run"/S7E05 "Swim Deep"*
October 29:
91. Equinox (1970)*
92. The Wolf Man (1941)
93. Werewolf of London (1935)
94. She-Wolf of London (1946)
October 30:
95. The Exorcist (1972)
96. The Pyx (1973)*
97. South Park: "A Nightmare on Face Time"/Parks and Recreation: "Halloween Surprise"/Venture Brothers: "A Very Venture Halloween"/Modern Family: "Open House of Horrors"*
October 31:
98. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966) wildcard
99. The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (1933)*
100. Voodoo Man (1944)*

Watched: 100
First-time Views: 58%
Theme nights: 100%

Last edited by Shack; 11-02-12 at 03:06 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (39)09-15-12, 05:09 PM


DVD Talk Ultimate Edition

Join Date: Dec 2007

Location: Houston, TX

Posts: 4,054

Received 213 Likeson140 Posts

Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

2012 Goal: 100+ films; average run time 90+ minutes
Total 2012 Viewing Time: 208 hours, 59 minutes (136 items, as of 10/31/12 end) | Average Movie Length: 92.2 minutes

1ST = first time viewing [66%, 89 first time viewings]\ THEME = fits theme day \ SUBSET = a 31 film subset selection [completed all]

September 30 From Dusk [3 hours, 38 minutes; Criterion Crossover theme day]
1. Kuroneko (1968, 99 minutes) 4/10 - Kuroneko was a lot sillier than I expected but atmospheric and although enjoyable was inconsistent including some slapstick cheesiness mixed with musings about samurai philosophy, chivalry, and family. Supernatural elements were set-up then dropped and things over explained at times.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Online streaming, Hulu Plus]
2. The Birds (1963, 119 minutes) 6/10 - gets off to a slow start, but the silent menacing birds are eerie around mid-point paying off with good tension and great imagery but ultimately disappointing due to pacing and unsatisfying close. 1ST [DVD, personal collection]

October 1 [6 hours, 6 minutes, Urban Horror theme day]
3. Vamp (1986, 93 minutes) 6/10 - cheap fun, pretty tame for a strip club vampire movie but some cool bloodsuckers and a modern buddy comedy spin. 1ST, THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]
4. House of a 1000 Corpses (2003, 89 minutes) 5.5/10 - at times inventive but other times too strained to be shocking but comes across as awkward. It gets intense, good but not great, eliciting mixed reactions from grunting at unoriginal developments and over the top style flops or being pulled in by intense horrifying imagery strongest in the intro and final segments.[Blu-ray, personal collection]
5. Murder Party (2007, 80 minutes) 8/10 - smart, funny, and chaotic fitting an albeit under-appreciated modern horror classic. Murder Party was a great intro to the challenge with good energy, clever set-up, and tons of gore. It's amazing such a good movie was made without financing. THEME, SUBSET [DVD, personal collection]
6. The Manitou (1978, 104 minutes) 7/10 - simultaneously horrible and amazing in part because of how unashamed it approaches the evil native american tumor source material. Tony Curtis is great in The Manitou and it ends up being the most abstract absurd film yet this challenge. 1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]

October 2 [11 hours, 21 minutes; 1960s horror theme day]
7. Gutterballs (2008, 96 minutes) 6/10 - a mean spirited low brow horror slasher comedy that is hard to recommend but I enjoyed its explicit over the top tongue in cheek humor. [DVD, personal collection]
8. Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964, 87 minutes) 7/10 - more transparent and therefore ironic than I expected with some overblown southern stereotypes. The broadcasted plot adds a mildly humorous aspect to the film I enjoyed. The muted colors and worn look give a nice presentation. 1ST, THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
9. Blood Feast (1963, 67 minutes) 5.5/10 - By reputation I imagined this was a pointless gorefest but despite some overacting it's played more seriously than I'd have expected with police procedural elements. The off color bright gore is dated so more time-capsule interesting than gross. It is mildly annoying that pivotal plot points are just resolve at times.1ST, THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
10. Mill of the Stone Women [Uncut European Version] (1960, 96 minutes) 8/10 - Subtle suspenseful build up with good set design and direction that is artfully crafted and chilling. There is a nice dramatic depth and a strong psychological element making it easy to highly recommend.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
11. The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu (2009, 79 minutes) 4.5/10 - excellent premise but overly silly awkward humor and some aspects that seem cloned from better projects; too much teen comedy, too little lovecraftian horror. There's as much reference to fish rape as Lovecraft and horror elements feel downplayed at times but it's a clever and ambitious plot when not cheapened.1ST [DVD, personal collection]
12. Brainiac [aka Baron of Terror] (1962, 77 minutes) 3.5/10 - cheesy monster movie that has an interesting set-up then flounders with slow pacing despite it's short run time. Potentially cool monster is under utilized, perhaps to it's benefit due to obviously fake effects, and there are glaring plot holes.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
13. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948, 83 minutes) 8.5/10 - The mix of straight horror elements and slapstick comedy work well together and feel like 2 films staggering back and forth in a way respectful to the horror monster theme while still being Abbott and Costello centered. Nicely done. The blu-ray looks good.1ST, [Blu-ray, personal collection]
14. Night of the Living Dead (1968, 96 minutes) 7/10 - NOLD is a classic with great social commentary and "trapped in a house" plot lifted for many other films. It was good seeing it was a high definition video/audio bump but this viewing I was feeling distracted. THEME [Blu-ray (UK Network import), personal collection]

October 3 [11 hours, 28 minutes; Medical Horror theme day]
15. Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009, 92 minutes) 3.5/10 - a memorable villain propels an interesting set-up with minimal characters and environment let down in part by obvious plot expectations. Much of this seems like an attempt to gross out audiences which makes me interested because although I prefer straight creepy atmospheric horror I can appreciate envelope pushing. HC does well for the first half given limited plot but too much a one trick pony.1ST, THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection ($5 at Best Buy)]
16. The Dentist (1996, 92 minutes) 4/10 - My wife use to love The Dentist but it's always struck me as a too cutesy a spin on discomfort with dental work to be an effective horror movie. Corbin Bernsen is great in the dentist role but the premise seems too simple/limited and the backstory feels awkward. THEME, SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]
17. Faceless (1987, 98 minutes) 4/10 - packed with european genre favorites and nods to earlier Franco films Faceless feels sterile and aside from the 1980s glam contrasted with some gore there's not a lot going for it. Although it fits the 80s climate (me, me, me generation) an emphasis on villains weakens the film because there are no sympathetic characters, however brilliant Brigitte Lahaie is in the henchman role.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
18. Stake Land (2010, 98 minutes) 7/10 - I enjoyed the somber tone to this movie but the vampires often behaved illogically, cool muted color scheme and sorrowful vibe. The mentor character seemed unrealistically suave but the punctuating moments of vampire chaos were fun.1ST, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
19. Hostel [Director's Cut] (2005, 94 minutes) 7/10 - Much better than I remember it being with enjoyable focus on characters that disband to tell a progressively more chilling story from each perspective. , [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
20. Cabin In the Woods (2011, 95 minutes) 9/10 - Excellent film that executes an ambitious plot in a funny and intense way. Good use of homages. I don't want to say too much but I heard good things and still this rocked my expectations. 1ST ,SUBSET [Blu-Ray, rental (Redbox)]
21. Chillerama (2011, 119 minutes) 4/10 - a really cool idea that I want to like more than I do but the execution is overly silly and jokes often not funny. The grindhouse anthology idea is brilliant and some concepts great but too much of it's 2 hour run time is mediocre. I understand it's intentionally silly to be campy lampooning cheap b-movies but maybe too much of it is going over my head. ,SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 4 [6 hours, 18 minutes; Meta-Horror theme day]
22. Waxword (1988, 95 minutes) 7.5/10 - Spirited everything but the kitchen sink approach is a lot of fun if sometimes scattered. David Warner is top notch.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
23. The Theatre Bizzare (2011, 114 minutes) 8.5/10 - Anthology movie with some intense segments along with surreal absurd imagery with sizzling and brutal stories. Well executed and complicated.1ST, THEME [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
24. Igor (2008, 87 minutes) 3.5/10 - A CGI animated film that plays with Frankenstein conventions to be comical that I want to like more than I do, at times cutesy but I've never been able to get into it. The best part of Igor is being able to watch it with the family but even then there's other better horror themed cartoons., THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]
25. The Monster Squad [Commentary with Dekker/Gower/Bank/Lambert] (1987, 82 minutes) 7.5/10 (movie), 3/10 (commentary) - A classic movie but the commentary was kind of blah. I was expecting a really cool "we were in Monster Squad!" upbeat energy but although conversational the commentary is pretty limited to on-screen observations aside from some occassional background from Dekker., THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 5 [5 hours, 43 minutes; Exploitation/Horror theme day]
26. Pieces (1982, 85 minutes) 6.5/10 - Pieces doesn't mess around, it's cheap and gets right to the point, almost artistic in it's trashiness with a weak plot to bookend the dismemberment and leering camera scans of (mostly clothed) women. A perfect "so bad it's good" giallo styled sleaze-fest complete with silly red herrings where the best parts are not the extremes it shows but the loosely connected "plot" between.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
27. Last House on the Beach (1978, 90 minutes) 3.5/10 - Mean spirited and violent wasting no time getting to the point but poor acting (or dubbing) and no build up hurt the premise which eventually fizzles. It feels phoned in and boring within the first 20 minutes never to recover with outdated "shocks" and little plot. Some elements, like nunsploitation, feel randomly thrown in. If you watch the first 10 minutes and the last 20 you've seen most of it.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
28. Blacula (1972, 93 minutes) 7.5/10 - Much better than the silly name suggests with a conflicted suave vampire running around modern day urban sprawl, there's some cool vampire effects and a Blacula is played a lot more seriously than the name suggests. 1ST,, THEME, SUBSET [Digital download, TorrentSearch]
29. Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988, 75 minutes) 6/10 - Fun spirited tomfoolery that was much better than I expected with a detective story theme and comical gratuitous chainsaw posturing. Sleazy but funny (sometimes the humor is awkward b-movie off and other times worth a laugh). 1ST,, THEME [Digital download, Pirate Bay]October 6 [6 hours, 2 minutes; Exploding Heads theme day]
30. Rubber (2010, 82 minutes) 7/10 - The definitive exploding head movie. Because it seems challenging, unclear, and random Rubber is an interesting movie that I interpret as being an absurd satire geared towards insulting viewers in a playful manner. Everyone should see Rubber at least once, even if they don't like it, for it's wild inventiveness. THEME, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
31. Touch of Death [aka Quando Alice Ruppe Lo Specchio] (1988, 86 minutes) 7/10 - Black comedy serial killer film with good irony and some outdated elements that work but perhaps not as intended.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Online streaming, YouTube]
32. The Phantom Carriage (1921, 106 minutes) 7.5/10 - Good imagery and a more intense plot than the synopsis lets on.1ST [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
33. One More For the Fire: The Legacy of 'Night of the Living Dead' (2008, 88 minutes) 7/10 - Spirited documentary about Night of the Living Dead complete with set revisits and stories about production and reception with some good information.1ST [DVD, personal collection]

October 7 [8 hours, 41 minutes; Scream Queens theme day]
34. Return of the Living Dead (1985, 91 minutes) 7/10 - a zombie black comedy classic. THEME, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
35. The Leopard Man (1943, 66 minutes) 6.5/10 - Atmospheric with a cool implied villain, at times slow but full of charm and mystery.1ST [DVD, personal collection]
36. The Ghost Ship (1943, 69 minutes) 5.5/10 - Nautical character driven horror that while interesting is one of the weaker Val Lewton entries for my taste feeling too pedestrian with less atmosphere.1ST [DVD, personal collection]
37. The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror XXIII [2012, S24E02] / Bob's Burger - Full Bars [2012, S3E02] / "HIT Favorites Halloween Spectacular" [2008] (96 minutes combined w/o commercials) [unrated]/10 - I really enjoyed Treehouse of Horror XXIII and it was fun watching it with my daughter. Bob's Burger - Full Bars was an ambitious follow-up that worked and got us into the season. Afterward my 4 year old daughter wanted to watch more Halloween cartoons so we found "HIT Favorites Halloween Spooktacular" on Netflix. This was Barney, Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder, etc halloween episodes that say what you will were fun on a childlike level and were a blast with the kid.1ST [Television, Fox]; [Online steaming, Netflix]
38. Prom Night (1980, 89 minutes) 5/10 - Maybe it's my old Echo Bridge DVD but much of Prom Night seems soft focused with close-ups on actors feeling misframed and empty as if few people are standing in an abandoned/lifeless background. The broken glass pattern that runs through the movie is creepy and overall it's not as bad as I had heard. Not great but an enjoyable "bad" slasher film.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
39. The Revenant (2009, 110 minutes) 7.5/10 - a gritty and ambitious dark buddy comedy horror film I am surprised has gone un-noticed with dark/brutal overtones mixed with occasional low brow humor that is overall rewarding and somber.1ST [DVD, RedBox rental]

October 8 [5 hours, 12 minutes; Remake/Sequel theme day]
40. Mother's Day (2010, 112 minutes) 7/10 - Rebecca De Mornay is sizzling playing against otherwise generic characters. The mom theme played semi-serious is comedic yet tense in the remake but at times the film feels too busy. The action keeps up throughout the near 2 hour play time with admirable pacing and there are great feminist undertones.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [DVD, Redbox rental]
41. Night of the Living Dead (1990, 92 minutes) 7/10 - the more emotional acting is a nice touch and I prefer gold club assault Barbara to the pacifist original. The remake is a lot of fun albeit un-necessary THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
41b. Joe Bob's Drive-In Theater 12/09/92 - Night of the Living Dead Reunion Film Introduction (1992, 12 minutes) [unrated]/10 - Reunion panel that acts as an extended introduction to the original NOLD with Savini commenting on imperfections in the original. [Online streaming, youtube]
42. Arcane Sorcerer [aka L'arcano incantatore] (1996, 96 minutes) 7.5/10 - whimsical and stylish magician film filled with wonder and subtle build-up. The dark arts versus science versus church political background is rich and lends itself well to the feeling of mystery and wonderment. I can see why this made Guillermo Del Toro's top 5 horror films list.1ST, [Digital download, Pirate Bay]

October 9 [4 hours, 25 minutes; Zombie theme day]
43. Big tit* Zombie (2010, 73 minutes) 6.5/10 - live action anime slapstick splatter fest with clever sight gags that was energetic and fun at times overly silly but with some cool kills oozing personality.1ST, THEME [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
44. Hotel Transylvania [2D] (2012, 91 minutes) 6.5/10 - at times uninspired (like a Mad Monster Party rip-off) but energetic with vibrant humor filling out a party movie with one liners and music but little substance beyond cutesy homages. A lot of fun for a family friendly horror film.1ST [Theater, Regal Cinema]
45. Deadgirl (2008, 101 minutes) 5/10 - depraved and intense but for the wrong reasons and barely a zombie movie. Parts of the plot are ambitious suggesting social commentary with a interesting play on the undead as a tangential catalysis for interpersonal conflict. Rewatching Deadgirl didn't illuminate any overlooked content but was slightly less shocking. THEME [Online steaming, Netflix]

October 10 [6 hours, 49 minutes; Rubber Suit Creatures theme day]
46. Loreley's Grasp [aka When the Screaming Stops] (1976, 85 minutes) 5.5/10 - 1970s style, girls boarding school, cool monster, footage showing the monster's perspective sneaking up on girls, cheesy gore sets... there's a lot Loreley's Grasph has going for it and I enjoy the sense of mystery surrounding the creature, although part of me wishes it had more screen time. 1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
47. Humanoids From the Deep (1980, 80 minutes) 7/10 - Although sleazy at times there is a great atmosphere and the last third of the film can not be beat. The humanoid creatures are effective creepy monsters. THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
48. Mantango (1963, 89 minutes) 7.5/10 - Creepy slow burn Asian film that is much better than I expected. The build-up is superb and plot memorable with sort of a horror Gilligan's Island.1ST, THEME [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
49. Grave Encounters (2011, 92 minutes) 6.5/10 - Given the hype I was ultimately disappointed. The actors run around yelling profanity rather than emoting. GE is unoriginal but at times creepy playing out like a Blair Witch Project remake without the mystery set inside an abandoned hospital adding elements from other better films sprinkled in as jump scares. Less subtle but amusingly staggers between creepy and unintentionally silly.1ST [Online streaming, Netflix]
50. Creature From the Haunted Sea (1961, 63 minutes) 2/10 - laborious pacing and uninspired "humor" sink a potentially clever plot.1ST [Online streaming, YouTube]

October 11 [6 hours, 23 minutes; Arthouse theme day]
51. Fascination (1979, 82 minutes) 7/10 - dreamlike with interesting black/white color scheme that seems thematic. Subtle film with good build-up and some iconic imagery hurt by a twist that seems elusive.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
51b. Fascination Deleted Scenes (1979, 16 minutes) [unrated]/10 - Extended sex scenes shot and preserved in the event Fascination needed to be sold as a softcore film.
51c. Eurotika! - Virgins And Vampires (1999, 25 minutes) [unrated]/10 - made for TV retrospective about Jean Rollin's career and output that covers some of the political background such as upheaval of horror market from legitimization of explicit p*rnography.
52a. Deathbed: The Bed That Eats - Introduction by George Barry (19xx, 6 minutes) [unrated]/10 - Interesting background about Deathbed of the writer/director discovering some following for his forgotten 70s film during the 1990s while surfing the web and eventual DVD release. [DVD, personal collection]
52. Deathbed: The Bed That Eats (1977, 77 minutes) 6/10 - surreal dreamlike film with a plot that seems to be a creative workaround to justify a bed digesting stuff in clouds of yellow fizz. Worth seeing.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
53. The Beyond (1981, 87 minutes) 7/10 - Great random movie with an effective soundtrack but watching it this time it felt slow in the middle. The blu-ray audio/picture quality is great. THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]
54. Count Yorga, Vampire (1970, 90 minutes) 5.5/10 - mediocre vampire movie with charismatic male actors and inconsequential female characters, not great but not bad... just plain.1ST, SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 12 [4 hours, 44 minutes; Killer Robot theme day]
55. Class of 1999 (1990, 99 minutes) 5.5/10 - reminds me of the Terminator movies, in a good way, and has a fun dated feel hurt by some anti-climatic moments. With a cast that includes Pam Grier and Malcom McDonald there are a lot of missing opportunities and the villains are under utilized.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [DVD, personal collection]
56. Chopping Mall [aka Killbots] (1986, 77 minutes) 6/10 - Cheesy killer robot film that is a lot of fun. Sort of like Dawn of the Dead without the social commentary but with killer robots. THEME [DVD, personal collection]
57. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, 108 minutes) 7/10 - excellent set designs with a whimsical spin on vampire mythos played comedically.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Digital download, Pirate Bay]

October 13 [8 hours, 44 minutes; Teen Screams theme day]
[Personal Airplane Terror Mini-Marathon: Items 58-60]
58. Altitude (2010, 90 minutes) 7/10 - Although it's hard to suspend disbelief due to some forced plot points Altitude reminds me of Frozen and moves from social tension to gonzo creature horror effectively with enough twists throwing in everything but the kitchen sink to entertain for the run time.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
59. Final Destination (2000, 98 minutes) 6/10 - I am impressed with the adversary being vague non-specific death and the creative kills. Too much of the first third is just set-up and revisiting FD1 I recall Sole Survivor as feeling more timeless. There's an unbelievably magical plot epiphany but overall enjoyable THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]
60. Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011, 86 minutes) 3/10 - A let down compared to the [Rec] origin with unoriginal contrived plot often relaying on narration (rather than cinematic) to reveal major plot points. Parts of it had potential but were under-developed.1ST [Online streaming, NetFlix]
61. The Gate (1987, 85 minutes) 7.5/10 - Nightmarish goblin film that comes across in a authentic way and is a blast. I wasn't sure how The Gate would hold up on repeat viewing but enjoyed it even more this time than the first. THEME [DVD, personal collection]
62. La Leyenda de la Llorona (2011, 75 minutes) 7/10 - Figured this one would be a good compromise with the kids, but was pleasantly surprised to find an atmospheric cartoon with a creepy ghost story along with tons of Halloweenish gags.1ST [Online streaming, Netflix]
63. All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006, 90 minutes) 4.5/10 - artistically filmed with better cinematography and competent acting/dialog but felt predictable and many of the kills seemed to happen just off screen/frame. The first half is better than average but it flounders in the end. Some of it feels like there is more implied so it might benefit from rewatch.1ST, THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]

October 14 [9 hours, 52 minutes; Subterranean theme day]
64. The Boogens (1981, 95 minutes) 7/10 - lived up to the hype. It's a bit slow to get started but the forbidden mine shaft theme combined with ethereal slasher vibe worked to give a good sense of mystery. Shots seem to leer over scene facilitating a somber suspenseful lull.1ST, THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
65. Buried (2010, 95 minutes) 7.5/10 - sizzling catastrophic thriller held back only by some forced plot aspects and over the top political themes but made with great style and an experimental approach that works overall. THEME, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
66. Marebito (2004, 92 minutes) 5/10 - pretension, nonsensical, and overacted film with a phantasmagorical feel that works up a surreal vibe despite some recycled plot and flaws. Not worth a recommendations but there are precusors to what might have been a great fantasy horror set-up.1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
67. C.H.U.D. [Cannibalistic Underground Humanoid Dwellers] (1984, 88 minutes) 5/10 - Despite some pacing problems the CHUD creatures are great and the urban underground theme is atmospheric. With a film like this if only they would have toned down the political commentary and social conflict to ratchet up the creatures earlier on it could have been a lot better. THEME [DVD, personal collection]
68. The Snowtown Murders (2012, 119 minutes) 7/10 - A violent true crime slow burn film with gritty art design and setting that work well. At times accents are to thick to understand. 1ST [Online streaming, Netflix]
69. Forget Me Not[aka Revenge of the College Ghost] (2009, 103 minutes) x/10 - Plain unenthusiastic ghost story that uses slasher conventions with limited success and reminds of better films without much merit. The ghost is horribly familiar and generic. The forgetful character gag has some potential that is under-utilized but for "teen horror" this is probably better than average, which isn't saying much.1ST, SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 15 [2 hours, 35 minutes; Frankenstein theme day]
70. Frankenhooker [Henenlotter/Bartalos Commentary] (1990, 85 minutes) 6/10 - Frankenhooker has hit of miss segments and is even more fun if you're familiar with the source material. The commentary is spirited pointing out cameos, MPAA cuts, use of real life hookers in parts, etc. THEME, SUBSET [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
71. Frankenstein (1931, 70 minutes) 8/10 - the blu-ray is a revelation with cavernous depth highlighting a classic film. THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 16 [3 hours, 26 minutes; Nazi theme day]
72. In a Glass Cage (1987, 110 minutes) 7/10 - well directed with piercing moments of silence composing a sizzling slow burn serial killer film. At times stretched but poetic, intense, and unique. 1ST, THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
73. The Keep (1983, 96 minutes) 6/10 - director Michael Mann disowned this movie because the studios re-edited it and changed the ending. The Tangerine Dream soundtrack is great, dated but weighty. The film has some great ambiance and set-up but perhaps reading about the editing problems makes me feel the film is mis-paced at times too slow then suddenly feeling jumped ahead. The plot is generally nonsensical and unimportant aiding to a nightmarish feel. Great creature. It feels like this could have been a much better movie.1ST , THEME [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 17 [4 hours, 27 minutes; Apartment theme day]
74. The Toolbox Murders (2004, 95 minutes) 3/10 - Butchers Toolbox Murders by adding oddball red herrings and although there is a better sense of paranoia early on many of the characters come off as too goofy/comedic and the last half struggles. THEME [DVD, personal collection]
75. The Toolbox Murders (1978, 93 minutes) 6.5/10 - Sleazy with over the top murder sets with an interesting killer and tense finale. THEME [Blu-Ray, personal collection]
76. Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954, 79 minutes) 8.5/10 - I don't think The Creature gets as much respect as Dracula/Frankenstein/Wolfman films but it's my favorite Universal Monster. [Blu-Ray, personal collection]

October 18 [4 hours, 59 minutes; Norway theme day]
77. Noroi: The Curse (2005, 115 minutes) 4.5/10 - Overly long with disjointed set-up that doesn't really feel like it gets going until about an hour in but picks up enough to be an enjoyable clone in the found footage sub-genre. Although creepy at times Noroi lacks subtlety and flaunts set design or themes to the point of becoming cartoonish parody.1ST, SUBSET [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
78. Saint Nick [aka Sint] (2010, 87 minutes) 4/10 - better than an evil Santa Claus movie should be thanks to subdued presentation but too slow build-up and lack of actual evil Saint Nick stall the movie.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]
79. Cold Prey [aka Fritt Vilt] (2006, 97 minutes) 7/10 - a good modern slasher film throwback. The killer is mysterious and film tense. The artic setting is atmospheric but it does take some time to get going. 1ST THEME [DVD, personal collection]

October 19 [6 hours, 40 minutes; Slasher/Giallo/Killer theme day]
80. Profondo Rosso [aka Deep Red, Italian Cut] (1975, 126 minutes) 8/10 - Crazy giallo with an insane ending, psychics, and a memorizing soundtrack. The Italian cut seemed slower in pace to me than I remember the US cut being. THEME, SUBSET [Blu-ray, personal collection]
81. Cold Prey 2[aka Fritt Vilt II] (2008, 90 minutes) 8/10 - reminiscent of Halloween 2 with the hospital setting and much better than Cold Prey 1. The pacing is more intense and slasher seems more diabolical. I like to continuous follow-up to the story in the original. 1ST THEME [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
82. Cold Prey 3[aka Fritt Vilt III] (2010, 98 minutes) 5/10 - Serviceable but overly familiar gritty style backwoods slasher prequel that explains too much without really explaining anything. It feel like it has more in common with Wrong Turn than the previous films despite some clever plot connection seeded from Cold Prey 2. 1ST THEME [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
83. Hatchet (2006, 84 minutes) 3/10 - Hatchet is a chore to watch and a film I want to like more than I do. The first two thirds feels like amateur comedy padding to a thirty minute horror movie. [DVD, personal collection]

October 20 [7 hours, 08 minutes; Bela Lugoise/Bram Stoker theme day]
84. Dracula (1931, 75 minutes) 5/10 - Bela Lugosi's Dracula stare is effective but I think I've seen too many Bram Stoker's Dracula adaptation it's burnt me out on them. Also, the mid section is slow lacking atmosphere.1ST, THEME, SUBSET [Blu-ray, personal collection]
85. Island of Lost Souls (1932, 70 minutes) 7.5/10 - a rich film full of biblical overtones and interesting themes. THEME, SUBSET [Blu-ray, personal collection]
85b. YourMovieSucksDotOrg Best Under-rated Horror Films (2012, 16 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - Entertaining commentary about under-rated horror movies including The Host, May, Poulterygeist, and others. I was hoping to stumble on some gems but nothing unheard of. , [Online streaming, YouTube]
86. White Zombie (1932, 69 minutes) 7.5/10 - the atmosphere is great with a compelling sense of mystery. THEME, SUBSET [Online streaming, YouTube]
87. The Asphyx (1973, 99 minutes) 7/10 - pleasantly surprised me with tense dark twists despite some plot holes and wonky sci-fi methods.1ST SUBSET [Blu-ray, personal collection]
88. The Burning (1973, 99 minutes) 6.5/10 - great villain with some colorful kills that lives up to it's hype despite some slow parts.1ST [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 21 [9 hours, 49 minutes; Apocalyptic theme day]
89. The Dead (2010, 105 minutes) 7/10 - meditative cinematography with slow moving zombies and political commentary worked to elicit a poetic/thoughtful horror vibe.1ST, THEME, [Blu-ray, personal collection]
90. Lake Mungo (2008, 87 minutes) 7.5/10 - haunting film that feels elusive and deep despite wooden acting and tactics that should feel stale but don't. It feels like I'll have to watch Lake Mungo again to understand it's depth better.1ST, SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]
91. Daybreakers (2009, 98 minutes) 7.5/10 - Intelligent films that turns playfully distorts movie conventions, much better than the Blade rip-off I was dreading.1ST, THEME [Blu-ray, personal collection]
92. The Demon [aka El Demonio] (1963, 94 minutes) 7/10 - Ambiguous and subtle film with scenic Italian backdrops and a very secular neutral twist to possession with obvious influence on Exorcist.1ST [Online streaming, YouTube]
93. Audition (1999, 115 minutes) 7.5/10 - Superb film with good pacing and mystery that shows director Miike's ability to switch styles from dramatic to tense but remains vague enough to invite viewers to fill in pieces with their imagination. I previously saw the R-rated VHS but think the unrated cut is more effective. [Blu-ray, personal collection]
94. Final Destination 2 (2003, 90 minutes) 6/10 - Much more interesting than the first with a greater mythology about death and more inventive kills. [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 22 [2 hours, 39 minutes; Richard Matheson theme day]
95. Trilogy of Terror (1975, 72 minutes) 6/10 - Lukewarm and dated anthology film saved by the last story.1ST, THEME, [Digital download, Pirate Bay]
96. The Last Man on Earth (1964, 87 minutes) 7/10 - Bleak and complex story that has some pacing issues but redeemed by the ending and compelling overall themes. THEME, SUBSET [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 23 [6 hours, 07 minutes; Asian horror theme day]
97. Bad Biology (2008, 84 minutes) 3.5/10 - Over the top movie that is interesting for it's graphic approach to explicit subjects and modern biological horror bend but fails to live up to potential, instead seeming juvenile, and at times too similar to Brain Damage. I think there should be more "sex horror" movies (like this or Teeth) because sexuality is so taboo it's interesting to see it combined with horror, although I would prefer they be handled more seriously.1ST , [Blu-ray, personal collection]
98. A Tale of Two Sisters (2003, 115 minutes) 7/10 - Loaded with twists although some of the set-up feels awkward. I love the elusive plot that seems to constantly morph with developments and seems to have enough depth to benefit from further viewings. THEME, SUBSET [Online steaming, Netflix]
99. Frankenweenie (2012, 87 minutes) 6/10 - Frankenweenie made my 4 year old cry because despite being lukewarm for most it's run time with some clever cutesy homages the ending is more gutsy and in your face than I expected. Enjoyable but you could do better if you're going for CGI family friendly horror. 1ST [Theater, Regal Cinema]
100. Excision (2012, 81 minutes) 6.5/10 - awkward teenage plot that plays out like a suburban satire with some fantasy gore imagery leading up to a pay off ending. Intelligent script but I can't decide if the psychosexual musings are just played for shocks of if there is more depth. 1ST [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 24 [2 hours, 56 minutes; Grave robbing horror theme day]
101. Monster House (2006, 91 minutes) 7/10 - I think I enjoy Monster House more each time I see it; it's started to become a Halloween-time tradition in my house so maybe the festivity of it adds a lot.. [Blu-ray, personal collection]
102. I Sell the Dead (2008, 85 minutes) 5/10 - I want to like I Sell the Dead more than I've been able to enjoy it. The acting feels wooden and it comes across too scattered with an over emphasis on characters who are not very complicated. It gets points for being ambitious. THEME, SUBSET. [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 25 [3 hours, 08 minutes; Camp Fire horror theme day]
103. The Forest (1982, 85 minutes) 2/10 - turns an interesting plot involving ghosts and killers into a painfully boring stretch.1ST, THEME. [Blu-ray, personal collection]
103b. The Addams Family - Jack and Jill and the Beanstalk / Festerman Returns / Hand Delivered [S2E3] (1993, 22 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - The Addams Family cartoon is a lot of fun with dated animating and strong characters.1ST, . [Television, Boomerang/Cartoon Network]
104. Hellraiser: Revelations (2011, 75 minutes) 5/10 - Better than I expected but the new Hellraiser seems off and although the gore starts earlier none of the characters are easy to connect with. 1ST, THEME. [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 26 [1 hours, 41 minutes; Ghost/Supernatural theme day]
105. The Innkeepers (2011, 101 minutes) 7/10 - Intense eerie ghost story that gave me the chills the first time and was effective on this viewing too.THEME, SUBSET. [Blu-ray, personal collection]

October 27 [7 hours, 09 minutes; Anything goes theme day]
106. Entrails of a Virgin (1986, 72 minutes) 7/10 - Highly entertaining sleazy softcore riff on Evil Dead that surprised me with it's absurd sexuality and menacing sex demon creature. It's not for everyone but I enjoyed it.1ST , . [DVD, personal collection]
107. Twins of Evil (1971, 87 minutes) 7/10 - Atmospheric but some devices seems too predictable/transparent, would have more more effective with more subtlety.1ST , . [Blu-ray, personal collection]
108. Tales of Terror (1962, 89 minutes) 5.5/10 - Poe's stories are great but have been weakened by becoming overly familiar so ToT is hard to judge, not great and I'd have never expected Vincent Price to weigh down a film but his presence central to each story meshed things together.. [DVD, personal collection]
109. Revenge of the Creature (1955, 82 minutes) 5/10 - Creature alternated from being more brutal and transparently rubber than the first installment. There are some good scenes but ripped off from King Kong and the film never feels cohesive.1ST . [DVD, personal collection]
110. Dreamscape (1984, 99 minutes) 7/10 - Nightmarish thriller with over the top set designs and environments that propel this good guy versus it all conspiracy film.1ST . [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 28 [7 hours, 42 minutes; Road Terror theme day]
111. The Brood (1979, 92 minutes) 6/10 - Clever premise that is well executed and intelligent. Although less enjoyable on subsequent viewing.. [DVD, personal collection]
112. Blood Car (2007, 76 minutes) 4.5/10 - Clever premise is totally ignored resulting in a lukewarm comedy about sexual obsession. 1ST THEME, . [DVD, personal collection]
113. Nightmare Castle (1965, 101 minutes) 4.5/10 - overly slow with set designs that were unconvincing but saved by a strong first third and last segment. The score was effective and sinister helping this film along.1ST . [DVD, personal collection]
114. Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (1989, 90 minutes [including 4 minute intro]) 4/10 - Simultaneously wooden and overly silly never fully committing to the chopper chicks or zombies. There are fleeting moments of good chopper chick angst and the nocturnal imagery is cool but overall too fleeting. Zombies seem like an after-thought1ST, THEME . [DVD, personal collection]
115. Dead of Night (1945, 103 minutes) 7/10 - eerie british anthology film with varied themes some more memorable than others and a unique wrap-around story. 1ST , SUBSET. [Digital download, Pirate Bay]

October 29 [11 hours, 01 minutes; Werewolf theme day]
116. Werewolf Shadow [aka La Noche de Walpurgis] (1970, 94 minutes) 4/10 - Overly slow at times with unconvincing plot devices and a premise that is under utilized.1ST, THEME . [DVD, personal collection]
117. Return of the Werewolf [aka El Retorno Del Hombre-Lobo] (1981, 92 minutes) 9/10 - atmospheric film with good pacing that doesn't lull and throws in all sorts of creatures... vampires, Bathory, werewolves... but works very well. I expected to suffer through a slow grainy YouTube mess but it sucked me in. 1ST, THEME . [Online streaming, YouTube]
118. An American Werewolf in London (1981, 97 minutes) 8/10 - Great special effects and setting carry American Werewolf in London while sometimes the plot it a bit forced but that doesn't make the ending any less effective.1ST, THEME . [Blu-ray, personal collection]
119. Exorcism [aka L'éventreur De Notre-Dame] (1975, 97 minutes) 7.5/10 - sleazy fun, Jess Franco's leering gaze and wooden acting make him an effectively creepy character.1ST . [DVD, personal collection]
120. The Man and The Monster[aka El Hombre y El Monstruo] (1959, 78 minutes) 7/10 - Strong performances carry an interesting werewolf spin that captures the anger and envy werewolves embody, better than I expected.1ST, THEME . [DVD, personal collection]
121. Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman (2000, 77 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - it's fun to see a modern update of Alvin and the Chipmunks but Abbot/Costello they are not so a lot about it felt dull. 1ST, THEME . [Online streaming, Netflix]
122. Mahakaal: The Monster (1993, 132 minutes) 4.5/10 - bollywood Nightmare on Elm Street rip-off, generic bollywood singing and frolicking mixed with blatant NOES theft resulting in less than ideal result. 1ST . [DVD, personal collection]

October 30 [12 hours, 08 minutes; Satanic/Demonic theme day]
123. Jennifer's Body (2009, 102 minutes) 4/10 - Takes too long to get interesting then relies on fun but weak pivotal plot device and inconsistency; why did no one warn me?1ST, THEME . [Blu-ray, personal collection]
124. The Pyx (1973, 108 minutes) 5/10 - Unique narrative structure and interwoven music make with strong performances make this otherwise slow film interesting. Some of the plot was initially confusing.1ST, THEME . [Online streaming,]
125. Paranormal Activity 4 (2012, 95 minutes) 5/10 - Serviceable but doesn't contribute much new to the mythos and Paranormal Activity's found footage angle is getting stale. I think a lot of people don't like the PA films is because there is a lot of build-up.1ST, THEME . [Theater, AMC]
126. Sinister (2012, 110 minutes) 6/10 - Tense and scary but also unoriginal, it is a fun addition to the horror genre especially considering recent trends but generally forgettable.1ST, THEME . [Theater, AMC]
126b. The Simpsons - Treehouse of Horror I [S02E03] (1990, 23 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - Vintage Simpsons were better, even this original Treehouse of Horror which sticks more closely to parody of seasonal conventions (before Harry Potter)., . [Digital download, iTunes (free code from Starbucks)]
127. House By the Cemetery (1981, 87 minutes) 5/10 - somehow simultaneously slow and gory for most of it's run, but the ending is memorable. [Blu-ray, personal collection]
128. Curse of the Demon (1957, 95 minutes) 7/10 - not very subtle but fun and seems unlike anything else from the 1950s. Great demon effects. 1ST, THEME [DVD, personal collection]
129. Funny Games (1997, 108 minutes) 4/10 - an interesting experiment to avoid glorifying violence and play with genre conventions but although the structure is interesting the film did not strike me. 1ST [Online streaming, Netflix]

October 31 [9 hours, 31 minutes; Involves Halloween theme day]
130. Night of the Demon (1988, 90 minutes) 7/10 - a fun Halloween party movie with corny one liners however dated it's getting. NotD takes it's time but once it gets going it can't be beat. THEME . [DVD, personal collection]
131. Night of the Demon 2 (1994, 95 minutes) 7.5/10 - superior to the original with quicker pacing and a larger scale although the campy elements might not be for everyone. 1ST THEME . [DVD, personal collection]
132. The Curse of Frankenstein (1957, 84 minutes) 7/10 - more complicated spin on Frankenstein with richer themes and more focus on humanity involved that pays off.. [Digital Download, Pirate Bay]
132b. Frankenstein (1910, 13 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - .. [Online streaming, YouTube]
133. Adding Up Misc Viewings - previously included on list as items 41b (12 minutes), 51b (16 minutes), 51c (25 minutes), 52a (6 minutes), 85b (16 minutes), 103b (23 minutes), and 126b (23 minutes); total of 121 minutes.

134. Halloween (6): The Curse of Michael Myers (1995, 88 minutes) 7/10 - Maybe it's nostalgia because this is the first Halloween I saw in theaters but I never understood the dislike for this installment, I think the mythos needed some background and although the Boogeyman comparison is silly the pacing is good. Myers isn't as central in this one but he shows up effectively and seems eerie/menacing.. [DVD, personal collection]
135. Dreamworks Spooky Stories Volume 1.1 + 2 [Scared Shrekless (1.1), Night of the Living Carrots, B.O.B.'s Big Break, The Button of Doom, The Pig Who Cried Wolf (2011, 113 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - Fun and polished CGI cartoons although much of volume 2 seems to consist of general cartoons not seasonal or spooky. The Monsters Vs Aliens Night of the Living Carrots and Scared Shrekless are great.. [Online streaming, Netflix]
136. The Blair With Project (1999, 82 minutes) 7.5/10 - Eerie and effective supernatural found footage that puts more recent attempts to shame. The focus on forest background and subtle eerie developments keep this flowing but it remains vague enough for creepy mystery.. [Blu-ray, personal collection]
136b. The Blair With Project Alternate Endings (1999, 6 minutes) [Unrated]/10 - Not different enough to add much impact but curiosities.. [Blu-ray, personal collection]

Favorites: Cabin In The Woods, Theatre Bizzare, Mill of the Stone Women, Mother's Day, Cold Prey 2, The Asphhyx, Night of the Werewolf, Entrails of a Virgin
Disappointments: Kuroneko, Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu, Last House on the Beach, C.H.U.D., Forget Me Not, Bad Biology

Formats Viewed - 38 DVDs | 49 Blu-Rays | 17 NetFlix Instant | 9 Online Streaming | 13 Downloads | 4 Theatrical

Decades - 25 from 2010s | 27 from 2000s | 9 from 1990s | 21 from 1980s | 13 from 1970s | 12 from 1960s | 3 from 1950s | 3 from 1940s | 1 from 1930s | 1 from 1920s | 0.125/16 minutes from 1910-1890s

Checklist (84/84 completed):


Theme Nights (32/32 complete; unofficial Criterion/Nov 31 included):


Subset Films (32/32 complete, optional included):


Last edited by Undeadcow; 10-25-12 at 11:15 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (42)09-15-12, 05:21 PM


DVD Talk Legend

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (43)

Join Date: May 2006

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (44)

List final:
Original goal: Watch all the Universal Horror films in release date order.
Revised Goal: Seeing the size of my "unopened/unwatched" pile, watch exclusively from the pile unless no checklist item is available. DONE - But the pile doesn't look smaller!?!?
Total watched: 117
First Time Viewings: 63
Most Viewed Decade: 1960s (24)
Decades Viewed: 20s-(1), 30s-(8), 40s-(9), 50s-(14), 60s-(24), 70s-(23), 80s-(10), 90s-(12), 2000s-(13), 2010s-(3)
Commentaries: 1 (only done for the checklist which I did not complete The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (45) )
Theme Nights Checklist: Complete
Other Checklists: Not even close.
Years participating: 2010, 2011, 2012
Resolution for next year: Stop reading other participants reviews/opinions of films so the "unopened/unwatched" pile does not grow faster than it shrinks! (Yeah, you know *that's* gonna happen...)

- First time viewing
▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ - Rating on a 1 to 10 scale

September 30th
1. Cat People (1942) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
2. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
3. King Kong (1933) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 1st
4. King Kong (1933) [with commentary] ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲ (rating for commentary - first time viewing with commentary track)
5. 28 Days Later... (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
6. The House That Dripped Blood (1971) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
7. Evil Bong (2006) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 2nd
8. Demonic Toys (1992) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
9. Tomb of Torture (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
10. Meridian (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 3rd
11. Decadent Evil (2005) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
12. Dr. Giggles (1992) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 4th
13. I Am Omega (2007) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
14. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
15. The Legend of Sorrow Creek (2007) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 5th
16. Horror Express (1972) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
17. Freaks (1932) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
18. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 6th
19. The Lost Boys (1987) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
20. Splice (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
21. Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
22. The Phantom of the Opera (1925) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
23. Lost Boys: The Thirst (2010) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
24. Trog (1970) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
25. House of Wax (1953) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 7th
26. The Haunting (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
27. Empire of the Ants (1977) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
28. Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
29. Gremlins (1984) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
30. The Witches (1966) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 8th
31. Predator 2 (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
32. Frankenstein: The True Story - Pt. 1 (1973) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
33. Frankenstein: The True Story - Pt. 2 (1973) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
34. The Beach Girls and the Monster (1965) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 9th
35. Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla (1952) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
36. Resident Evil (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 10th
37. The Terror Beneath the Sea (1966) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
38. Creature from the Haunted Sea (1961) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 11th
39. Bride of the Gorilla (1951) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
40. Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
41. Brain Twisters (1991) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 12th
42. The Head (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
43. Screamers (1995) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
44. Tale of the Mummy (1998) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 13th
45. The Butcher of Binbrook (1971) (aka Graveyard of Horror) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
46. Prom Night (1980) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
47. To the Devil a Daughter (1976) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
48. X: The Unknown (1956) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
49. Captain Kronos - Vampire Hunter (1974) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
50. Bluebeard (1944) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
51. Daughter of Dr. Jekyll (1957) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
52. The Devil's Wedding Night (1973) (Elvira's Movie Macabre) Film=▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲; Elvira=▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 14th
53. Legacy of Blood (1971) (Elvira's Movie Macabre) Film=▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲; Elvira=▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
54. Mimic (1997) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
55. Transylvania 6-5000 (1985) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
56. It Came from Outer Space (1953) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
57. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 15th
58. Tentacles (1977) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
59. Frankenstein Unbound (1990) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
60. Terror Is a Man (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 16th
61. Queen of the Damned (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
62. The Flesh Eaters (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
63. Nightmare Castle (1965) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 17th
64. Carnival of Souls (1962) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
65. Night Creatures (1962) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 18th
66. Trollhunter (2010) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
67. From Beyond the Grave (1974) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
68. The Food of the Gods (1976) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 19th
69. The Girl Who Knew Too Much (1963) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
70. The Brute Man (1946) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
71. The Evil of Frankenstein (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 20th
72. White Zombie (1932) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
73. The Giant Gila Monster (1959) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
74. She Demons (1958) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
75. Monster from Green Hell (1957) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
76. The Devil Bat (1940) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 21st
77. The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
78. Scars of Dracula (1970) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
79. The Earth Dies Screaming (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
80. The Many Faces of Christopher Lee (1996) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
81. Five Million Years to Earth (1967) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
82. The Wolf Man (1941) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
83. The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 22nd
84. The Legend of Hell House (1973) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
85. Lust for a Vampire (1971) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
86. Raiders of the Living Dead (1986) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 23rd
87. Furankenshutain no kaijû: Sanda tai Gaira (aka The War of the Gargantuas) (1968) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
88. The Black Cat (1981) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
89. Planet of the Vampires (1965) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
90. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 24th
91. The Devil Commands (1941) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
92. Black Sheep (2006) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 25th
93. The Evil Dead (1981)
94. I, Monster (1971) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
95. Chosen Survivors (1974) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 26th
96. The Innkeepers (2011) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
97. Tales from the Crypt (1972) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
98. The Vault of Horror (1973) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 27th
99. The House That Screamed (1969) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
100. The Invisible Man (1933) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
101. The Mummy (1932) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
102. Below (2002) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
103. Pandorum (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 28th
104. Panic in Year Zero! (1962) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
105. Evil Bong II: King Bong (2009) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
106. Deadly Friend (1986) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
107. The Blood of Fu Manchu (1968) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
108. The Castle of Fu Manchu (1969) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 29th
109. Curse of the Devil (1973) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
110. Night of the Werewolf (1981) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
111. Crypt of the Vampire (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 30th
112. The Exorcist (1973) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
113. Village of the Damned (1960) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
114. Children of the Damned (1964) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲

October 31st
115. Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
116. Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲
117. Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1953) ▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲



Theme Nights: - COMPLETED!


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (46)

Last edited by BobO'Link; 11-03-12 at 08:08 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (48)09-15-12, 05:33 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (49)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (50)

Brian's Multi-Media Horror Challenge List

1. Friday The 13th (2009, BD - own it - *** out of *****): I watched the Killer Cut version with the "trivia track" going. I haven't seen this since it came out and I recently got it cheap on the triple feature BD release. While a decent slasher movie, it just doesn't feel like a Friday The 13th movie. Probably because the Jason in this one acts completely different from all the others before it. Didn't love it but didn't hate it.
2. Kuroneko (1968, DVD - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
3. Evil Dead 2 (1987, BD - own it - ****1/2 out of *****): A classic. Still funny as hell with inventive camera work, funny dialogue, and great line delivery. I still like the first one better though.
4. Sheitan (2006, streaming - Netflix - ****1/2 out of *****): A blind watch. Loved it. French film with lots of uncomfortable moments and funny scenes which build up to the chaos that soon ensures. Highly recommended!
5. She-Wolf Of London (1946, DVD - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): A slightly dull film that you can guess the twist on about a quarter of the way through.
6. Mother's Day (2010, BD - Netflix - ***1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
7. Shrooms (2006, streaming - Netflix - ** out of *****): Seems to start out well but dissolves into a big dull mess. But what do you expect with a movie title like "Shrooms?"
8. Scream, Blacula, Scream! (1973, streaming - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for Blacula for this film.
9. The Cabin In The Woods (2011, BD -borrowed - ***1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
10. The Dentist (1996, streaming - Netflix - *** out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
11. Gutterballs (2008, DVD - Netflix - *1/2 out of *****): This films has balls (pun intended) but it is still total trash. Inventive but at the same time a little tired. Not something I really enjoy sitting through. But for the people who like extremism in their films, this one is for you.
12. Count Yorga, Vampire (1970, streaming - Netflix - *** out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
13. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, DVD - Netflix - ** out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
14. Night Of The Creeps (1986, BD - Netflix - *** out of *****): Fun little movie that for whatever reason I had never seen. Definitely doesn't take itself seriously but the humor luckily doesn't fall flat. Good effects for an obviously low budget film in the mid 80's.
15. The Return Of The Living Dead (1985, BD - own it - ***** out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
16. The Strangers (2008, BD - Netflix - ** out of *****): Not much to like about this film. No storyline, no characters to like. Only watch if you love jump scenes and booming bass.
17. Touch Of Death (1988, streaming - Youtube - **1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
18. Blood Creek (2009, DVR - The Movie Channel - *1/2 out of *****): Decent cast but a pretty bad film. Nonsensical and dull story. Nazi zombie/ghost terrorizes family.
19. Hatchet II (2010, DVR - Cinemax - ***1/2 out of *****): Fun sequel with lots of great kills, good effects and mostly laugh out loud humor. I found it funnier than the overrated Cabin In The Woods.
20. Creature From The Haunted Sea (1961, DVD - Netflix - 0 out of *****): Excruciating. See my comments in the review thread for this film.
21. Dead Of Night (1945, DVR - Turner Movie Classics - ***1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
22. Girls Gone Dead (2010, streaming - Netflix - *** out of *****): I didn't expect much from this one when I blind-streamed it but if you like lots of boobs, cheap but good gore practical effects, some funny C celebrity cameos, and some truly atrocious but still humorous dialogue, then this movie is for you!
23. Forget Me Not (2009, streaming - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
24. Dead Of Night (1977, DVD - Netflix - *** out of *****): See my comments for this film under the review thread for the film with the same name.
25. Prometheus (2012, BD - own it - **** out of *****): I don't get all the hate. I thought it was enjoyable and it left me wanting more. It's wasn't a perfect film but I look forward to seeing what they do in the future.
26. Piranha II: The Spawning (1981 - DVD - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): Not so hot debut for this little know director. So nice nudity but I found the movie kinda dull once the piranhas actually showed up. Is that strange?
27. Vault Of Horror (1973 - DVD - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): Sequel to Tales From The Crypt. Pretty tame and somewhat dull anthology of tales.
28. Night Of Bloody Horror (1969 - DVD - Netflix - **1/2 out of *****): Passable low budget serial killer tale with an extremely young Gerald McRaney. For the curious only.
29. Buried (2010 - streaming - Netflix - **** out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
30. Rubber (2010 - streaming - Netflix - * out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
31. House Of 1000 Corpses (2002 - BD - own it - ****1/2 out of *****): I love this movie and feel it is Rob Zombie's best so far. Great update/remake/rip-off/homage to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Glad it was my 31st film.
32. Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon (2007 - BD - Netflix - ****1/2 out of *****): Great movie! Why haven't I heard of it before. It's in the same vein but much better than the overrated Cabin In The Woods.
33. The Thing (2011 - DVR - HBO - ***1/2 out of *****): I seemed to like this movie more the second time around. It still boggles my mind how the effects are worse on a large budget prequel made 30 years later. Shouldn't we be able to beat the effects of yesteryear? The other issue is that the storyline is almost scene for scene of the original which hurts it (original meaning JC's The Thing that is).
34. John Carpenter's The Thing (1982 - BD - own it - ***** out of *****): One of the few perfect horror films in my opinion. Great score, great effects, great acting, great pace, great ending, etc., etc., etc. Watch it now!
35. The Devil's Rejects (2005 - BD - own it - ***1/2 out of *****): Another film that is better the second time around. I wasn't very happy with it the first time but it has grown on me. And is easily worth the 5 bucks at Best Buy.
36. The Innkeepers (2011 - streaming - Netflix - *** out of *****): See my comments in the review thread for this film.
37. Nude For Satan (1974 - streaming - Netflix - *1/2 out of *****): Such a great title for such an awful movie. One woman had a bush so large that would give a man a full length fur coat for the winter. Thus...the extra half star.
38. 100 Tears (2007 - streaming - Netflix - *1/2 out of *****): Crazy clown with a cleaver. There. I saved you wasting an hour and a half.
39. Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy (2010 - DVD - Netflix - ****1/2 out of *****): Massive 4 hour documentary. Awesome and almost completely comprehensive. Just missing a few important participants docked it that 1/2 star but I am sure they tried to get them and they just refused. Not really the filmmakers fault I bet.
40. Class Of 1999 (1990 - DVD - Netflix - ** out of *****): Really lame flick. Starts out okay but gets duller by the minute.
41. Triloquist (2008 - DVD - Netflix - ** out of *****): I had high hopes for this one but it sucked as well. The lead actress was hot though.

1. True Blood (2012, Season 5, Episode 9, HBOGO): I thought last season was just so-so but this season is even worse. Just trying to suffer thru to the end.
2. True Blood (2012, Season 5, Episode 10, HBOGO)
3. True Blood (2012, Season 5, Episode 11, HBOGO)
4. True Blood (2012, Season 5, Episode 12, HBOGO) - **1/2 out of ***** for Season 5): Easily the worst season of True Blood. I am just glad it is over. Not sure if I will proceed with Season 6 once it comes out. Sad.
5. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 1, BD, borrowed)
6. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 2, BD, borrowed)
7. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 3, BD, borrowed)
8. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 4, BD, borrowed)
9. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 5, BD, borrowed)
10. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 6, BD, borrowed)
11. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 7, BD, borrowed) - probably the most emotional zombie TV show episode ever. It seems weird to type that.
12. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 8, BD, borrowed)
13. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 9, BD, borrowed)
14. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 10, BD, borrowed)
15. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 11, BD, borrowed)
16. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 12, BD, borrowed)
17. The Walking Dead (2011, Season 2, Episode 13, BD, borrowed) - much more satisfying season than season 1. My rating: ***** out of *****. I loved it and didn't want it to end. Looking forward to being on top of it with the new season starting.
18. The Walking Dead (2012, Season 3, Episode 1, AMC)
19. American Horror Story: Asylum (2012, Episode 1, FX)
20. The Walking Dead (2012, Season 3, Episode 2, AMC)
21. American Horror Story: Asylum (2012, Episode 2, FX)
22. Splat Pack (1 hour documentary, Chiller)
23. The Walking Dead (2012, Season 3, Episode 3, AMC)

1. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski published 2000 (completed) - unfortunately I believe this book is far too complicated for my little brain to comprehend. Cool gimmick but I don't remotely see how people call this the scariest book ever.
2. Velocity by Dean Koontz - book on CD (completed)
3. 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King published 1975 Illustrated Edition 2005 (currently reading)

1. HorrorHound #35 May/June 2012 issue (completed)
2. Horrorhound #37 Sept/Oct 2012 issue (completed)

Comics/Graphic Novels:
1. Gene Simmons House Of Horrors TPB published 2008 (completed - consisted of 3 issues) -Got in on the clearance rack and I can see why. Not very good.
2. The Walking Dead Compendium 1 (currently reading)

1. The Changeling (1980, 2CD Deluxe Edition) - music by Ken Wannberg, Rick Wilkins, & Howard Blake
2. The Descent (2005, CD) - music by David Julyan
3. Amityville 3D (1983, CD) - music by Howard Blake - not a favorite by any means but it is included on the Orchestral Score Soundtrack for Flash Gordon as bonus tracks
4. Past, Present, & Future (2003, CD) - music by Rob Zombie
5. Friday The 13th (1980, CD) - music by Harry Manfredini
6. Gremlins (1984, 2CD edition) - music by Jerry Goldsmith
7. Psycho (1960, CD) - music by Bernard Herrman, re-recording by Joel McNeely and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra: I usually stay far, far away from re-recordings of scores but this is near perfection and sounds identical to the original. Enough for me anyway. And I have read that the original movie score to Psycho has never been released before? Anyone know if that is true on not?
8. Dead Space (2008, Download) - music by Jason Graves (soundtrack for the video game)
9. Dead Space 2 (2011, CD) - music by Jason Graves
10. Halloween (1978, CD) - music by John Carpenter
11. Halloween II (1981, CD) - music by John Carpenter
12. 28 Weeks Later (2007, download) - music by John Murphy
13. Friday The 13th (1980-1989, CD - bootleg) - music by Harry Manfredini and various artists; bootleg compilation of various music from Part 1 thru Part 8.
14. King Kong (1976, 2CD Deluxe Edition) - music by John Barry. Eh, I had to somehow fit my favorite composer into this somehow and since this was a monster movie, I guess it fits. Barry didn't do any true horror movie scores.
15. Pandorum (2009, CD) - music by Michl Britsch
16. House Of 1000 Corpses (2003, streaming thru Spotify) - music by Rob Zombie
17. Prometheus (2012, streaming thru Spotify) - music by Marc Streitenfeld. What a dull soundtrack. Hope the movie is better.
18. The Fog (1980, Expanded Edition - streaming thru Spotify) - music by John Carpenter
19. Halloween III: Season Of The Witch (1982, streaming thru Spotify) - music by John Carpenter
20. Cinemagic (on Sirius/XM - special Horror scores all day on Halloween. Listened for about 3 hours while working. I wish they did this once a week.

TOTALS for the month of October:
Horror Movies - 41
TV Show/Episodes - 23
Books - 2.5 (still reading Salem's Lot and only got halfway thru before the month was over)
Magazines - 2
Comics/Graphic Novels - 1.5 (a little misleading since one was a trade with 3 or 4 comics in it and the other was the Walking Dead Compendium which I am still reading)
Soundtracks/Music - 20

Last edited by Spiderbite; 11-04-12 at 11:51 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (52)09-15-12, 05:40 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (53)

I'm actually employed this year so I don't know if I'll make my goal but I'll do my best. One aspect that's going to be different is almost all of my movie collection is locked up in storage 3,000 miles away so I'm going to have a much more limited selection of titles to pool from.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Challenge '05: 16, Challenge '06: MIA, Challenge '07: 53, Challenge '08: 41, Challenge '09: 100, Challenge '10: 66, Challenge '11: 110
Personal Goal for 2012: 101

WARNING: Spoilers for films may follow in the descriptions and tallies.
= First Time Viewing
Netflix Streaming



September 30th Dusk Hours:

1. Cabin in the Woods (2012)- It's not the second coming of horror like some evangelize, but it is a fun poke at the genre with the ending being a hilarious monster mash. Bradley Whitford and Richard Jenkins are the highlight for me.
Mordecai abuse, 1 decapitation by log jamming, bear trap swingin', zombie pin cushion, crowbar through face, 1 by wall tumblin', 2 by stabbing, 1 by head bashin', 1 by gun, 1 by bat attack, 1 by clown cutting, 1 by werewolf, 1 by unicorn, 1 by grenaade, 1 by merman, 1 by tentacles, 1 by axe, 2 by giant hand, countless by a literal monster mash
Grade: B
"I'm never gonna see a merman."

2. Ghoulies (1985)- One of those movies that you loved as a child which kind of blinds you from how bad it probably is. To me, it's still a goofy little movie with the kind of eccentricity that Charles Band productions did so well. I've seen the second one dozens of times but I decided I needed to freshen up with this one.
a guy who patterns himself after Tim Robbins in Fraternity Vacation, a painfully extended break-dance sequence, master of the dark arts...for sprinklers, seance for midgets, bad case of the screamies, 2 by the green one, 1 by tongue wrasslin', ghoulie bonkin', 1 by ghpulie tossin', 1 by stairs, gobbledygook finale
Grade: C+

October 1st:

3. Graveyard Shift (1990)- The movie takes over an hour to get to the point, but for some reason I've always liked this one. I love the production design which really sets the mood quite well.
1 by cotton picker, rat pump, 5 by rat-bat, rat burger, 1 by coffin, rat surfing, 1 by drowning, 1 arm nibbled, 1 stabbing by bone, monster thresher, rat abuse
Grade: C
"I don't mind telling you, this place is infested."

4. Tales From the Hood (1995)- Still holds up as a great time and unique love letter to the anthologies of the 60's and 70's. All of the stories are at least good to great, each with a different tone to them. They're funny at times but they also have something to say. One of the most accomplished anthologies out there without one weak story in the bunch.
Christopher Young score knockout, "the sh*t" abuse, 1 by drowning, i heart ripped out, 1 decapitation, 1 by haunted hypodermic needles and then melting, 1 crumpled and burned, 1 by stairs, 1 eaten by slave dolls, 5 by gun, mutton chop haircut abuse
Grade: B+
"Like refryin' some beans 'n sh*t! I never did get that. Why not just fry that sh*t right the first time?"

October 2nd:

5. Steve Niles' Remains (2011) - One of the most pointless movies I've seen. There is not one thing in this that hasn't become the most zombie movie cliched thing imaginable. You've seen this movie a thousand times before. Also, this shows that low-budget physical is infinitely better than low-budget digital. It looks cheap beyond belief with all of the little computerized touches everywhere.
old lady walker stabbin', 9 by zombie chomps, finger abuse, 1 by gun
Grade: D
"It's from the magic act."

6. Blood Bath (1966) - A fairly entertaining mess of a movie, cobbled together with footage from two other attempts at creating a movie, all of which had completely different plots. Many of the shots look wonderful, others...not so much. If you can accept it as stream of consciousness type of thing, it's fairly decent.
3 by vampire bite, 1 inexplicably by cleaver, 1 by wax bath, editor abuse
Grade: C
"Have you anything by this fellow who paints these, uh, dead red nudes?"

7. Malibu Shark Attack (2009) - Pretty much what you'd expect from a Syfy channel deal. You go in thinking it'll be stupid fun, and for the first 20 or 30 minutes you're okay with it, but then the middle section just drags as the movie tries to kill them before slightly picking up in the final 10. Meh.
9 by goblin shark, multiple sawed sharks, Peta Wilson is turning into a man
Grade: D+
"There was a shark in the parking lot."

8. Creature (2011) - For the beginning, I thought the movie wasn't going to be too bad, on a bad B-movie scale. But then it gets pretty dull as the story keeps going. While the monster is interesting, you never really see him at work and the ending is pretty much a cop-out.
1 bitten off at the rump, albino alligator wrasslin', 1 by arm chompin', 1 throat ripped, 1 decapitation, off-screen kills abuse, foot smashin', sinkhole cop-out
Grade: C-
"There's worse things than gators, ya know."

9. The Howling Reborn (2011) - Surprisingly, not terrible teeny horror flick. Thought it was actually a decent attempt that is more successful at the Twilight game than Twilight is. Uneven acting and lack of a proper budget for the werewolves hamper the film.
Killing Moon abuse, 1 by falling, 1 by werewolf attack, 1 neck snapped, 2 wolf flambe, 1 wolf heart ripped out
Grade: C+
"What can you tell me about werewolves?"

October 3rd:

10. The Rape of the Vampire (1968)- Jean Rollin's first film is still wildly uneven. I love the first section, but after the second producer's imposed section comes along, it's a bit of a mess while trying to reach a full running time. Still, the visuals and ambiance are incredible even at this early stage in his career.
3 stabbing, 2 vampire bites, 9 by guns, two minions who I wished was named Fritz and Fratz, 1 blinded by the sun, beach frollickin', 1 vampire wedding, 1 by poisoned blood
Grade: C
"The world will become a feast of blood, and we will have the best seats."

11. The Nude Vampire (1970) - Rollin's second film is much more accomplished, with the opening scene on the darkened streets being a knockout of atmosphere and visuals. The story gets a little more loopy as it keeps going but it never fails to impress stylistically.
3 by gun, Christian Bale's father, 1 bongo dance, 1 by something undefined
Grade: B
"You can't be a vampire. Who are you are?"

12. Inkubus (2011) - A decent little suspense/horror film. It's low-budget shows but the quality actors (yes, that includes even Joey Fatone) and fun kills make it more enjoyable than it otherwise would be. Robert Englund is definitely having a fun time. Nothing special but an interesting watch.
1 by baby demon birth, 1 decapitation, van o' body parts, 1 evisceration, 1 microwave meltdown, 1 beaten to death, 1 stabbed, 1 by spine ripping, 1 cut in half, 1 by gun, 1 by gun then lighting before exploding
Grade: C

13. Red Mist (2009) - If you have any experience with horror movies then you've seen this before. I was calling every single thing minutes before it happened. And what's worse is it has no personality at all. No sense of fun. It's just bland. Being boring as hell is worse for a movie than just being horribly made.
noggin bangin', 1 by car door, 1 by bleach co*cktail, pullin' the plug, 1 knife in throat, self mutilation, 1 head bashing, 1 by loss of life support
Grade: D
"Freakdog! Freakdog! Freakdog!"

October 4th:

14. Robot Monster (MST3K Version) (1953) - Finally caught up to this thing after decades of being familiar with the monster. It's cornball but I wouldn't label it as one of the worst movies made. There's more viable candidates scattered about the After Dark Horrorfests than this. The Mystery Science Theater jokes were a little rusty but it does come from early on in the show's life, and even then there's some pearls.
2 in rocket explosion, 1 child strangled (!), 1 by falling, production design abuse
Grade: D+
"Is Alice going on a date with Ro-Man?"

15. Blacula (1972) - Another one I finally caught up with and it turns out this one's pretty great. Being part of the blaxploitation movement belies how solid this one is. Strong acting, great score, and a good reinterpretation of the Dracula story combine for a great genre flick. Just as classic as the Hammer movies.
Grade: A-
"Make it a Bloody Mary."

October 5th:

October 6th:

October 7th:

October 8th:

October 9th:

October 10th: 30th Birthday!

October 11th:

October 12th:

October 13th:

October 14th:

October 15th:

October 16th:

October 17th:

October 18th:

October 19th:

October 20th:

October 21st:

October 22nd:

October 23rd:

October 24th:

October 25th:

October 26th:

October 27th:

October 28th:

October 29th:

October 30th:

October 31st: 4th Wedding Anniversary!







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Last edited by dcrw6; 10-04-12 at 11:15 AM.

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread


(*)=first time viewing

October's Eve
1. FDR: American Badass (2012; Garrett Brawith; DVD)(*)--Barry Bostwick kills it as our 32nd president, trying to stop werewolves from taking over the world, in this tasteless, hilarious comedy--4/5
October 1
2. A Dead Calling (2006; Michael Feifer; DVD)(*)--Predictable ghost story--3/5
October 3
3. Apartment 143 (Emergo) (2011, Carles Torrens; Blu)(*)--A few scares in this, as researchers investigate an apartment that may be haunted--4/5
October 4
4. Red Lights (2012; Rodrigo Cortes; Blu)(*)--More paranormal investigators, this time trying to debunk a famous psychic--4/5
October 5
5. Below (2002; David Twohy; DVD)(*)--Ghosts in a submarine--3/5
October 6
6. Grimm: "The Good Shepherd" / Grimm: "Over My Dead Body"
7. The Tall Man (2012; Pascal Laugier; Blu)(*)--Began as a creepy urban legend tale, then turned into a standard crime drama. A disappointment--3/5
October 7
8. Atomic Brain Invasion (2010; Richard Griffin; DVD)(*)--Silly 50's monster-movie homage--3/5
October 8
9. The Maltese Bippy (1969; Norman Panama; DVR)(*)--TV's Rowan & Martin in a horror spoof with a few chuckles--3/5
October 9
10. The Barrens (2012; Darren Lynn Bousman; Blu)(*)--Family camping trip ends in horror. With Naked Mandy and a brief appearance by another "24" fan favorite--4/5
October 10
11. House of Blood (aka Chain Reaction) (2006; Olaf Ittenbach; DVD)(*)--Escaped prisoners stumble upon the titular house... Twice. Entertainingly bad--3/5
October 11
12. Dead Doll (2004; Adam Sherman; DVD)(*)--Dead Doll goes from guy to guy. Bad things happen. Like this movie--2/5
October 12
13. Sars Wars: Bangkok Zombie Crisis (2004; Taweewat Wantha; DVD)(*)--Okay mix of gore and juvenile humor--3/5
October 14
14. Grimm: "The Bottle Imp" / The Walking Dead: "Seed"
15. Hypothermia (2010; James Felix McKenney; DVD)(*)--Creature from the White Lagoon--3/5
October 15
16. House of the Damned (1963; Maury Dexter; DVR)(*)--Talky old-dark-house flick with nice b/w widescreen photography and a strange ending--3/5
October 16
17. Excision (2012; Richard Bates Jr.; Blu)(*)--Disturbing--3/5
October 17
18. The Abandoned (2006; Nacho Cerda; DVD)(*)--Scary house in the scary woods. Confusing, but some effective chills--4/5
October 18
19. The Tortured (2010; Robert Lieberman; DVD)(*)--Parents torture their child's killer--3/5
October 19
20. Spirit Trap (2005; David Smith; DVD)(*)--Annoying college students (including a pre-"Who" Billie Piper) trapped in a haunted house--3/5
October 20
21. Beyond Re-Animator (2003; Brian Yuzna; DVD)(*)--Herbert West: The Prison Years. Better than I thought it would be--4/5
22. Satan's Playground (2006; Dante Tomaselli; DVD)(*)--My second Jersey Devil movie of the challenge, and my first one-star rating--1/5
October 21
23. The Girl (wild card #1) (2012; Julian Jarrold; DVR)(*)--After seeing this, I'll never look the the attic scene in "The Birds" the same way again--4/5
24. My Sucky Teen Romance (2011; Emily Hagins; Blu)(*)--One of the most entertaining movies of the challenge--4/5
25. Grimm: "The Other Side / The Walking Dead: "Sick"
October 22
26. Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010; James Nguyen; Blu)--Watching this again before Thursday's Rifftrax Live.--4/5
October 23
27. 247 Degrees Fahrenheit (2011; Levan Bakhia; Blu)(*)--Stupid kids get trapped in a sauna--3/5
October 24
28. Darkness: The Vampire Version (1997; Leif Jonker; DVD)(*)--Stylish ultra-low-budget flick that doesn't disappoint in the gore department--4/5
October 25
29. Rifftrax Live: "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" (2012; theatrical showing)(*)--"Hangin' out with my family, havin' ourselves a party." I haven't laughed this hard at a movie in a long time--5/5
October 26
30. Cutting Room (2007; Ian Truitner; DVD)(*)--Killer stalks a movie production--3/5
October 27
31. Bad Blood (Coisa Ruim) (2006; Tiago Guedes, Frederico Serra; DVD)(*)--Slow-moving ghost story--3/5
32. The Dead Want Women (2012; Charles Band; DVD)(*)--Silent-film-era ghosts haunt a Hollywood mansion--3/5
October 28
33. The Four Skulls of Jonathan Drake (1959; Edward L. Cahn; DVR)(*)--Amazonian indians, shrunken heads and a family curse--3/5
34. The Ghouls (2003; Chad Ferrin; DVD)(*)--Cameraman discovers the title creatures in this dark, guly look at L.A. nightlife--3/5
35. Grimm: "La Llorona" / The Walking Dead: "Walk with Me"
October 29
36. The Town That Dreaded Sundown (1976; Charles B. Pierce; DVR)(*)--Docudrama about a hooded killer terrorizing a small southern town--4/5
October 30
37. Night Junkies (2007, Lawrence Pearce; DVD)(*)--Sex, drugs and vampires--3/5
October 31
38. The Devil Inside (2012; William Brent Bell; Blu)(*)--Disappointing "Exorcist" wannabe--3/5



Last edited by zaphod2467; 11-03-12 at 03:36 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (60)09-15-12, 06:10 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (62)

Orange Title - Denotes first-time-ever viewing

Caution: Spoilers may follow!

Last year's tally: 61 films; 39 first-time viewings

This year's goals: 100 films; 67 first-time viewings; complete all lists
























The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (63)

15. Dead of Night (1945) (DVD) - Great British horror anthology film that pretty obviously impressed the Amicus guys. The film’s wraparound story is probably the best ever, and the individual stories are entertaining, even if some of them fail to make much of a lasting impression. The nightmare sequence at the end is the best thing about the film--it has the most accurate depiction of dream logic that I’ve ever seen. Dead of Night won’t give you nightmares, but it’s a classic nonetheless.


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (64)

16. Class of 1999 (1990) (DVD) - Awful film concerns android teachers at a violence-plagued high school. Class of 1999 pretty much sums up everything that was wrong with genre filmmaking in the late 1980s--far-fetched storylines, egregious over-acting, awful costume designs, labored wisecracks…the list is nearly endless. I happened to catch this at a dollar theater when it came out in 1990, and I felt ripped off then. Even the usually-reliable Pam Grier didn’t help matters any. I was able to pretty much eradicate it from my memory until I watched it again today. I did notice this time around that there was a Nine Inch Nails song on the soundtrack (“Head Like a Hole”). I must have discovered Pretty Hate Machine sometime after I saw this movie. Watch it if you must, but I’m not recommending it.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (65)

17. Return of the Evil Dead (1973) (DVD) - No, it’s not another of Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead films; this one is Spanish and is the sequel to Tombs of the Blind Dead. Why the American distributor went with “Evil Dead” rather than “Blind Dead” seems pretty obvious from a box-office standpoint--I mean, what’s scarier, evil things or blind things? So I can cut them some slack there, even though it kind of screws with the continuity of the titles. The actual Spanish title is El Ataque de los Muertos sin Ojos, which literally means The Attack of the Dead without Eyes, or a little more colloquially, Attack of the Blind Dead. No matter what the title is, the plot concerns a bunch of Templars who were blinded and burned to death 500 years ago. As they were dying, one of them cursed the villagers who were responsible, vowing to return from the dead to wreak their vengeance. And so they do. The undead Templars are pretty creepy, but they move fairly slowly…so they’re only really a threat when a bunch of them are able to corner someone. They, like apparently all other reanimated corpses, are afraid of fire, and these guys do go up in flames pretty easily. As it turns out, there’s an even easier way to get rid of them…but you’ll have to watch the movie to find out what it is. All in all, it’s a fun ride, and it just oozes that ‘70s Euro-horror sexy vibe.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (66)

18. White Dog (1982) (DVD) - Before White Dog was even finished, false rumors got out that it was a racist movie. This inaccurate word of mouth, coupled with Paramount’s complete inability to come up with a marketing campaign for the film, doomed White Dog to never be theatrically released in America. Because of Paramount’s handling of this film, director Sam Fuller gave up on Hollywood and moved to France. Due to all this, one might reason that the film isn’t very good, and that’s not the case here at all. I found White Dog to be engrossing and very well made indeed. In fact, the film’s stylishness, coupled with the gorgeous score by Ennio Morricone, reminded me several times of the films of Brian De Palma. I’ve also got to give mad props to producer Jon Davison for getting Paul Bartel and Dick Miller (all three of them worked on Joe Dante’s Piranha) cameos in White Dog, and to the Criterion Collection for making this film widely available for the first time ever. It’s my favorite first-watch of the Challenge so far.


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (67)

19. Forget Me Not (2009) (Streaming) - Oh, but I thought that I was going to like this one. There’s a moment in most films that hooks me, and I know precisely at that moment that I’m going to like the film. It’s not usually a big plot point, either--the majority of the time, it’s a tiny little inconsequential thing that suddenly gives me the feeling that I’ve got a personal connection with the filmmaker and that I’ll gladly go wherever he or she leads. It happened with Polanski’s Repulsion, it happened with A Tale of Two Sisters, and I thought that it had happened with this film. The moment in question occurs very early in the film, at the big party scene near the beginning. There’s a long involved shot that starts in one room on one teenaged couple, then moves to another room and another couple, and ends up on yet another couple. My thought was that this was a pretty ambitious camera move for a low-budget horror film, so my expectations went up mightily. But my instincts were wrong this time, and the film came crashing back down to earth pretty quickly. For me, there were two main factors that finally killed my interest in the film: an overly-complex script, and a stupid game chant that all the characters knew as children. I wasn’t totally down with the whole “One, two, Freddy’s coming for you” rhyme in A Nightmare on Elm Street, because it seemed a little far-fetched…but the chant in this one was waaaaay unbelievable. “Release the one ignored by heaven”…really? “Forgotten souls erased by time?” No way. Kids just don’t play like that. My final verdict: There’s nothing in Forget Me Not that you won’t forget…and soon.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (68)

20. The Hand (1981) (DVD) - Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Guy loses hand in accident; hand returns and kills guy’s enemies; only guy can see hand; turns out guy is doing the killing but projecting the murders on a phantom hand. I could have stopped after “enemies,” couldn’t I?


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (69)

21. Sinister (2012) (Theatrical Showing) - Ethan Hawke plays a failed novelist who has turned to writing true-crime books to pay the bills. He moves his family into a house where the previous family had all been hanged from a tree in the backyard…except for one daughter, who was never found. While moving in, he finds a projector and a box of old Super 8 films in the attic. While watching the films later, he discovers that they document the murders of several families, including the one that had taken place in his new house. And then things get REALLY weird. I wanted to like Sinister--honest, I did. And I guess that I did like it, in some small way. I just didn’t find it to be very scary, and the explanation for what was causing all the weirdness was pretty lame. And the lead bogeyman apparently moonlights as a member of the band Slipknot. As for positive traits, there was some good atmosphere, and the performances were okay. But aside from a few jump scares where the soundtrack GETS VERY LOUD ALL OF A SUDDEN, it didn’t raise my heartbeat much. I tend to judge horror films by whether they give me gooseflesh--whether they make my skin crawl. All of my favorites have a least one moment in each of them that really makes me squirm. Sinister never had that moment.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (70)

22. Buried (2010) (DVD) - Ryan Reynolds spends an hour and a half buried in a box in the desert somewhere in Iraq. We spend it, every minute of it, in the box with him. In many ways, Buried is a marvel. The ingenuity required to hold an audience’s attention with only one character to work with (and he’s in a wooden box that’s about the same size and shape as a coffin) is substantial, yet director Rodrigo Cortés and writer Chris Sparling manage to pull off this difficult feat with amazing dexterity. For me, the MVP award for crew member goes to James Muñoz, whose work as sound designer and supervising sound editor really created an incredibly immersive sound field. It seems odd to praise a film that takes place in a box for its sound, but that aspect of the film, more than any other, really puts the viewer into the head space of the main character. Still, even though the film is really quite amazing, it’s such a downer to watch that I don’t expect to see it very many more times. It’s just too draining. However, if you loved Open Water, Buried might be the feel-good film of the year for you. It’s NOT recommended for claustrophobes, ophidiophobes*, or claustrophobic ophidiophobes.

*I had to look it up; now you have to look it up. Fair is fair.


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (71)

23. Frankenhooker (1990) (DVD) - I saw this back in the day on VHS. It had that crazy box that had a button on it that when pushed would blare out “WANNA DATE?” in Patty Mullen / Frankenhooker’s voice. At the time I thought the movie was fairly amusing, but pretty slight. I was kind of dreading watching it again, as I just knew that, since I wasn’t particularly impressed with it the first time around, I would probably hate it this go-round. Surprisingly (to me, at least), I enjoyed it quite a bit more than I expected to. I actually laughed out loud a few times, especially at Patty Mullen’s bizarro facial quirks and at several of James Lorinz’s off-the-cuff remarks. Is it stupid? You betcha--but it’s pretty short and has several attractive women, a couple of better-than-they-deserve-to-be performances, and exploding crack whor*s. It was co-written by Fangoria magazine’s first editor, Bob Martin.


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24. Chillerama (2010) (DVD) -


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (73)

25. Noroi: The Curse (2005) (DVD) -


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (74)

26. Saint Nick (2010) (DVD) -

31 Films Subset


Theme Nights


The Checklist


This Year's Stats -- Final Tally

Goal: 100 Total Watched: 26 The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (75)

First Time Viewings: 13 (50%)

Formats Watched:

23 DVD – 88%
1 Netflix Streaming – 4%
1 Blu-ray - 4%
1 Theatrical Screening - 4%


1940s: 1 (4%)
1950s: 0 (0%)
1960s: 2 (8%)
1970s: 5 (19%)
1980s: 4 (15%)
1990s: 4 (15%)
2000s: 4 (15%)
2010s: 6 (24%)

Longest Film Viewed: The Exorcist (122 minutes)
Shortest Film Viewed: Creature from the Haunted Sea (75 minutes)

New favorites: Saint Nick, Diary of the Dead, White Dog

Would not miss if all copies were to suddenly vanish: Touch of Death, Chillerama, The Hand, Forget Me Not

A note about this year's Challenge: I was SO psyched for this year's Challenge to start, but I knew around mid-September that I was going to be really, really pushed for time due to my job. It turned out that my job duties took a much harsher toll on the Challenge than I had anticipated, and about mid-month I realized that something had to give. As I need a job to be able to keep eating regularly, I decided that the Challenge had to be the thing to go this year. And so it did. Maybe next year things will be more on track for me.

Last edited by rbrown498; 11-10-12 at 12:06 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (77)09-15-12, 06:28 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (78)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread


2011 tally: 73 1/2 films; 46 1/2 first-time viewings; 27 re-watches.

2012 GOALS: 80.
- Finish all of the checklist.
- Finish all theme nights.
- Watch at least 5 subsets.
- Watch at least 40 first time views.
- Watch at least 5 halloween tv show episodes.
- Finish all of the world checklist.
- Finish all of the abc checklist.
- Finish all of the extended decade checklist if possible.

Total watched #: 87
First time viewed #: 74
Rewatched #: 13
First Time Viewed Stand-outs: Waxwork, Slither, Tales Of Terror, Wolf, Little Shop Of Horrors, Fire In The Sky, Cold Prey II, Forget Me Not, Mother's Day, Final Destination 5, Repulsion, Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark, Feast, Cabin In The Woods, Resident Evil: Extinction, White Noise 2, The Eye, A Tale Of Two Sisters, Triangle, Paranormal Activity 3, and Quarantine 2: The Terminal.
Worsts of the month: Haxan, YellowBrickRoad, Waxworks, Bloody Moon, and Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge.

- First time viewing
5 Stars ★★★★★ = love it
4 Stars ★★★★ = like it a lot
3 Stars ★★★ = average
2 Stars ★★ = less than average
1 Star ★ = awful

Getting to know me.. (Loved this idea from gp1086!)

First Horror Movie..
I'm not 100% sure, I think it was silver bullet. This movie terrified me when I was a child then grew to love it over the years.

Favorite Horror Movie...
Definitely halloween (1978) because its the only movie I could watch every halloween without getting sick of it. There are movies that come really close but this would be my ultimate favorite.

First Thing That Ever Frightened Me In A Horror Movie...
Hmm... definitely seeing


in silver bullet, still tough to watch to this day.

Favorite Type of Horror Movie...

Movies that made me love the Horror Genre...
halloween (1978), the omen (1976), the exorcist, and jaws.

Favorite horror movie score/song...
I agree with john carpenter's halloween theme song nothing beats it but suspiria's goblin soundtrack comes in close second. I also LOVE the song that plays at the beginning of the shining and the exorcist theme as well.

Last time I saw a horror movie that creeped me out...
hmm... its extremely hard to freak me out but I guess I would say the mothman prophecies or house of the devil are the most recent movies that were pretty creepy in parts.


1.White Noise 2 (2007) ★★★(netflix streaming)- This was a nice surprise, I tuned in because it was available on netflix streaming (also helps that I'm a huge fan of nathan fillion & katee sackhoff which is what caught my eye first since I thought the first movie was just ok). I liked this more than the first movie and it goes in a different direction. To me it's one of those movies that is more fun to watch the first time not repeatedly and talk about a bizarre ending.

2.Repulsion (1965) ★★★★(online)- This was a great psychological horror movie with good symbolism, I found this more entertaining than rosemary's baby overall.

3.Kuroneko (1968) ★★★(online)- This was difficult to follow at times because it jumped around a lot but once it was towards the end it was good but I'm still a bit lost about the very end. I can't say I'll be watching it again but do appreciate it for what it is and it isn't a badly made film in any way.

4. The Neighbor (1993) ★★★(netflix streaming)- The last time I saw this movie was about 10 years or more ago and it isn't as creepy as I remember it being and the actors are pretty cheesy. It's more like a lifetime movie thriller and has been done many times, but it wasn't a complete bore and did have some good parts.

5.Blacula (1972) ★★★(online)- Pretty good depiction of dracula in an urban context.


6.Lovely Molly (2011) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- Thanks to the discussion on this I decided to check it out on netflix streaming and boy does this movie make you think after it's done. One of the best modern horror films I've seen that doesn't rely on torture p*rn to be good.

7.Dr. Terror's House Of Horrors (1965) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- An enjoyable horror anthology film with familiar faces. The segments I liked in order of best to least favorite:


8.Waxwork (1988) ★★★★★(netflix streaming)- Love this movie so much has a good mix of everything and couldn't be better in my eyes.


9.Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) ★★★(netflix streaming)- I liked it better than the first movie surprisingly, pretty entertaining just not a personal favorite.

10.Haxan: Witchcraft Through The Ages (1922) ★★(youtube)- This wasn't a terrible movie I just felt like I was sitting through a really long history lesson which I kind of expected but dragged on and not really rewatchable in my opinion.


11.Cabin In The Woods (2011) ★★★★(redbox)- This was a great movie with symbolism for the horror genre as a whole and gotta love joss whedon (I'm a buffy fanatic).

12.Screaming In High Heels: The Rise And Fall Of The Scream Queen Era (2011) ★★★(online)- Decent documentary especially if you are a fan of the 3 popular b-movie scream queens in this.

13.YellowBrickRoad (2011) ★(netflix streaming)- Not my cup of tea at all, nothing much to say about this movie just felt like a complete waste of time. The only reason I checked it out was because it was on netflix streaming and wanted to get a movie for the letter 'Y' on my abc checklist.

14.Blood Night: The Legend Of Mary Hatchet (2009) ★★★(online)- This is an average craptastic film, not as terrible as I expected. I can understand people not liking it, but I have always had a soft spot for slasher films so I found this to be a fun movie that doesn't take itself seriously.


15.Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge (1991) ★★(online)- This was my first puppet master film due to hearing it was the best in the series and probably my last, it was okay for a cheesy horror film but a little too cheesy for my taste.

16.Slaughter High (1986) ★★★(online)- A decent cheesy slasher flick from the 80's. I tend to have a soft spot for these, but I thought it was average could have been better and there were definitely some highlights.

17. Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) ★★★★(dvd)- Watched this for the exploitation theme and I liked it better this second viewing. I saw it when it came out in theaters and didn't really appreciate the brutality of this film compared to the 2003 one but now I know it was necessary.


18.Feast (2005) ★★★★(dvd)- Fun horror comedy had me cracking up in parts.

19.Down To The Bone: Behind The Scenes Documentary (Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning Extra)(60 min.) + By Any Means Necessary: The Making Of Jason X (20 min.) + The Many Lives Of Jason Vorhees Documentary (30 min.)★★★★★(dvd)- These were entertaining to watch recommend if you are a fan of these movies.

20.The Eye aka Gin Gwai (2002) ★★★★★(online)- Definitely my favorite asian horror movie so far, loved it. It was a bit of a drama mixed with horror elements that were downright creepy and the story was fast paced, not confusing which is rare to find in asian horror. There were parts that reminded me of the sixth sense and the mothman prophecies (two of my favorite modern horror movies) so that was neat too.


21.Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark (1988) ★★★★★(netflix streaming) - Such a fun horror comedy, can't believe I'd have never seen it until now.

22.Waxworks (1924) ★★(youtube)- I found it to be boring and underwhelming.

23.Mad Love (1935) ★★★★(online)- Peter lorre did a great job acting in this movie as a creepy guy, I have never see the hand of orlac which this movie is a remake of, but I liked this one.


24.Mother's Day (2010) ★★★★★(redbox)- I found this movie to be entertaining and definitely one of the better remakes of the 2000's decade.

25.Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) ★★★(redbox)- There were certain scenes that I found to be better than the previous entries but as a whole it was alright.

26.Final Destination 5 (2011) ★★★★★(redbox)- This movie is a good addition to the series and if you are a fan I recommend it because there are some connections to the other films as you will see don't want to say more than that because it'll be much more fun not knowing. I liked it better than the 4th one not sure where else it stands in regards to the rest of the series, it does have some flaws but it made me much more uneasy/grossed out (gore is stronger than ever seen before in this series) than the previous entries.


27.The Grapes Of Death (1978) ★★★★(online)- This was a good zombie film and my first of jean rollin's work. The creepy thing is I looked up something regarding the movie and happened to see that Brigitte Lahaie died today when I happened to watch this movie odd timing for sure!

28.Tombs Of The Blind Dead (1972) ★★(online)- This movie got interesting as things got towards the end but the rest was a whole lot of nothing going on, I don't mind a slow build but it was bland quite a bit.


29.Man Made Monster (1941) ★★★(online)- This was an enjoyable movie with lon chaney jr. very simple and classic horror vibe to it, watched this for the 1940's check and rubber suit theme night.

30.Blood & Black Lace (1964) ★★★(online)- Showed good style/visually beautiful but the substance was lacking for me despite a bit of a twist towards the end.


31.Vampire Diaries 4x01 (60 min.) + Beauty & The Beast 1x01 (60 min.) (tv)- Great episodes, kept you on the edge of your seat wondering what would happen next.

32.Dead Of Night (1945) ★★★★★(online)- Great movie, the ending was awesome with the dummy.


33.Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (1920) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- This was a great silent horror movie, had a lot of good quotes and metaphoric in many ways.

34.Chopping Mall (1986) ★★★★★(online)- This movie screams the 80's, loved it. I could definitely do without the tarantulas though ugh one thing I don't care to see in horror movies haha.


35.Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) ★★★★★(dvd)- Awesome addition to the series, so much fun. While I preferred the setting in the first movie, the action was amazing and kept you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

36.Forget Me Not (2009) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- I was surprised by this movie; normally I'm not into this


type of movie but it was entertaining throughout and came along at the right time in the challenge for me. Plus I've seen much worse and it was a nice break from all the torture type horror movies that come out nowadays.


37.Hour Of The Wolf (1968) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- This movie feels like a dream and completely mind boggling (I'm a huge fan of mind-bending movies especially dreamlike ones but I have seen more entertaining ones and found this to be a bit too much of a mind twist). Well made but not sure I'd ever watch it again. It's also my first Ingmar Bergman film hope to see more of his movies out of curiosity.

38.C.H.U.D. (1984) ★★★(netflix streaming)- Decent movie but definitely lacking in the action sense and not a whole lot going on, but the last 30 minutes were more interesting.


39.Eyes Without A Face (1960) ★★★★(online)- Great movie (the mask in the movie looks like michael myers!) just not high on the re-watch factor for me.

40.Night Of The Demon (1957) ★★★★★(online)- This was so well done for a classic black and white horror film loved every minute of it, even if the demon may have looked a tad cheesy the idea behind it was creepy fun.


41.Crawlspace (1986) ★★★(netflix streaming)- Nothing excitable here but I didn't hate it either. It was an alright film but I did think that Klaus did a good job with his role but could have done better too.


42.The Walking Dead 3x01 (60 min.) + American Horror Story: Asylum 2x01 (60 min.) ★★★★★(tv)- Great episodes! Excited for the rest of the seasons for these shows, probably going to watch them together off my DVR on wednesdays from now on makes for a fun 2 hours.

43.Dementia aka Daughter Of Horror (1955) ★★★★(youtube)- So well done for what it's trying to be and good mind twist with creepy parts especially the ending! (also loved the haunting background music). I didn't expect this to be a silent film with spooky voice narration in certain parts but it worked well with this.


44.Cold Prey 2 (2008) ★★★★★(online)- Wow I loved this movie, its basically an amped up version of halloween II (1981) but has more gore (without being overdone)/intense parts. Definitely better than the first movie so I suggest people give it a shot and loved the setting especially. The ending was bad ass too.

45.Vampire Diaries 4x02 (60 min.) + Beauty & The Beast 1x02 (60 min.) ★★★★★(tv) - Another great night for these shows.

46.The Cat & The Canary (1927) ★★★★★(online)- This such an entertaining silent film the time flew by watching this. I'm glad I was able to find a musical version of it (on for a 2 week free trial) it made it much more easy to sit through rather than complete silence. I can see it's influence on some later haunted house films which is neat.


47.Bloody Moon (1981) ★(online)- Completely forgettable and lacking in all ways.

48.Visiting Hours (1982) ★★★(online)- Decent intelligent horror thriller, some parts I would recommend not to watch while you are home alone if you are a woman haha.


49.White Zombie (1932) ★★★(online)- Bela does a good job here just didn't like the movie as much as I expected to.

50.Quarantine 2: The Terminal (2011) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- I loved this, just not as much as the first one but it was entertaining all the way through for me.

51.The Ghost & Mr. Chicken (1966) ★★★(tv)- Cute horror comedy, I grew up watching don knotts so I've always been a fan of his but it's not as funny as I thought it'd be.

52.Black Water (2007) ★★★(netflix streaming)- Decent survival horror movie, would recommend to those who want to see more crocodile themed horror, its slow building and has a realistic feel.


53.Fire In The Sky (1993) ★★★★★(netflix streaming)- Great movie! Definitely builds up the suspense and was captivating for me. It was so cool to see the kid from E.T. grown up as one of the lumber jack guys in the group in this movie when this also has to do with UFO's pretty cool.

54.Stake Land (2010) ★★★★(tv)- I really enjoyed this film but it was too bleak to rewatch for me personally. I had never heard of it until I saw the subset list it so I'm glad I gave it a watch.


55.Tales Of Terror (1962) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- What a great collection of horror tales, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. The actors all did a fantastic job.

56.Pretty Little Liars Halloween Special 3x13 (60 min.) + Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1x10 (60 min.) ★★★★★(tv and netflix streaming)- Love these shows and great episodes!


57.Bay Of Blood Aka Twitch Of The Death Nerve (1971) ★★★(netflix streaming)- The only thing I felt it really had going for it was the death scenes other than that not really a fan of the movie just couldn't get attached to the story or the people involved.

58.A Tale Of Two Sisters (2003) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- Didn't realize until afterwards that the american remake of this was the uninvited which I had seen previously so some of the story was predictable but I still was impressed by the story and found it interesting. Definitely one of the better asian horror films I have seen.


59.American Horror Story: Asylum 2x02 (60 Min.) + The Walking Dead 3x02 (60 Min.) ★★★★★(tv)- Very good episodes in my opinion.

60.I Sell The Dead (2008) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- I am a huge fan of dominic monaghan on screen and found this to be a pretty unique horror black comedy enjoyed it quite a bit. I also had never heard of this until I saw it on the subset list, thankful for that.


61.Vampire Diaries 2x03 (60 Min.) + Beauty & The Beast 1x03 (60 Min.) ★★★★★(tv)- Best episodes of the season so far.

62.Lake Mungo (2008) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- Enjoyed this one a lot, but saw it as a dateline special with some chilling aspects definitely not horror in my book, but I enjoy this type of film too.


63.Real Fear: The Truth Behind The Movies (2012) ★★★(tv)- This got boring at times, but was interesting in certain parts.

64.Buffy The Vampire Slayer Killed By Death 2x18 (60 Min.) + Buffy The Vampire Slayer Hush 4x10 (60 Min.) ★★★★★(netflix streaming)- Some of my favorite episodes of the entire series.

65.The Grudge 2 (2006) ★★★★(online)- I actually like this movie better than the first american remake, I found it entertaining.


66.Little Shop Of Horrors (1986) ★★★★★(netflix streaming)- I don't remember any of it from when I was a kid except for what the plant looks like so I considered this a first time view and it was so good, definitely one of the best watches this challenge. Great mix of comedy, musical, and cheesy horror. Didn't realize there would be so many familiar famous faces in this so that was a plus! Loved steve martin's role & bill murray haha hilarious.

67.Burnt Offerings (1976) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- Another good haunted house film, the ending was creepy.


68.The Gate (1987) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- Great 80's horror, surprised I hadn't seen it as a child.

69.Children Of The Corn V: Fields Of Terror (1998) ★★★(netflix streaming)- I grew up watching this so its become a bit of a guilty pleasure and I like that its a slasher with a high body count.

70.Attack Of The Puppet People (1958) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- I thought this was a great tame b-horror film and enjoyed it a lot.


71.Bless The Child (2000) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- I really enjoyed this, good horror thriller.

72.Triangle (2009) (itunes)- Wow just wow... I'm not even sure I can rate this because I'm still lost as to what was going on even after reading in depth reviews/theories on imdb, definitely a movie that requires a lot of thought even afterwards so for people who don't like that stay far away because its going to blow your mind. I like these types of films however I did get frustrated at some points because I was impatiently wanting to know what was going on haha but I do recommend it for those who like these types of films because its one of the best mind twisting horror movies I've seen yet. I also think this is a great group discussion type of movie, the conversation will be neverending.

73.Wolf (1994) ★★★★★(tv)- Loved this movie! Huge fan of jack nicholson and he did amazing in this. The chemistry between michelle pfeiffer and jack nicholson was great, as well as the dialogue between james spader & jack nicholson talk about hilarious sarcasm.

74. Monkey Shines (1988) ★★★★★(netflix streaming)- Love it just as much the 2nd time, such a good monkey horror film.

75. The Birds (1963) ★★★★★(tv)- Love this film, still holds up. I remember when I first saw it I thought it was very suspenseful for it's time and the idea of it actually happening is scary.


76. The Amityville Horror (1979) ★★★★★(tv)- Classic everyone should see, love this every time I see it.

77.Scream Of Fear aka Taste Of Fear (1961) ★★★★(youtube)- Liked this movie a lot, had a great twist.

78.Dracula (1931) ★★★★(netflix streaming)- Finally got around to seeing this, I enjoyed this quite a bit however I do think it is overrated and isn't that rewatchable to me. Hopefully I like frankenstein even more!

79.Slither (2006) ★★★★★(dvd)- Such a fun horror comedy, definitely a new favorite.


80. Nosferatu (1922) ★★★★★(netflix streaming)- Great eerie silent horror movie, didn't think I'd be watching this again so soon after last october but its growing on me now.

81. Friday The 13th (1980) ★★★★★(dvd)- Classic love it, where it all started!

82. Friday The 13th Part II (1981) ★★★★★(dvd)- This is one of my favorite sequels of the franchise.

83. Jason X (2001) ★★★★(dvd)- I'm a big fan of this movie, I like the different setting and the humor of it. I would give it five stars but its definitely behind the rest of the series for me as I love the classic feels of the other movies in the franchise.

84. Halloween (2007) ★★★★(dvd)- I liked this a lot, but not as much as the others in the series of course (with the exception of halloween resurrection and halloween 5).

85. Halloweentown High (2004) ★★★(tv)- This was an alright entry to the halloweentown franchise, I enjoyed it but was not as good as the previous entries.

86. Halloween (1978) ★★★★★(dvd)- My favorite horror movie of all time, it's been a tradition to always watch this on october 31st.

87. Ernest Scared Stupid (1991) ★★★★★(dvd)- A nostalgic favorite of mine, nice revisiting this movie.

The Checklist:
Completed (All except 2 optionals)


Theme Nights:
Completed: 32/32




ABC Checklist:
Completed: 21/24 (I decided to omit X & Z for various reasons)


World Checklist:
Completed: 12/12


Extended Decade Checklist:
Completed: 35/50


Last edited by arw6040; 07-29-13 at 11:39 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (80)09-15-12, 06:29 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

gp1086's First October Horror Challenge

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (81)

Getting to know me..

First Horror Movie..

Favorite Horror Movie...
Toss up between Psycho (1960), The Shining (1980), and Halloween (1978)

First Thing That Ever Frightened Me In A Horror Movie...
After watching parts of The Exorcist on TV as a child, I was petrified of my attic for several years.

Favorite Type of Horror Movie...

Movies that made me love the Horror Genre...
Scream series

Favorite horror movie score/song...
Carpenter's theme from Halloween

Last time I saw a horror movie that creeped me out...
Insidious in theaters - April 2011

I'm starting at midnight on October 1 and last title can be viewed up until I go to sleep after Halloween Day.


- 20 total movies
- 15 new watch movies
- 5 re-watch movies
- Watch American Horror Story on FX (and finish last couple episodes of first season)
- HAVE FUN, watch some awesome horror movies, and broaden my familiarity with the genre

RATING SCALE - 1 through 10

0 - 3: Terrible. Movie was nowhere near entertaining and would not rewatch.
4 - 5: Did not enjoy the movie, but it had some redeeming qualities.
6 - 8: Good and entertaining. Would re-watch again if I was in the mood and recommend to others.
9: Superb and really kept me intrigued. Highly recommend and will re-watch.
10: One of the best films I've ever seen and/or an all-time favorite. Very entertaining and highly re-watchable.

Total Count: 27.5

Current Movie Count: 22
First Watch: 16
Rewatch: 6

Average Movie Rating: 7.0Ranking the films I watch (best to worst):


*** First-watch

October 1, 2012:

(1) Cloverfield (2008) - Directed by Matt Reeves - Home DVD - 7 out of 10 - One of my favorite found footage movies. Held up pretty well.

(2) Cujo (1983) *** - Directed by Lewis Teague - Netflix Blu-ray - 8 out of 10 - Pleasantly surprised with how much I liked this one. Quite suspenseful. Loved the little kid played by Danny Pintauro

(3) The Last House on the Left (1972) *** - Directed by Wes Craven - Netflix Streaming - 6 out of 10 - Wow this movie was very graphic / violent for the year it was released. Almost wouldn't classify this as a horror movie if had just watched it off the cuff. Was shot in a very amateur type way, not that it took anything away from the film. Music was kind of interesting/upbeat for even some of the more intense scenes.

October 2, 2012:

(4) Night of the Living Dead (1968) *** - Directed by George A. Romero - YouTube HD Streaming – 4.5 out of 10 - Not much in the scares / suspense department. The acting was brutally bad at times, but the story kept me semi-intrigued

October 3, 2012:

(5) Piranha DD: Commentary (2012) *** - Directed by John Gulager - Home Blu-ray – 4.0 out of 10 (Rating for movie, not commmentary) - The commentary wasn't all that great, but not as bad as the movie itself. The filmmakers pretty much imply that they made a crappy movie with some of their dialogue. Not sure why I bought this, considering I didn't like it the first time around.

October 4, 2012:

(5.5) American Horror Story: Season One - Smoldering Children (2011) - Directed by Michael Lehmann - Netflix DVD – Re-watching this episode as a refresher before watching the final episode.

(6) American Horror Story: Season One - Birth (2011) - Directed by Alfonso Romez-Rejon - Netflix DVD – Re-watching this episode as a refresher before watching the final episode.

October 5, 2012:

(6.5) American Horror Story: Season One - Afterbirth (2011) *** - Directed by Bradley Buecker - Netflix DVD – Nice way to close out an incredible first season. I really enjoyed this show. Interesting story and great acting

(7.5) Dead Silence (2007) *** - Directed by James Wan - Netflix DVD – 7.5 out of 10 - Pretty good - loved the way the plot unfolded and definitely had some creepy parts/surprises.

(8.5) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) *** - Directed by Wes Craven - DVD Home – 8.0 out of 10 - Finally got around to watching this 80s classic. Some very solid scares and a good story/concept.

October 6, 2012:

(9.5) Scream: Commentary (1996) *** - Directed by Wes Craven - Home Blu-ray – 9.5 out of 10 - The horror movie that got me into the genre. Finally got around to checking out this commentary with Craven and Kevin Williamson - some very interesting anecdotes, discussions of certain shots/locations, issues with the MPAA, themes, etc. Great commentary for any horror fan

October 7, 2012:

(10.5) Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) *** - Directed by Joe Chappelle - Home DVD – 1.0 out of 10 - This movie was terrible on all sorts of levels. Acting and poor score aside, each scene and kill was blatantly predictable. Wish I got my 90 minutes back from watching this.

October 8, 2012:

(11.5) Halloween (2007) - Directed by Rob Zombie - Home DVD – 7.5 out of 10 - A very solid remake of a classic. I love the way Zombie incorporated additional backstory to the plot while keeping the core feel of the original.

October 9, 2012:

(12.5) Suspiria (1977) *** - Directed by Dario Argento - Netflix DVD – 8.0 out of 10 - Had heard good things about this one and wasn't disappointed. Even in a crappy DVD transfer, I loved the color scheme (red theme) and music that create a seriously creepy tone of this movie. Could see myself re-watching again in the future.

October 10, 2012:

(13.5) Scream 2: Commentary (1997) *** - Directed by Wes Craven - Home Blu-ray – 7.5 out of 10 - A worthy sequel to the original, which while enjoyable, is not quite on the same level. Craven and the producers do a nice job with the commentary discussing the evolution of the storyline, filming locations, certain shots, etc.

October 11, 2012:

(14.5) Friday the 13th: Part 4: The Final Chapter (1984) *** - Directed by Joseph Zito - Netflix DVD – 5.0 out of 10 - A pretty boring, standard Friday the 13th the sequel. Give it some minor credit for creativeness on some the kills and a semi-original ending. Characters were typical boring individuals as usually reserved for 80's slashers.

October 12, 2012:

October 13, 2012:

October 14, 2012:

(15.5) The Shining (1980) - Directed by Stanley Kubrick - Home Blu-Ray – 10 out of 10 - Such a classic. One of my favorite movies of all time. Highly rewatchable.

***BONUS: Attended haunted house event

October 15, 2012:

(16) The Walking Dead: Season 1: Episode 1: Days Gone Bye (2010) *** - Directed by Frank Darabont - Netflix Streaming

(16.5) The Walking Dead: Season 1: Episode 2: Guts (2010) *** - Directed by Michelle MacLaren - Netflix Streaming

(17) The Walking Dead: Season 1: Episode 3: Tell It to the Frogs (2010) *** - Directed by Gwyneth Horder-Payton - Netflix Streaming

October 16, 2012:

(18) [Rec] (2007) *** - Directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza - Netflix DVD – 7.5 out of 10 - One of the best zombie moves I've ever seen. The found footage works well and some pretty good scares.

(18.5) The Walking Dead: Season 1: Episode 4: Vatos (2010) *** - Directed by Johan Renck - Netflix Streaming

October 17, 2012:

(19.5) Sinister (2012) *** - Directed by Scott Derrickson - Theatre – 8.0 out of 10 - A very creepy movie with some nice acting from Ethan Hawke.

(20.5) Dead Alive (1992) *** - Directed by Peter Jackson - Netflix DVD – 5.0 out of 10 - Story itself was very cheesy/boring. Never been much of a horror-comedy fan, but the the over-the-top gore was mildly entertaining.

(21) American Horror Story: Asylum: Season 2: Episode 1: Welcome to Briarcliff (2012) *** - Directed by Bradley Buecker - Cable

October 18, 2012:

October 19, 2012:

October 20, 2012:

October 21, 2012:

October 22, 2012:

(21.5) The Walking Dead: Season 1: Episode 5: Wildfire (2010) *** - Directed by Ernest R. Dickerson - Netflix Streaming

October 23, 2012:

(22) The Walking Dead: Season 1: Episode 6: TS-19 (2010) *** - Directed by Guy Ferland - Netflix Streaming

October 24, 2012:

(23) Prom Night (1980) *** - Directed by Paul Lynch - Netflix DVD – 6.5 out of 10 - Better than average slasher. Acting wasn't superb, but the story was decent.

(24) Ravenous (1999) *** - Directed by Antonia Bird - Netflix DVD – 6.5 out of 10 - Pretty good story that kept me intrigued. The performance by Robert Carlyle was impressive and memorable.

(24.5) American Horror Story: Asylum: Season 2: Episode 2: Tricks and Treats (2012) *** - Directed by Bradley Buecker - Cable

October 25, 2012:

(25.5) Scream 4 (2011) - Directed by Wes Craven - Home Blu-ray – 9.0 out of 10 - I always have so much fun watching this fantastic addition to the Scream series. Major props to Kevin Williamson for an intriguing script full of mystery and witty dialogue that pays homage to the horror genre. Some fantastic kills and a clever opening. Have always been very impressed with Hayden Panettierre's performance, as well.

October 26, 2012:

October 27, 2012:

October 28, 2012:

(26.5) Psycho (1960) - Directed by Alfred Hitchco*ck - Home Blu-ray – 10 out of 10 - Such an amazing movie that holds up incredibly on rewatch. One of my favorite movies of all time.

October 29, 2012:

October 30, 2012:

October 31, 2012:

(27.5) Halloween (1978) - Directed by John Carpenter - Home DVD – 9 out of 10 - It's a tradition to watch this classic slasher.

Last edited by gp1086; 11-05-12 at 03:16 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (83)09-15-12, 07:07 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (84)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (85)

Goal: 150

Blue = Repeated viewing
Green = 1st time viewing

First Time Views: 125/148 = 84.4%
(BLU RAY) Views: 50/148 = 33.8%

Some highlights:
1)Watched 7 Dario Argento titles (six first time views, not counting his masters of horror episode)
2)Watched 7 Mario Bava titles (five first time views)
3)Watched 5 Lucio Fulci titles (all five first time views)
4)Watched 12 Vincent Price titles (all 12 first time views)
5)Discovered Jean Rollin, watched 2 titles of his

Oct 1st
1)Halloween (2007) - (BLU RAY) Keeping with tradition, starting with this remake and ending with Carpenter's. Decided to listen to Zombie's commentary this year, and thoroughly enjoyable throughout. Great blend of funny stories, technical mumbo jumbo, and set locations. Particularly, I enjoyed the comments about how much Daeg enjoyed swearing/committing violence, and also the fight scene between Tyler Mane and Ken Foree. Learned a lot, but still hate the movie. 4/10
2)Equinox - Let this be a lesson to all viewers, never accept books from creepy men living in caves. I definately see the influence on The Evil Dead, so I'm glad it got the Criterion treatment. Stop motion will always be entertaining. 6/10
3)Island of Lost Souls - (BLU RAY) Thank you Criterion for bringing this film out which would otherwise go unseen by me. Love how it parallels Frankenstein in the man vs nature theme. Not frightening by any means for today's standards, but the idea itself is terrifying. 8/10
4)Evil Bong - Best movie about a possessed narcotic paraphanalia I have ever seen. Props to Charles Band for throwing random Full Moon characters in, like the Gingerdead Man and Fetish Doll. Tommy Chong gets to live every man's dream playing Hot Wheels on strippers breasts, but still, I'm more of a natural breast guy. There was one scene where a character is playing Super Mario Brothers 3, and clearly the audio playing is not from Mario Bros, which pissed me off. Also, he said he was on level 15, when he was really on the first level. NERD RAGE!!!!!! 3/10
5)Final Destination - (BLU RAY) I learned how difficult simple blood splatter kills can be to shoot thanks to Zombie's commentary on Halloween, so I wonder how many takes these elaborate kills took to shoot? Still a fun ride despite seeing it so many times and knowing exactly how each character is killed. Kind of nice to see Sean William Scott play the whiny, nerd character for once. 7/10
6)Mirrors 2 - My dvd copy skipped twice, so I missed roughly 5 minutes or so of story. Why they make double-sided dvds today is an abomination. Gone is the mystery aspect of the first film, replaced by over-the-top death scenes, including a guillotine beheading in a shower and hara kiri with a steak knife. Hated Nick Stahl's hair. Enjoyed more than I thought I would given the history of straight to dvd titles. Thought the behind the mirror POV shots were a dumb idea though. 5/10
7)Vampyr (1932) - Makes me appreciate the horror genre that much more. Great use of shadows and lighting throughout. Score was eerie, and I never knew which sequences were reality vs dream. Must watch this again sometime. 7/10
8)Children of the Corn - See, this is why I believe children shouldn't attend church. Too bad Linda Hamilton wasn't buff like she was in T2, she could kick all the kids' asses. Liked it until the ending, was a story built around kids killing adults and forming a society not scary enough for the movie? 7/10
9)The Innkeepers - (BLU RAY) Loved how the film is divided into chapters with the silent-era stills. Another great film by Ti West. Didn't love it as much as House of the Devil, but still a great slow-burn movie. So much characterization, with realistic dialogue and relatable chracters. 8/10

Oct 2nd
10)The Vampire Lovers - I would be Ingrid Pitt's servant any day! Another fine addition to the Hammer horror collection. I liked Countess Dracula slightly more. 6/10
11)Final Destination 2 - (BLU RAY) The best in the series. Best opening mass death sequence, as well as some quick deaths that take you by surprise. 8/10
12)Hocus Pocus - (BLU RAY) Can't say I'm fond of it as an adult, but fun to watch with the fiance. There have been countless Disney holiday releases, but this one stands the test of time. The Witch sisters' acting in the current world adds some comic relief. 6/10
13)Pinocchio's Revenge - The gal who played the maid, Sophia, could be my maid any day! WOWZERS! Very dull overall, as lifeless as the puppet itself. 2 points for the great nudity and the psychological aspect. 2/10
14)An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe - One man reading Poe, sounds boring, right? Not when that man is Vincent Price! Really shows the man's acting ability. Still, it's just Price doing monologues for 50 minutes. 5/10
15)Prince of Darkness - Slowest of all the John Carpenter movies I've seen, but what a build up it is. Much like The Thing, I'll have to rewatch this multiple times to put all the pieces together. Great effects throughout. 7/10
16)The Stuff - I loved Michael Moriarty in this role. He is the perfect blend of heroism of Indiana Jones mixed with the charm and wit of James Bond. Great movie overall, it's like The Blob but with no artificial ingredients! Larry Cohen always amazes me. Enjoyable script mixed with great effects make this a highly enjoyable film. Great blend of sci fi/horror/spoof. "Well, everybody has to eat shaving cream once in a while" 9/10

Oct 3rd

17)Rabid - Every director has got to start somewhere, right? Sort of like a semi-prequel to 28 Days later. Marilyn Chambers did a great job I thought. Surprised to see Ivan Reitman as executive producer, always thought he was strictly comedy based. 3/10
18)976-EVIL - I hate Stephen Geoffrey's, I find his voice more annoying than Gilbert Gottfried. Takes about an hour to get going, but is decent overall. Nothing spectacular, but worth a watch. 5/10
19)Final Destination 3 - (BLU RAY) Opening mass death sequence was decent, but not on par with part 2. Not many other positives to it, besides featuring one of my favorite deaths in the series, the tanning booth scene. Guess I just love to see rich, pampered pretty girls getting fried. Tony Todd has a great devil voice (and subway operator voice for that matter). 5/10
20)Graveyard Shift - Read the short story and decided it was time to give this a watch. Very good adaptation if you ask me. The manager made a great A-hole character. Good creature effects, and genuinely scary at some points. 7/10
21)Strip Nude for Your Killer - (BLU RAY) Just the kind of trash you want to watch with your parents. Ok, not really. This movie made me feel so poor, what with everybody wearing expensive fur coats, nice decor in their homes and of course the models. One victim resembles Paul Bearer which is creepy. Decent giallo with ample nudity thrown in. The girls are beautiful and all natural, which is why I love 70's nudity. Bravo!6/10
22)Chopping Mall - f*ck you Kevin James, who needs mall cops when you got robots that can shoot lasers out of their heads? Not only can they shoot lasers, but they're also smart enough to hide bodies in the dark. I enjoyed how after they kill one person, they stop asking for identification, it's almost as if the robots said "f*ck it, I'm just going to kill them". They may kill you, but at least they're nice about it and say have a nice day. Fun movie from beginning to end. Everything about it screams campy, from the laser sound effects to the music played while the robots are in motion. Glad to own this gem. 8/10

Oct 4th

23)The Abominable Dr. Phibes - Vincent Price is even creepier without a voice, in makeup and wearing a cloak! Loved how artsy this movie is with the wadrobe and music. Some comedy thrown in with the police, but otherwise a great revenge thriller! 8/10
24)Evil Bong 2: King Bong - Awful. I don't know, I guess you got to be a stoner to like this series. No redeeming value at all save for the nudity. Nobody even dies! I don't have high standards for anything FullMoon puts out, but man, just awful. 1/10
25)The Final Destination - (BLU RAY) So wait, they're not going for the teenage/high school crowd? Like I'm supposed to believe the stars in the movie were homeowners, c'mon, they looked 20 years old, tops! The credit sequence at the beginning was kinda cool showing x-rays of previous deaths from the series. Other than that, not much to like. Predictable, awful acting, and lame 3d use. 3/10
26)Children of the Corn 2: The Final Sacrifice - Decent follow-up, but worlds apart from the original. All they did was replace one preachy kid with another. The "Corn POV" were dumb. Still, I enjoyed it mostly for the grandma in wheelchair death scene, classic! 5/10
27)Night of the Comet - Different twist on the zombie genre. It had a sense of reality to it, in that this is how two teenage girls would react to the same scenario. I was expecting a lot more zombies, but it's not one of those films. 7/10
28)Frankenhooker - (BLU RAY) Frank Henenlotter may be my favorite horror director ever, after having discovered him for the first time last year with Basket Case. Great writing with low budget props mixed with just absurd plots make me a huge fan of his. This film is so quotable and easily enjoyable. Loved it. 9/10
29)Manhattan Baby - Lucio Fulci is one of my favorite horror directors, so I'm trying to go through some of his lesser known filmography. This title is kind a jumbled mess and it never really knows what it wants to be. There's no real suspense, just one death scene at the end that's done in typical Fulci fashion. Otherwise, it's just sand, scorpions and snakes. Oh, and that annoying blonde kid from House by the Cemetery is back with even worse dubbing. 4/10

Oct 5th

30)Tomb of Ligeia - This is why men should never get married, you'll forever be haunted and tormented. Decided to go through all Price/Corman Poe adaptations, so started with this one. Very enjoyable overall, great acting and wonderful costumes. 6/10
31)Final Destination 5 - (BLU RAY) Finally a step in the right direction for the series. Loved the introduction of a new idea into the series, as well as relating it to the first film. I thought the tanning booth scene in 3 was bad, but the laser eye tops it. 7/10
32)Dreamaniac - "These kids in horror movies are so easy to kill, you could kill them with a cordless phone" - Pablo Francisco. I noted in this film that while making out with a girl, never interrupt with "I'm hungry, do you think there are any chips left?" According to South Park lore, you can get rid of a Succubus by giving it tree fiddy. Worse than typical slasher, barely enjoyable at all. 2/10
33)The Gore Gore Girls - (BLU RAY) I first introduced myself to the work of Mr. Herschell last year, and I'm so glad that I did. Perhaps is the most brutal work of his, with ironing of a face, meat tenderizer to the ass, nipple-cutting, etc. It's so fake and that's why I love it. Video sleaze at its best. 7/10
34)Children of the Corn 3: Urban Harvest - Leprachaun went to da hood, so let's bring the corn there too. Actually pretty decent until the ending with the tyrannosaurus-snake creature. 6/10
35)Intruder - (BLU RAY) While it offers nothing new or unique to the slasher genre, I have a major soft spot for it since I worked in a grocery store for over 6 years. Some great gore and kills, and naturally some grocery store items are used, like the bailer and deli slicer. Some camera shots were kind of cool, like inside a shopping cart and in a corner overlooking the entire store. Hope to watch the workprint version next year. 8/10
36)Dr. Phibes Rises Again! - Totally unnecessary sequel if there ever was one. Not nearly creative as the first was, and I found myself being bored with it. At least they kept the bumbling police force for comedy relief. 4/10

Oct 6th

37)Piranha 3DD - (BLU RAY) Read so many bad things about this, but I went in with low expectations and got exactly what I wanted from the film. Big breasts, gore, and stereotypical characters. You got the Hoff, Gary Busey and Christopher Lloyd, plus Ving Rhames with shotgun legs. Good waste of 82 minutes. 6/10
38)MoH: Incident On and Off a Mountain Road - Middle tier episode from season one. Average slasher, nothing more. Found the flashbacks dealing with the rocky relationship with her husband more interesting than the chase scenes. 5/10

Oct 7th

39)Dracula (1931) - (BLU RAY) My second favorite Universal monster movie after Frankenstein. Was surprised at how different the movie is compared to the novel after reading it recently. Still a great classic though. 9/10
40)MoH: Dance of the Dead - Didn't know this was based off a Richard Matheson story, wonder if it's any better? This was my second least favorite episode of season one after Homecoming. Robert Englund gives a decent performance, but everything else was a bore. 2/10

Oct 8th
41)Dracula's Daughter (1936) - Obviously can't compare to the original, but still a fun watch. Bela's eyes were just creepy in the original, but the actress who played the new Countess had a similar look as well. Glad Von Helsing was back. 7/10
42)MoH: Cigarette Burns - In my top 3 favorites from season one, and the first episode I ever watched of the entire series and got me hooked. Good premise, what if film can capture and cause pure evil? 6/10

Oct 9th

43)Arachnophobia - (BLU RAY) You know how Hitchco*ck's Vertigo played on a character's fear of heights? This movie does the same, if not better, albeit a different fear. I think everybody has a small fear of spiders, knowing how powerless we are in our sleep to stop them. Well done movie. Loved John Goodman's comedic relief character. 8/10
44)The Prowler - (BLU RAY) Would make a great double feature with My Bloody Valentine. Maybe I've seen too many slashers, but the killer is easily guessed withing 20 minutes. A little slow for me, but a decent slasher. Great effects by Tom Savini, naturally. Best part for me was how the killer's motives are never explained. 6/10
45)Evil Bong 3: The Wrath of Bong - I'm done with these movies. Did not enjoy this movie in the slightest. I guess you really have to be a stoner or have stoner friends to enjoy these films. The grandpa's foul mouth was semi-enjoyable. 0/10
46)The Gate - Thought this would be strictly a kids movie since the premise sounded silly and no parents are to be found in the entire film. I guess I'll wait a little while longer to show this to any future children I may have, as it has some decent scares. Stephen Dorff was great for a child actor. Effects were great, and the stop motion never gets old. Highly enjoyable first time watch. 7/10
47)The Black Cat (1981) - That is one bad puss*! Seriously, I always hated cats, and this gives me greater cause to hate my girlfriend's cats. Fulci adapting Poe, sounds good to me! I thoroughly enjoyed it but can't comment on how good of an adaptation it is. Typical Fulci eye shots and some good gore. 7/10
48)Children of the Corn 4: The Gathering - Naomi Watts debut! New concept, but still a let down. Maybe this is a series I shouldn't have sat through, but at this point, I'm intent of finishing them. Karen Black has always been hideous to me, but she looks like a meth addict in this film. 3/10
49)My Name is Bruce - Does exactly what it sets out to do, in satirizing Bruce's career, his fans, and B-movies in general. Pretty humorous throughout with tons of nods to his career that any hardcore Bruce fan will pick up on immediately. 6/10

Oct 10th

50)Mimic - (BLU RAY) Another terrifying insect movie. I've never been to NY, but this film shows how creepy old subway tunnels can be. Great effects throughout. 7/10
51)Dagon - It wouldn't be a Stuart Gordon movie without a naked damsel in distress. Loved it, brings Lovecraft's universe alive without relying on cheap sci-fi channel quality cgi. Genuinely creepy and unsettling. Great use of cell phone as a weapon. Really feel sorry for Ezra Godden, he spent at least three quarters of the movie drenched in a damp sweater, wonder how often he got sick? 8/10
52)Creepshow - (BLU RAY) Hard to believe I put off seeing this gem for so long. The granddaddy of all anthology horror films. My favorite sequence would probably be the intro, Fathers Day, but they're all fun to watch. 8/10
53)The Deadly Spawn - I appreciate low budget horror more than any other genre. Last year's favorite discovery was Basket Case, this year, it's this title. Little pink rubber leeches are horrifying enough, but when said monsters attack an old ladies dinner party, yikes! Not the best effects and you can see strings galore, but that's part of the charm! 9/10
54)Vamp - (BLU RAY) Katrina made bizarre head accessories and body paint cool before Lady Gaga. Bizarre seeing the guy who played Jack Klompus from Seinfeld in a horror film like this. Good buddy/vampire movie. 8/10

Oct 11th

55)The Midnight Meat Train - (BLU RAY) Bradley Cooper was great in a role slightly outside his comfort. Decent story, but the animated blood splatter was a buzz kill. 6/10
56)Tales of Terror - Another fine anthology film, even more memorable due to Price adapting Poe. My favorite out of the three was "The Black Cat" simply for Price's facial expressions as he's tasting wine. All three were good stories, and I love old horror films like this. I think I'm falling in love with Vincent Price. 8/10
57)Graduation Day - Standard 80's slasher. Nothing too original and the kills are kind of tame with limited amount of gore. I always watch movies with subtitles, and this dvd has by far the worse subtitles I have ever seen. Missing dialogue, punctuation, grammar, it's awful. 5/10
58)Night Train Murders - (BLU RAY) I thought this would be a Terror Train type slasher on a train movie, but was I wrong! It's nothing more than a European copycat of Last House on the Left (which I hated). If you liked Last House, than this is a film for you. 3/10
59)Children of the Corn 5: Fields of Terror - More like Fields of Boredom, am I right? Eva Mendes *schwing* Once she died, I stopped caring about the movie. The "lead" kid was not nearly as intimidating as past entries, it might be the fact that he's ginger and tiny as compared to having black hair and wearing Amish hats and overalls. 2/10
60)Pieces - Great Grindhouse flick. Awesome intro, had me hooked from the start! Premise is great, gore effects looked good and nothing really to complain about. 8/10

Oct 12th

61)Son of Dracula (1943) - I liked how it really showed the strength of Dracula in this film. Picking up a man by the throat and throwing him, invulnerable to bullets, and changing from bat to man. Plot was decent. Lon Chaney Jr. was decent, but no Bela Lugosi. 7/10
62)Stage Fright - Great location for a horror movie and unique premise. I hate musicals, so killing stars of a musical is a movie I naturally want to see. Killer wearing the owl mask was creepy. Nothing but a standard slasher. 6/10
63)Laid to Rest - Woman wakes up in a coffin and the first person she runs into is a limping Bill Goldberg? Another standard slasher, but at least the killer is pretty cool. Chrome mask, chrome knives, even a chrome cell phone. The main girl had the biggest breasts I have ever seen in a horror movie, too bad there wasn't any nudity. 5/10
64)Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return - Prophecy bullsh*t this, chosen one bullsh*t that. Boring overall, worth one watch to see grown up Isaac. He still is creepy despite 15 years aging. 2/10
65)Cabin in the Woods - (BLU RAY) Wow, lives up to all the expectations. Finally something new in the horror genre. My only problem was Chris Hemsworth, I kept hearing Thor whenever I heard him talk. 9/10
66)Fascination - (BLU RAY) My first introduction to Jean Rollin. Pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this film. Loved the simple intro with just two girls dancing to music on a bridge. Great locations and looked fabulous on blu ray. See through dresses need to be in style. 7/10
67)Candyman - Great tale on the urban legend. I LOVE the theme, Philip Glass ias a great composer and the score had me hooked (no pun intended) from the start. Plenty of psychology here as well. Who exactly is the Candyman, a myth? A gangster dressing up as him to scare people? Or perhaps Helen herself? Tony Todd is wonderful, his deep, dark voice works perfectly. 8/10

Oct 13th

68)Nightmare Before Christmas - (BLU RAY) In my top 3 Disney titles. Yes, I own the soundtrack and will sing along to some of the songs if nobody is nearby. Feel good film, great animation and memorable characters. 9/10
69)Creature - If you're going to see one movie located in the Louisiana bayou, make it Hatchet. Worth watching to see Sid Haig punch a girl in the face and the great nudity shots right at the beginning. Creature costume looked awful and its demise was just a cop out. Nothing is really explained, but maybe I wasn't paying too close attention. 3/10
70)Maximum Overdrive - Loved the short story, mixed feelings on the movie. On the one hand, it has some very memorable death scenes. You actually root for the machines not because the humans are unlikable, but because it's just hilarious. On the other hand, when people aren't dying, the movie is dull. 4/10
71)Basket Case 3 - The birthing scene was the funniest sh*t I've seen in a while. Some genuinely good script writing here and there that had me laughing out loud. Good effects and makeup, but the story didn't have me glued to the screen like the first. Better than 2, but far from the first film. 5/10
72)Children of the Corn 7: Revelation - Dull with no scares and no plot. Surprised to see big name actor like Michael Ironside in a movie like this. The kids were not scary in the slightest and acted like robots. 1/10
73)Hatchet - (BLU RAY) It's not a remake, and it's not based off an asian one. A refreshing entry into the slasher genre and a brilliant homage to the 80's era. Brutal, stereotypical characters, and intimidating Kane Hodder in great makeup make this a recent favorite. 8/10

Oct 14th

74)Dolly Dearest - Bad copycat of Child's Play. Replace a dead serial killer with an ancient Sanzian devil child. Bad writing, for example, Rip Torn plays an archeologist who exclaims "the crypt looks awesome" while examining a tomb. No archeologist would use those words to describe a tomb, but a teenager might. Kills were tame and bloodless. 2/10
75)The Haunted Palace - I like how this is clearly a H.P. Lovecraft adaptation, but yet it was given a Poe title. Good story, and Price plays the dual personality well. 7/10
76)Don't Torture a Duckling - Not only a great giallo flick, but one of Fulci's better outputs. I guess I came to love Fulci for his violence, but this film is relatively calm so it differs from his more well-known titles. Some dark content matter perhaps for some - older woman hitting on young boys, children being murdered, boys discussing sexual content, etc. Again, don't like to brag, but I guessed the killer within twenty minutes. 8/10
77)The Fog (1980) - This movie just oozes atmosphere like none other. From the opening, there are car alarms going off, mirrors breaking, etc. Tom Atkins is awesome as per his usual. Not really a gory or slasher flick, but it doesn't need to be. Great film, and not even in my top 3 Carpenter films, that just shows how good of filmmaker he used to be. I loved everything, other than Jamie Lee Curtis' complete waste of a character. 8/10
78)The Thing (2011) - (BLU RAY) Remake fail. Here's the thing I hated in comparison to the original. Here, you literally see the creature replicate people and it ruins the "shock" whereas the original you didn't know who was who until it was far too late. The cgi is just a mess and almost embarrasing. I like how they kept the score and getting to see inside the ship near the end. 4/10
79)Castle Freak - Brings the phrase "eating puss*" to a whole new level. If I were to write a sequel, I'd title it "Castle Freak 2: Get Your Freak On". The freak looked like a bald Steven Tyler's corpse. Jeffrey Combs is phenomenal, always enjoy him. A lesser Stuart Gordon film, but still one of the best outputs from Full Moon. 6/10
80)The Stepfather (1987) - A nice twist on a slasher flick. The opening scene is just haunting. Terry O'Quinn plays his role perfectly, both the family man and psycho losing his cool. 7/10

Oct 15th

81)House of Dracula (1945) - A mishmash of classic monsters. The story felt too rushed and sloppily put together as neither monster had extensive screen time. Frankenstein's monster is reawakened near the end of the film only to die 3 minutes later. Weakest of all Universal classic monster movies thus far. 5/10
82)The Stepfather 2 - Boring sequel. Nothing new to the story. No suspense like the first one had. The ending wedding was decent, but I was expecting a bigger bloodbath. 4/10

Oct 16th
83)The Invisible Man (1933) - (BLU RAY) Wow, incredible! Had I seen this movie back in 1933, I'm sure I would have sh*t my pants. Much like Frankenstein, love the anti-science theme. Really dark for it's time, the invisible man was a complete psycho. Random killings, and derailing an entire train! Wasn't expecting that! 9/10
84)Devil - Great paranoia/claustrophobia feel. Story was decent, but I'm glad the movie was short as I wasn't completely enthralled in the film. Good concept, not very thrilling though. 4/10

Oct 17th

85)Tower of London - Liked that it was shot in black and white and the gothic feel it gives. Price was exceptional as a dark, sinister brother desperate for the crown. Good haunting tale, but not the best Corman/Price collaboration. Worth a watch, especially for any Vincent Price fan. 6/10
86)MoH: Jennifer - Not scary per se, but the idea is horrifying. Leaving your family to fall for a monster. I love Argento, but this wasn't nearly close to being a better episode of the series. 4/10

Oct 18th

87)Maniac - (BLU RAY) Great effects by Tom Savini, who naturally saves the best death for himself on screen. Not much of a story, but I wasn't expecting one. Proves that childhood sucks. 6/10
88)Chromeskull: Laid to Rest 2 - Decent follow up. Lots more gore, but compared to Savini's practical effects, this cgi blood just won't do. Danielle Harris had a smaller role than I expected. The shaky cam style of shooting is cheap and annoying. 5/10
89)Satan's Blood - Gotta love the satan's orgy scene! Loved it throughout, very dark tone. Creepy doll, suicide, eating intestines raw, etc. The main actress was very attractive and luckily she got nude a few times. A blind buy, but worth the purchase. I love finding obscure, foreign stuff like this. So much better than mainstream horror today. 8/10
90)Up From the Depths - I know what I'm getting into when I see Corman's name attached, but this was a complete bore. The kills were tame, just the water turning red, you never see torn flesh or screams. Boring characters, but there is some comic relief. Don't know how a sumo wrestler is going to kill a fish with a samurai sword, but it's a funny thought. 2/10
91)Alucarda - Any movie Guillermo Del Toro is a fan of automatically makes it on my watch list. Great themes throughout, and the finale is truly memorable. Why is a covenant located in a cave setting? I'm sure there is a lot of spanish culture here that I may be missing, but still worth watching. A decent possession story. 6/10

Oct 19th

92)The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) - Starts out as a mystery, then builds tension throughout to a great finale. Price is perfect. Great sets, costumes and story. Another enjoyable Poe adaptation from Corman. 7/10
93)Waxwork - A newly discovered gem! Highly enjoyable film that's a great blend of fun, light horror and adventure. Loved the huge battle at the end. 8/10
94)The Crazies (2010) - (BLU RAY) I always knew the car wash was a terrifying place! Thanks for verifying that theory, movie. Can't say how good of remake it is as I havn't seen the original, but pretty terrifying throughout. Felt a little bit long, but I enjoyed it. 6/10
95)Candyman 2: Farewell to the Flesh - Not a fan of this entry. Way too much backstory on the villian, he should have remained a mystery. Some good effects and occasional gore, but a bore overall. 3/10
96)City of the Living Dead - (BLU RAY) Fulci is the master of gross-out effects, and this film is no exception. The puking your guts out was my favorite. I was expecting this to be a lot better. The beginning is slow, jumping around between multiple characters. The last twenty minutes are great, but it just takes so long to get there. For a film with the title like this, I expected a lot more zombie action. 6/10
97)The Invisible Man Returns (1940) - Holy cow is that a young Vincent Price! I honestly wouldn't have recognized him or his voice if not for the credits. Good plot and surprised at how good the effects still hold up. Great era in Hollywood. One of the better Universal Monster sequels. 8/10

Oct 20th

98)Final Exam - Standard 80's slasher. I liked how a report of a shooting on campus brings one sheriff to investigate, oh how the times have changed. I disliked how the killer was just an ordinary guy and his motives never explained. I thought the movie had an excellent chance to explain the killer's motives in a story told about a pledge's suicide the year prior, so the killer could be the dad desiring revenge on fraternity/sorority members. Oh, and the killer catching an arrow shot from a bow with his bare hands is too stupid, even for horror movie standards. 5/10
99)The Invisible Woman (1940) - Hope you weren't expecting horror, because this is a romantic comedy! It's well written, but the comedy is hit or miss with me. For example, I don't find physical humor in a butler falling off a ladder amusing. 4/10
100)Suspiria - Decided to go with this classic as my 100th watch for this challenge. In my top 5 horror films for sure. I have never seen better use of colors in a film, period. One poster said it best in that it captures a nightmare on film. The opening, the ending, and damnear everything in between is perfect. 10/10
101)A Bay of Blood - (BLU RAY) Mario Bava was my favorite discovery last year, so I'm trying to watch most of his horror titles. I definately see the influence on Friday the 13th. Loved the opening credit sequence with the bay, just beautiful. Very minimal throughout, barely a score at all save for drum beats here and there. Good plot that had me guessing. Great gore effects. Not as good as his best titles, but still a damn good slasher. 7/10
102)House on Sorority Row - A by-the-book 80's slasher. Nothing makes it spectacular, but worth watching. The jack in the box was terrifying, though. What awful toys! The only thing that makes it stick out is its entire female cast. 5/10

Oct 21st

103)The Raven (1963) - More comedy than horror. Not the best Corman/Price adaptation of Poe, and the story is VERY losely based off his short story, but it's still a fun watch. The soundtrack is whimsical, almost something out of a Looney Tunes cartoon. The finale duel to the death is one of the silliest things I have ever seen as both magicians duel while seated in a throne. Light-hearted, and worth a watch merely for Price. 6/10

Oct 22nd

104)The Thing from Another World (1951) - Never seen this classic, but had to buy this year. Shocking for the time period, and the story still holds up well. I miss the paranoia feeling from Carpenter's remake, but the creature is still terrifying and the way it feeds off blood to reproduce is a scary thought. Loved the conflict between science and surviving. 8/10
105)Brain Dead (2007) - Not much enjoyable here. Has the worst acting I've seen thus far, all the actors trying to pull off a southern accent is just comedic. Plus, the guy who plays the "tough guy" had tattoos running up his arms drawn in by black marker, no joke. It tries really hard to be a low budget horror film with some comedy, but it doesn't measure up to any successful low budget film. There is some decent gore effects for being low budget, and some great nudity, but other than that, this film is pretty dull. 3/10

Oct 23rd

106)Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama - Like the title suggests, it's total 80's cheese. I like the fact that it takes place in the bowling alley. I didn't like the cheap "demon" costumes/makeup nor the imp's humor. Still, has some charm and it's a good popcorn flick. 4/10
107)Tucker and Dale vs Evil - (BLU RAY) Fun film that excels at being both a parody and romance at the same time while completely turning the horror genre upside down. Being older now, I can relate to the "damn college kids" mentality. Great film from start to finish. 8/10
108)Rogue - Easily the best animal attack movie since Jaws. It's not just a movie about a crocodile attacking people, it's about survivalism and being a hero. All the characters in the movie seem genuine and real. The crocodile looked great and natural. Wonderful cinematography of the Australian outback along with wonderful shots of other creatures in their habitat. 7/10
109)Hatchet for the Honeymoon - (BLU RAY) I'm loving Bava more and more with each film I watch of his. While it's not his best film, I simply loved it because of how closely it resembles American Psycho (one of my favorite horror movies). The opening monologue is similar. The main character is sophisticated, wealthy, stylish, smart, and cool under pressure. As the film goes on and the madness develops, there is a sense of did he or didn't he murder his wife? Also loved the reference to Bava's earlier film on the television. I predict I'll love this film more as I watch it in more in the future. 8/10
110)Invisible Agent (1942) - Again, hard to classify as horror, but it's part of the Universal Monster boxset, so whatever. Entertaining enough, lots of double-crosses, secret agents and war tactics. Worst thing about the movie for me was how all of Germany speaks English apparently. Peter Lorre was great as a man who'll resort to torture to get what he wants. Jon Hall was decent, but no Claude Rains or Vincent Price. 5/10

Oct 24th

111)MoH: The Fair-Haired Child - From the start, you think this is going to be an ordinary kidnapping/torture horror, but it soon becomes more apparent that it's something different. Mix some black magic plot in and you get a semi-original story. Pretty dull, as the story is told through flashbacks as well. The "creature" effects were laughable rather than scary. Good ending to the tale, though. 5/10
112)The Invisible Man's Revenge (1944) - Glad that the horror/revenge theme is back as I was getting tired of the comedic sequels. This one brings the series back to its roots in that a man is given the invisibility drug and slowly goes mad as the story progresses. It also borrows from Dracula in that he needs blood in order to return back to normal. Better than the last two entries, but still below the first two. 6/10

Oct 25th

113)Triloquist - Jeff Dunham's standup act is more horror than this POS. The worst film I watched so far for this challenge, I can find no positive thing about this film. I mean, all dummies are naturally creepy the same way clowns are creepy, so how hard could be it be to make a scary ventriloquist movie? The brother in the film had the dumbest smirk on his face for the entire movie and it got tiring after the first five minutes. The dummy itself looked stupid rather than scary. Much like the film jumping all over the place, the soundtrack ranges from rap to rock to classic show tunes. Complete garbage. 0/10
114)MoH: Pick Me Up - Probably my second favorite episode from the first season after Deer Woman. Great collision and tension between two serial killers and their prey who get caught between. Michael Moriarty gives a great performance once again, this time laying on a thick Brooklyn NY accent. 7/10

Oct 26th

115)The Shiver of the Vampires - (BLU RAY) Only my second Jean Rollin film ever, and I'm in love with the man. Not as good as Fascination, but still has a decent plot, great dream-like flow, colors and of course some lesbian vampires. Plot is a little more confusing, but I like the added backstory of why vampires fear the cross (ancestors were persecuted by christians centuries ago). 6/10
116)Trilogy of Terror - I get enjoyment out of most horror anthologies, and this may be the grandfather of them all. Karen Black really displays her acting chops by playing three different roles, but I still find her to be uglier than sin. Obviously the Zuni fetish doll is the most infamous tale out of the three, and possibly the only of the three that might be considered scary. I was laughing at the sounds of the doll, which sounded to me like a chihuahua. The second tale had a very predictable ending. 6/10
117)Twins of Evil - (BLU RAY) Another fine Hammer production! At first, I was wondering who to root for, I mean, you got Peter Cushing as a God-loving Puritan who burns innocents on a pyre vs a Count who just seems to be looking for a good time. No worries, this all leads to a great battle at the end between good and evil. My those twins were lovely, and I thought I was being teased the whole movie, but luckily one shows her goods at about 70 minutes in. 8/10
118)Black Sabbath - Mario Bava is my favorite discovery of any challenge, seriously. I said Trilogy of Terror was the grandfather of anthology horror, well I take that back. The three stories get progressively more suspensful and horrifying. Move over Zelda from Pet Semetary, the corpse in the last tale is the creepiest corpse ever put to film. Not even his best work, but this film is a masterpiece. 8/10

Oct 27th
119)Madhouse - An average slasher, but with Price and Cushing, it's made that much better. Liked the "sort-of" homage to Price's career, seen in clips from his previous movies with the studio. Not one of Price's best films, but still worth a watch. You can think of this film as a pretend prequel to Abdominable Dr. Phibes. 5/10
120)The Bird with the Crystal Plumage - (BLU RAY) Nobody does giallo better than Argento. The plot borrows from Rear Window slightly, but mixes in an unknown murderer. Suspenseful from start to finish, and enjoyable despite being not one of Argento's bloodier titles. 8/10
121)Dead Alive - (BLU RAY) Sam Raimi returned to his horror roots with Drag Me to Hell, wonder how long it'll take Peter Jackson? Love this film, just a total black comedy gross-out. The last 30 minutes are completely over the top in the best way. Great effects, and I even love the stop-motion rat-monkey. The baby scene at the park still makes me laugh no matter how many times I've seen it. 9/10
122)Frankenstein (1931) - (BLU RAY) My favorite of the Universal monsters. Kudos to Universal for cleaning these films up so well on blu ray. Man vs nature, memorable scenes, blah blah you've heard it before. 10/10
123)Mountaintop Motel Massacre - Thought this was going to be an 80's slasher, but nope. Similar to the first Friday the 13th in a lot of ways (old mom hearing child's voice telling her to kill, cabin setting, etc). Kills were uninteresting and included snakes, co*ckroaches and rats. There was no clear protagonist for the film, just multiple characters who all get killed but two. 2/10

Oct 28th
124)The Cat O'Nine Tails - (BLU RAY) Another fine Argento giallo. Great writing, full of mystery and suspense, I loved it. Glad I'm not a journalist, screw going through all that just to get a story. 7/10
125)The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) - (BLU RAY) Best of all the Universal monster sequels, that's for sure. More of a part 2 than sequel, really. Didn't feel the part at the beginning with Mary Shelley was needed. I liked how the creation scene was "more grand", complete with epic drum beat. 8/10
126)The Initiation - Is all that night shift security guards do is read p*rnography? Seriously! Good slasher and has a great twist ending that threw me a curveball. Felt like two movies in one though, the first half going into great detail about the girl's recurring nightmare and what it means, and the second half turns into standard slasher material of bunch of kids locked in a mall. I like how the movie throws around words like "Freud" and "Jung" to pretend it knows psychology. Kills weren't that great and the gore was decent, but kept me entertained enough. 6/10
127)Satan's Slave - My childhood is ruined seeing Alfred, Batman's butler, in a movie like this. That's like seeing Ian McKellen in Hostel. Decent plot, but takes a while to reveal everything. Didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Satan's Blood. The opening sacrifice scene is well done though. 4/10
128)Black Sunday - (BLU RAY) Bava's best film, and my second Italian horror film after Suspiria. Good story telling, horrific visuals, and a creepy atmosphere throughout. So many great shots stick out and make them memorable. For example, taking the mask off in the crypt, and the witch's servant rising from the grave. A masterpiece of horror cinema. 10/10
129)The Beyond - (BLU RAY) Second favorite Fulci flick after Zombie. Great gore effects and plenty of it. For any viewer, there has got to be at least a scene or two that will get on your nerves, for me it was the spider scene. Vintage Fulci at the top of his game, highly recommend. 8/10

Oct 29th

130)Tourist Trap - How can you have a skinny-dipping scene with three girls and not show any nudity? For shame! Creepy in some parts, such as the mannequins dropping their mouths and singing a creepy choir note. The villain had a creepy voice, sort of like Benecio Del Toro. Still just a standard slasher though. 5/10
131)Deep Red - (BLU RAY) Forgot the doll in Saw, the doll in this movie is ten times creepier. Argento's best giallo I've seen thus far, and my second favorite of his after Suspiria. Great mystery throughout, although the reporter character wasn't utilized very much. Goblin's score rocks the sh*t out of this movie. 9/10
132)House (1986) - Fun movie not only about a haunted house, but also about confronting your inner demons. Creature effects looked great, and George Wendt was enjoyable. Nothing is exceptional, but it's got a nice blend of comedy with horror. 6/10
133)Brain Damage - This movie glorifies drugs in the following ways: 1)They'll make you pick up hot chicks and 2)They'll make you enjoy bath time (and I mean REALLY enjoy bath time). Another cult classic gem from Henenlotter. Completely original, low budget and great effects. The blowj*b scene alone is worth buying the dvd. Loved the Duane and basket cameo on the subway. Although, I don't think I'll be able to look at a plate of meatballs and spaghetti the same way again. 8/10
134)The Girl Who Knew Too Much - Another classic Bava title. Plays out like a murder/mystery book, complete with narrations. Some great scenes and great use of shadows and lighting to create atmosphere. Not my favorite Bava flick, but still highly enjoyable. 8/10
135)Inferno - (BLU RAY) Guess I had too high of hopes for this after the masterpiece that Suspiria is, but I felt let down. I'm not sure of this, but I'm pretty sure there were some mistreated cats on set. One scene in particular has what looks to be live cats just thrown at an actress. I didn't like how the movie opened in NY, then went to Rome, then back to NY. The storyline is a bit convoluted, and just doesn't have the suspenseful buildup leading to a horrifying climax the same way Suspiria did. There are some things that don't make sense, like the scene in the classroom where the main actor just stares at a woman who is then never seen again. On the positive side, the building was well designed and true to the same color scheme used in Suspiria, rich in blues and reds. The soundtrack is no Goblin score, but it's still pretty rockin. Maybe I'll like this film more on repeat viewings, but for now, it's just slightly better than decent. 6/10

Oct 30th
136)The Masque of the Red Death - Best Corman directed Poe adaptation, easily. Vincent Price does a spectacular job playing the easily hated villain. The costumes were elaborate and plentiful. The ending is pure bliss. 8/10
137)C.H.U.D. - Decent low budget film. The creature costumes were well done and the glowing eyes were a nice touch. Plot is simplistic, although some storylines weren't needed (the pregnancy subplot went nowhere). Decent, but nothing outstanding about it. Shocked to see a very young John Goodman here. 5/10
138)Tenebrae - (BLU RAY) Return to form for Argento, third favorite of his after Suspiria and Deep Red. Great gore and the BEST arterial spray I have ever seen. One thing I laughed at was how one girl being chased throws papers out of her pocket to try and slow the killer. The Goblin score was welcome, but not my favorite. 8/10
139)Kill, Baby...Kill! - Wow, a great ghost tale and a huge influence on Guillermo Del Toro. I feel as though the girl was cast strictly because she looked like a ghost. Some great shots, my favorite being the winding staircase near the end of the film. I love these old horror films because they don't rely on jump scares or gore, it's strictly atmosphere and storytelling. Love it. 9/10
140)The Call of Cthulhu (2005) - Although I have all of his collective works, I have not read this story yet. From what I hear though, this film is a very faithful adaptation, and it shows. The mythoscope technique to make the film look aged was great. There's one fight scene which was choreographed poorly, but these actors aren't professionals. Great lip reading exercise! For its short run time, it gets the story across and creates a spooky atmosphere. 5/10
141)Alone in the Dark (1982) - Fun blind buy that I will definately be visiting again in the future. First, Jack Palance and Martin Landau give completely over the top performances, and it's great. Landau especially, he laughs maniacally multiple times. I also like how it pokes fun of psychiatry in subtle ways. For example, Donald Pleasence will call his multiple murderer clients normal, but a simple call to an operator on the phone leads to him saying she "has problems". Highly recommend. 7/10
142)Lisa and the Devil (BLU RAY) Perhaps the most artistic horror movie I've ever watched. However, like most art, I had no idea what the hell this movie was about for a while, until I started to think abstractly. There is a lot going in this film, and I think most of flew over my head, so I look forward to repeat viewings. Bava isn't just an ordinary horror director, he makes you think and feel, and each movie of his is a different experience with its own theme. 8/10

Oct 31st

143)5 Dolls for an August Moon - Another murder/mystery done by Bava. Nothing special about this film really, easily one of Bava's weakest and ultimately a forgettable film amongst his reputable career. 3/10
144)Phenomena - (BLU RAY) Whoa, a complete departure for Argento, something totally different. Still has some giallo elements, but this one is beyond left field. I know it was made in the 80's, but I didn't dig the heavy metal soundtrack, complete with songs from Iron Maiden and Motorhead. The movie drags at some points, and feels a little long at just shy of two hours. The ending has some gross-out moments, but I felt let down after investing all that time. Forgettable, but worth seeing for one scene where a monkey gets revenge...yup.4/10
145)Cemetery Man - Brilliant black comedy. Makes fun of every topic ranging from sex, relationships, love, life/death, friendship, even politics! Felt like it was over too soon. 7/10
146)American Psycho - (BLU RAY) My fourth favorite horror film ever. Patrick Bateman is my idol. I envy his lifestyle, except his food preferences. I mean, cmon: swordfish meatloaf and squid ravioli? *barf* I love everything about this film, it's infinately quotable and every scene is just perfection. A flawless adaption of the novel. 10/10
147)Halloween (1978) - Used to be my favorite horror movie, now it's strictly my favorite slasher. Classic, every scene is perfect from the opening pumpkin zoom-in to the closing credits. Love all the "stalking" shots. The score is perfect. Love the no backstory, Michael is just a monster. 10/10
148)The Thing (1982) - (BLU RAY) Second favorite horror movie of all time. The greatest effects on a film of all time. Just a perfect film all around, everytime I watch it I discover new clues and see something new. Thank you John Carpenter. 10/10

Last edited by MrStayPuft; 11-02-12 at 01:18 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (87)09-15-12, 07:25 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

2006 = 36 movies
2007 = 50 movies
2008 = 31 movies
2009 = 52 movies
2010 = 20 movies
2011 = 43 movies

Total Horror Movies = 232

This will be my 7th consecutive year participating in the "October Horror Movie Challenge!"

Goals (The Same As 2011):
1. Watch more movies than last year (I was swamped then)
2. Make my way through a stack of unwatched Blu-rays and DVDs
3. Have a lot of fun! The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (88)

October 1, 2012

1. Dementia 13 (1963) - Luana Anders is so great as the calculating b---- that it's a shame her character gets killed off in the middle. Interesting proto-slasher from Francis Ford Coppola.

October 2, 2012

2. The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) - Very strange film noir with horror elements (especially in the prelude with the murder of the aunt). Barbara Stanwyck looks like she walked right off of the set of Christmas in Connecticut. Good - but not great - vintage example of the genre.

October 3, 2012

3. The Red House (1947) - I liked this one: an old-fashioned thriller with a "haunted" old house in the woods. Allene Roberts was a cute presence, and you can't beat Edward G. Robinson.

October 4, 2012

4. The Possession (2012) - I suspect we caught one of the last local showings of this. It's got some cool creepy shots of the possessed girl, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan is all right as the Dad (again). But, everything is done in a tame PG-13 fashion. Meh.

October 5, 2012

5. The Last Exorcism (2010) - I'm not a big fan of the found footage subgenre - but the performance of the two leads here won me over.

6. Death Dorm (1982) - Otherwise known as The Dorm that Dripped Blood, this vintage slasher film from the genre's golden era is okay but a bit long-winded at times.

October 6, 2012

7. The Final Destination (2009)

8. Final Destination 5 (2011) - The latest two installments of the Final Destination series - Both offer up the standard template of comically wicked deaths. This is a good modern-day B-movie franchise.

October 7, 2012

9. Horror Express (1972) - One of my favorite Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee pairings - with a memorable score.

10. Red Riding Hood (2011) - Loosely reflecting the old fairy tale, this gothic romance is clearly aimed at the Twilight crowd. Amanda Seyfried is mega-hot in this and the score is compelling too. Not as awful as I thought going in.

October 8, 2012

11. Alien (1979) - The Director's Cut of Alien on blu-ray. What better way to watch this touchstone horror classic?

October 9, 2012

12. Aliens (1986) - The "1991" Special Edition cut is the way to go here; James Cameron's classic followup to Alien favors action with its scares and still packs a punch today.

October 10, 2012

13. Alien 3 (1992) - I have new respect for this sequel now that I've seen the "Restored Workprint Edition." The concept of a weaponless ragtag group of prisoners taking on an alien after the militaristic Aliens is interesting, even if the movie is still a step down from the first two.

October 11, 2012

14. Alien: Resurrection (1997) - Some scenes are inspired - especially the aliens underwater sequence - but some scenes are admittedly goofy. Still, I liked this last Sigourney Weaver sequel.

October 12, 2012

15. AVP: Alien Vs. Predator (2004)

16. AVPR: Aliens Vs. Predator - Requiem (2007) - These two monster mashes represent disappointments, especially the first one which felt like a sanitized PG-13 video game. The followup returned the monsters to their R-rated glory, but the present day setting and murky filming were issues. Talk about missed opportunities.

October 13, 2012

17. Sinister (2012) - A tense and atmospheric supernatural chiller - This is probably the best horror film I've seen in a theater since Insidious. Definitely worth checking out.

18. Insidious (2010) - Sinister inspired me to rewatch this Poltergeist-inspired romp about a haunted boy. Fantastic use of surround sound to generate scares.

October 14, 2012

19. Teeth (2007)

20. Rubber (2010) - A trippy art-house horror double feature: the first about a teen with teeth, ahem, where she shouldn't have any and the second about a discarded car tire that gains sentience and powers. I'm not kidding. I liked them both, and especially like Jess Weixler's performance in Teeth.

October 15, 2012

21. House at the End of the Street (2012) - A little too PG-13 for my taste - but Jennifer Lawrence looks good and the story is punctuated with some simple jump scares.

October 16, 2012

22. Prometheus (2012) - Audiences were a bit divided over Ridley Scott's return to the Alien universe. For the record, I thought this was pretty good. Charlize Theron is hot in a supporting role.

October 17, 2012

23. Silent House (2011) - Elizabeth Olsen is surprisingly well-cast, but the faux "one take" gimmick gets old before the end credits hit.

October 18, 2012

24. Son of Frankenstein (1939) - While it might not be quite the classic its two predecessors were, Son of Frankenstein has always struck me as a very good followup. How can you go wrong with a film that pulls together Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Basil Rathbone, and Lionel Atwill? Plus, with a runtime of 100 minutes, it has more of an epic feel than the average Universal monster flick.

25. The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942) - On the other hand, this is one of the few Univeral monster films that I've never much cared for, despite a good cast.

October 19, 2012

26. Elvira's Movie Macabre: The Terror (2010/1963)

27. Elvira's Movie Macabre: Teenagers From Outer Space (2010/1959)

28. Elvira's Movie Macabre: The Giant Gila Monster (2010/1959) - It's a shame that this revival of Elvira didn't gain traction. She's still funny and looks great considering her age. Several fun old films are skewered here, all with comic B-movie charms.

October 20, 2012

29. Elvira's Movie Macabre: The Wasp Woman (2010/1959)

30. Elvira's Movie Macabre: The Brain That Wouldn't Die (2010/1962)

31. Elvira's Movie Macabre: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (2010/1964) - Three more B-movie "classics" hosted by the Mistress of the Dark herself. The animated beginning to the Santa Claus episode was very unexpected.

October 21, 2012

32. Elvira's Movie Macabre: Scared to Death (2010/1947)

33. Elvira's Movie Macabre: A Bucket of Blood (2010/1959) - One of my favorite movie hosts pokes fun at two more old B-movie cult classics. Scared to Death, interestingly, is the only Bela Lugosi movie to be made in color.

34. Paranormal Activity 4 (2012) - I guess I liked this entry a bit more than others - the whole Skype angle was a clever way of adding a new wrinkle to this film series' template.

October 22, 2012

35. YellowBrickRoad (2010) - An entry in Bloody Disgusting's Selects line of home video releases. This has a really awful ending, but some of the earlier scares are quite unsettling, especially the cameraman who films his suicide and the voice of the killer coming out of the cave.

October 23, 2012

36. Rifftrax Live! House on Haunted Hill (2010/1959) - The Rifftrax Crew, basically the talent from Mystery Science Theater 3000 at the end of its run, have good-natured fun with this old Vincent Price shocker - though the short that they riff with the supermarket witch is the real highlight.

October 24, 2012

37. Rifftrax Live! Plan 9 From Outer Space (2009/1959) - The Rifftrax Crew are amusing as they riff this infamous Bela Lugosi clunker. I wasn't crazy about the stuff with Jonathan Coulton at the start, though.

October 25, 2012

38. Rifftrax Live! Reefer Madness (2010/1936) - I really enjoy these live shows Mike, Kevin, and Bill do - even when they're not at their top game as in here.

October 26, 2012

39. Halloween: Resurrection (2002) - Busta Rhymes vs. Michael Myers. Bianca Kajlich and Katee Sackhoff aside, this is definitely the low point of this venerable franchise.

40. Sorority Row (2009) - Wicked modern slasher - Good cast. It's not "great" filmmaking, but I kind of wish more films with this sense of dark humor made it to theaters.

October 27, 2012

41. Deep Red (1975) - Good Dario Argento shocker with a killer soundtrack from Goblin.

42. Tenebre (1982) - Other film geeks might disagree, but I think this late giallo from Argento is his best work. A positively decadent experience.

October 28, 2012

43. The Collector (2009) - Brutal cat-and-mouse tale between a jewel thief and a crazed killer who have both broken into a rich man's home. I was surprised to see a sequel scheduled for release next month, so I wanted to catch this again.

44. Devil (2010) - M. Night Shyamalan's story is well-adapted here - Chilling PG-13 tale of a group of people trapped on an elevator with a disguised Satan.

October 29, 2012

45. The Faculty (1998) - Fantastic cast stars in this entertaining riff on Invasion of the Body Snatchers - I especially liked Laura Harris during the film's climax. The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (89)

46. The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) - Infamous Roger Corman creature flick - I'm glad Legend's blu-ray release included the original black and white version (which is the way to go almost always with old films).

October 30, 2012

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (90) The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (91) No movies due to aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (92) The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (93)

October 31, 2012

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (94) The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (95) No movies due to aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (96) The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (97)


2012 Total = 46 movies
All-Time Seven-Year Total = 278 movies


It's possible that I might have hit a new high, if the hurricane hadn't knocked out my power. Of course, this list is pretty much meaningless when you think about the devastation the Northeast suffered. Regardless, 46 is enough to make a new 3rd best out of these 7 years. Not too shabby. Bring on October Horror Movie Challenge 2013! The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (98)

Last edited by mrpeavey; 11-01-12 at 11:05 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (100)09-15-12, 07:36 PM


DVD Talk Hall of Fame

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

First Time Viewing - *

FTV Total - 7

October 1

1. Cat People (1942) Directed by Jacques Tourneur - DVD

October 2

2. Creature From the Haunted Sea (1961) Directed by Roger Corman - DVD

October 3

3. Friday the 13th (1980) Directed by Sean S. Cunningham - DVD
4. Godzilla, Mothra, and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack (2001) Directed by Shusuke Kaneko - DVD

October 4

5. Moon of the Wolf (1972) Directed by Daniel Petrie - DVD
6. The Atomic Brain (1963) Directed by Joseph Mascelli - DVD
7. Godzilla vs Megaguirus (2000) Directed by Masaaki Tezuka - DVD

October 5

Nothing, due to errands and baseball

October 6

8. Hellraiser (1987) Directed by Clive Barker - DVD

October 7

9. Horrors of Spider Island (1960) Directed by Fritz Bottger - DVD

October 8

Nothing due to baseball and football

October 9

10. The Raven (1963) Directed by Roger Corman - Epix Drive In *

October 10

11. The Wasp Woman (1959) Directed by Roger Corman - DVD

October 11

Took a break, so watched nothing

October 12

12. Gammera the Invincible (1966) Directed by Sandy Howard and Noriaki Yuasa - DVD
13. Attack of the Monsters (1969) Directed by Noriaki Yuasa - DVD
14. Resident Evil (2002) Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson - DVD

October 13

15. Resident Evil Apocalypse (2004) Directed by Alexander Witt - DVD

October 14-18

Nothing. Took a break from the challenge.

October 19

15.5 A Haunting in Georgia Part 2 - Destination America
16. Ghost Lab: The Innocent - Destination America
17. The Giant Gila Monster (1959) Directed by Ray Kellogg - Hulu

October 20

17.5 Halloween Crazy - The Travel Channel
18.5 Elvira's Movie Macabre: Count Dracula's Great Love (1973) Directed by Javier Aguirre - Hulu *

October 21

19. Most Terrifying Places in America 7 - Travel Channel
20. Bloodrayne (2005) Directed by Uwe Boll - NWI

October 22

21. Dracula (1931) Directed by Tod Browning - DVD

October 23

21.5 Supernatural: Scarecrow - TNT

October 24

22. Paranormal Witness: Man in the Attic - SyFy
23. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) Directed by Dwight H. Little - Hulu

October 25

24. Headless Horseman (2007) Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante - SyFy *
25. Raging Sharks (2005) Directed by Danny Lerner - DVD *

October 26

25.25 Witchblade: Defiance - DVD
25.50 Witchblade: Movement - DVD

October 27

25.75 Witchblade: Search - DVD
26. Witchblade: Change - DVD
27. Predator (1987) Directed by John McTiernan - AMC

October 28

28 Predator 2 (1990) Directed by Stephen Hopkins - AMC
29. Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1956) Directed by Ishiro Honda, Terry O. Morse - DVD
30. Godzilla Raids Again (1955) Directed by Motoyoshi Oda - DVD

October 29

31. Carnival of Souls (1962) Directed by Herk Harvey - DVD *

October 30

32. Godzilla vs the Thing (1964) Directed by Ishiro Honda - DVD
33. Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep (2006) Directed by Tibor Takacs - DVD *

October 31

34. Halloweentown (1998) Directed by Duwayne Dunham - DVD *


My list is complete

Last edited by shadokitty; 11-03-12 at 07:16 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (102)09-15-12, 07:50 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread


The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (104)09-15-12, 07:51 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (105)The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (106)


October 1

1. Survival of the Dead
2. Stage Fright (2005)
3. Medium Raw: Night of the Wolf
4. The Mummy (1932)
5. Piranha 3D
6. Squirm
7. Hostel III
8. The Sentinel
9. Wildcard #1:Dreamworks: Spooky Stories

October 2

10. Exorcismus
11. Grave Encounters
12. Somebody Help Me 2
13. Nine Dead
14. The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence

October 3

15. Absentia
16. The Nameless

October 4

17. Forget Me Not

October 5

18. The Amityville Haunting

October 6

19. Spiderhole

October 7

20. Eater

October 8

21. Spooked
22. Community
23. The Sacrifice
24. In sickness and in Health
25. Family Man
26. Something with Bite
27. New Year's Day

October 9

28. Skin and Bones
29. Chance
30. Spirit Box
31. Echoes
32. The Circle

October 10

33. Victim

October 11

34. Blackout

October 12

35. Moon of the Wolf

October 13

36. The Reeds

October 14

37. The Haunting of Sorority Row
38. Super 8
39. Eyes of a Stranger
40. Dead and Buried
41. And Soon the Darkness (2010)

October 15

42. Seven Days to Live
43. Apartment 143
44. And Soon the Darkness (1970)
45. The Grudge
46. The Grudge 2
47. The Grudge 3
48. The Nun

October 16

49. Elevator
50. The Final
51. Lake Mungo
52. 11/11/11: The Prophecy
53. Creature from the Black Lagoon

October 17

54. Primal

October 18

55. The Haunting of #24

October 19

56. 8213: Gacy House

October 20

57. ATM
58. Fascination
59. The Spell

October 21

60. The Lost
61. Hell night
62. Trollhunter
63. The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane
64. Deranged

October 22

65. Intruders
66. Wreckage
67. Vile
68. The Possession of David O'Reilly
69. Haunted Forest
70. Food of the Gods
71. Occupant
72. Red State
73. Salvage
74. Atrocious
75. The Caller

October 23

75.5 Supernatural Season 6 Episode 18: "The Monster at the End of this Book"
76. Supernatural Season 6 Episode 19: "Jump the Shark"

October 24

77. MST3K: Night of the Blood Beast
78. MST3K: Mad Monster
79. The Eclipse

October 25

80. MST3K: The Corpse Vanishes

October 26

81. MST3K: The Giant Gila Monster
82. MST3K: Monster a Go-Go
83. Hellraiser
84. Hellbound: Hellraiser II
85. Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
86. Hellraiser IV: Bloodline

October 27

87. The Children (1980)
88. The Innkeepers
89. The Tall Man
90. House of Voices
91. Fragile

October 28

92. The Pack
93. Baby Shower
94. The Shrine
95. Episode 50
96. RoadKill
97. Nightmares in Red, White, and Blue

October 29

98. Bay of Blood
99. Paranormal Activity 4
100. Paranormal Activity 3
101. Paranormal Activity
102. Paranormal Activity 2

October 30

103. MST3K: Soultaker
104. Wildcard #2: Kevin Smith: Burn in Hell
105. Descent
106. MST3K: Final Justice

October 31

107. Wildcard #3: Clue
108. MST3K: Warrior of the Lost World
109. I Know Who Killed Me
110. Silent Hill

☠ Denotes First-Time Viewing


Theatrical Showings: 1
Formats Viewed: 13 DVD, 1 Theatrical, 96 Streaming (3 HULU, 93 Netflix)
First Time viewings: 93 (92 movies, 2 1 hour TV episodes)
Personal Goal: 100
Most Movies Watched in One Day: 11
Favorite Films: Atrocious, The Caller, Fragile
Worst Films: Haunted Forest, Deranged, Stage Fright (2005)
Most Disgusting Movie: The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
Scariest Movie: Atrocious
Years I Have Participated in this Challenge: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011. 2012

Decades Viewed:
1930s: 1
1950s: 1
1970s: 10
1980s: 5
1990s: 16
2000s: 77

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (107)
The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (108)HAPP Y HALLOWEEN!The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (109)

List is Complete

Last edited by edwardnortonfan; 11-02-12 at 06:03 PM.Reason: LIST IS FINAL

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (111)09-15-12, 08:04 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (112)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

Indy's 4th Annual Halloween/Horror Challenge

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (113)

Indy's 2011 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2010 Halloween/Horror Challenge
Indy's 2009 Halloween/Horror Challenge

Goal= 50, (Finished last year with 54)... Final List, finished with 53
* indicates first time viewing... finished with 20

October 1

Piranha DD

*- Campy humor that doesn't quite hit the mark

Terror in the Aisles

- The longest ad for horror movies you'll ever see

Ghoulies 3

- Animal House meets Gremlins


- So ahead of it's time, self referential long before Scream or Cabin in the Woods

976-Evil 2

*- Not too bad, love the zombies in It's a Wonderful Life

Cabin in the Woods

- A love letter to horror films

October 2

October 3

October 4

Waxwork II

*- Sequel that's half as good as the original

October 5

October 6


*- Pretty good, but the dummy just wasn't scary enough

Slaughter High

*- Straight B movie horror, not bad just not very good

October 7

The Unholy

*- Decent enough cast, but cheap and unoriginal effects

The Entity

- Great intense film, another real science vs pseudo science battle

October 8

Tales from the Crypt

S2- Ep 2: The Switch, Ep 3: Cutting Cards Ep 4: 'Til Death

How I Met Your Mother

S7- Ep 8: The slu*tty Pumpkin Returns

The Ghost of Frankenstein

*- I admire how they keep with the continuity of the series

The House of Frankenstein

*- Felt like two movies, and Frankenstein (monster) was in it for like 5 minutes

Halloween 5

- A less inspiring sequel, had some ideas (Thorn symbol) but poor execution

Land of the Dead

- Romero does zombies like no one else

The Exorcist

- Scariest movie of all time

October 9


- Flawed, but a great sci-fi/horror tale

October 10

Alone in the Dark

*- Not too bad, but had that early 80s feel

October 11

October 12

October 13

Hotel Transylvania

*- Started slowly, but picked and was fairly funny

The Ring

- Great movie but the death of VHS hurts

October 14

The Others

- Old fashioned haunted house tale with a twist

Piranha 2

*- We're gonna need a bigger bag... for this piece of crap

October 15

Friday the 13th

- Classic horror, very basic but very effective

Friday the 13th 2

- Picks up where the other left off and adds Jason

Friday the 13th 3

- A small step down from the 1st two, but still quality

A Nightmare on Elm Street

(2010)- Finally made Freddy scary again

The Tall Man


October 16

28 Days Later


October 17

October 18

October 19



October 20

The Burning


Halloween II


October 21





American Psycho


The Walking Dead

* S3- Ep. 1 Seed/Ep. 2 Sick

October 22

Return of the Living Dead


Poltergeist II


Poltergeist III


Drag Me to Hell

October 23

October 24

The Moth Diaries


October 25

Tales from the Crypt

S2- Ep 5: Three's a Crowd, Ep 6: The Thing from the Grave

Modern Family

S4- Ep 5: Open House of Horrors/

The Adventures of Ichabod

October 26

The Grudge

October 27

The Sixth Sense


Something Wicked This Way Comes


October 28

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark


30 Days of Night: Dark Days


Tales from the Crypt

S2- Ep 7: The Sacrifice, Ep 8: For Cryin' Out Loud

The Walking Dead

* S3- Ep. 3 Walk with Me

October 29

Mother's Day


October 30

Return of the Living Dead 2

October 31 Halloween



Tales from the Crypt

S2- Ep 9: Four-Sided Triangle, Ep 10: The Ventriloquist's Dummy, Ep 11: Judy, You're Not Yourself Today, Ep 12: Fitting Punishment

Trick 'r Treat

Last edited by Indy24LA; 10-20-14 at 08:07 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (115)09-15-12, 08:28 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (116)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (117)
As I'm not a horror fan but I love Halloween, I'm tweeking the challenge a bit for myself. I enjoy having a checklist, so I'm playing with the official one for my challenge...I wouldn't mind suggestions based on what you see here for checklist items.

Goal: Well, at the beginning of the month, it was 100, now it's 50.

Getting to know me..

First Horror Movie..
Couldn't tell you for sure, but I was around 5 (early 1980s) or so-maybe Nightmare on Elm Street? My sister used to tell me that she'd tell me when it was safe to look-well, she'd tell me to look just at the money shot so that freaked me out enough that I still don't enjoy traditional horror movies!

Favorite Horror Movie...
The Birds, Halloween Town, Bubba Ho-tep, Nightmare Before Christmas

First Thing That Ever Frightened Me In A Horror Movie...
Hmm, I hate the jump out at you to scare you type. Though, I saw It in college and it made me afraid of clowns.

Favorite Type of Horror Movie...
B-type horror that is more funny than scary that you can make fun of.

Movies that made me love the Horror Genre...
Hmm, I don't exactly love horror, but I do love Halloween. Nightmare Before Christmas is such a great film, that I'd say it got me back into creepy films.

Favorite horror movie score/song...
Nightmare Before Christmas

Last time I saw a horror movie that creeped me out...
Since I stay away from these type of horror movies, I'd have to go back to the late 1990s and say It or Pitch Black.

Watched List:






Last edited by LJG765; 11-03-12 at 12:09 AM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (119)09-15-12, 09:00 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

GOAL: 100
Last Year: 155.5

September 30th- Dusk to Midnight 3 Hours 11 Minutes


Just Warming Up

1. Nightmares in Red, White and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film (2009-Monument) NF ***** 96 Minutes

2. Universal Horror (1998-Brownlow) PC ***1/2 95 Minutes

October 1st Total Runtime: 17 Hours

Universal Horror: The First Cycle 1931-1936

3. Dracula (1931-Browning) PC **** 74 Minutes

4. Frankenstein (1931-Whale) PC ***** 70 Minutes

5. Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932-Florey) ☼ PC *** 60 Minutes

6. The Old Dark House (1932-Whale) ☼ PC *** 71 Minutes

7. The Mummy (1932-Freund) PC *** 73 Minutes

8. The Invisible Man (1933-Whale) PC **** 71 Minutes

9. The Black Cat (1934-Ulmer) ☼ PC **** 65 Minutes

10. Bride of Frankenstein (1935-Whale) PC ***** 75 Minutes

11. Werewolf of London (1935-Walker) PC *** 75 Minutes

12. The Raven (1935-Landers) ☼ PC ***1/2 61 Minutes

13. The Invisible Ray (1936-Hillyer) ☼ PC *** 80 Minutes

14. Dracula's Daughter (1936-Hillyer) PC *** 71 Minutes

The "Cinemassacre Monster Madness" Shadowing Attempt

15. Galaxy of Terror (1981-Clark) ☼ NF ** 81 Minutes

Cessation City! ~ Urban Horror Theme Night

16. Blacula (1972-Crain) ☼ PC *** 93 Minutes

October 2nd

Cessation City Continues...(a.k.a. I started the theme night late)

17. Scream, Blacula, Scream (1973-Kelljan) ☼ PC 96 Minutes

18. Blackenstein (1973-Levey) ☼ PC *1/2 87 Minutes

Universal Horror: The Second Cycle Part 1 (1937-1940)

19. Night Key (1937-Corrigan) ☼ PC *** 68 Minutes *Wild Card*

20. Son of Frankenstein (1939-Lee) PC **** 98 Minutes

21. Tower of London (1939-Lee) ☼ PC 93 Minutes *Wild Card*

22. The Invisible Man Returns (1940-May) PC *** 81 Minutes

23. Black Friday (1940-Lubin) ☼ PC **1/2 70 Minutes

24. The Mummy's Hand (1940-Cabanne) PC **1/2 67 Minutes

Peace, Love and Dismemberment~ 60's Horror Theme Night

25. The Innocents (1961-Clayton) ☼ OL ****1/2 100 Minutes

26. The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967-Polanski) ☼ OL **** 108 Minutes

October 3rd

Universal Horror: The Second Cycle Part 2 (1941)...and a '40 I overlooked!

27. The Invisible Woman (1940-Sutherland) PC **1/2 72 Minutes

28. Man Made Monster (1941-Waggner) PC **1/2 60 Minutes

29. Horror Island (1941-Waggner)☼ PC **1/2 60 Minutes

30. The Black Cat (1941-Rogell) PC **1/2 70 Minutes

31. The Wolf Man (1941-Waggner) PC **** 70 Minutes
32. Terror in the Aisles (1984-Kuehn) ☼ **1/2 PC 84 Minutes

The Doctor is In...sane.~Medical Horrors Theme Night

33. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920-Robertson) ☼ NF *** 67 Minutes

34. The Dentist (1996-Yuzna) ☼ NF **1/2 92 Minutes

October 4th
35. The Loved Ones (2009-Byrne) ☼ RNT *** 84 Minutes

Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge, Kill Kill ~ Meta Horror Theme Night...and Day.

36. The Cabin in the Woods (2012-Goddard) ☼ RNT ***1/2 95 Minutes

37. Funny Games (1997-Haneke) ☼ NF *** 108 Minutes

38. Night of the Comet (1984-Eberhardt) NF *** 95 Minutes

39. Scream (1996-Craven) PC ****1/2 111 Minutes

October 5th
40. The Devil Inside (2012-Bell) ☼ RNT ** 83 Minutes

41. Silent House (2012-Kentis/Lau ) ☼ RNT **1/2 86 Minutes

Exploitation Theme Night

42. Count Yorga, Vampire (1970-Kelljan) ☼ NF **1/2 90 Minutes

October 6th

Movies That Mess With Your Head ~ Exploding Head Theme Night

43. Touch of Death (1988-Fulci) ☼ OL ** 86 Minutes

October 7th

Day of the Pissed Off Woman ~ Scream Queen Theme Night

44. Scar (2007-Weintrob) ☼ NF **1/2 90 Minutes

45. Plasterhead (2006-Higgins) ☼ NF ** 94 Minutes

46. The Return of the Living Dead (1985-O'Bannon) PC ****1/2 91 Minutes

Universal Horror: The Second Cycle Part 3 (1942)

47. The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942-Kenton) PC *** 67 Minutes

48. Invisible Agent (1942-Marin) PC **1/2 81 Minutes

49. The Mummy's Tomb (1942-Young) PC ** 60 Minutes

October 8th

50. The Blob (1988-Russell) ☼ PC *** 95 Minutes

51. Mother's Day (2010-Bousman) ☼ RNT *** 112 Minutes

October 9th

Dawn of the Decaying ~ Zombie Film Theme Night

52. Garden of the Dead (1972-Hayes) ☼ OL *1/2 85 Minutes

53. Deadgirl (2008-Sarmiento/Harel) NF ** 101 Minutes

54. Dawn of the Dead (2004-Snyder) PC **** 110 Minutes (Unrated Cut)

October 10th

Sweaty Asses Scaring the Masses ~ Rubber Suit Horror

55. Gojira (1954-Honda) PC **** 96 Minutes

56. Gamera (1965-Yuasa) PC *** 80 Minutes

57. Matango (1963-Honda) ☼ PC *** 89 Minutes

58. Godzilla Vs. Megalon (1973-f*ckada) PC *1/2 78 Minutes

59. Creature from the Haunted Sea (1961-Corman) ☼ OL

October 11th

Avant Garde, Surreal, and Without Mass Appeal~ Arthouse Horror

60. Dead of Night (1945) TCM ****1/2 103 Minutes

October 12th

Universal Horror: The Second Cycle Part 4 (1942-1943)

61. Night Monster (1942-Beebe) PC **1/2 73 Minutes

62. Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943-Neil) PC *** 74 Minutes

63. Captive Wild Woman (1943-Dmytryk) PC **1/2 61 Minutes

64. Phantom of the Opera (1943-Lubin) PC *** 92 Minutes

65. Son of Dracula (1943-Siodmak) PC **1/2 80 Minutes

When Metal Meets Flesh~ Killer Robots Theme Night

66. Chopping Mall (1986-Wynorski) ☼ PC **1/2 77 Minutes

67. Class of 1999 (1990-Lester) ☼ PC **1/2 99 Minutes (Unrated)

October 13th

68. Slaughter High (1986) ☼ PC ** 91 Minutes

69. Final Destination (2000-Wong) PC *** 98 Minutes

70. Forget Me Not (2009-Oliver) ☼ NF **1/2 103 Minutes

71. The House of the Devil (2009-West) NF ***1/2 95 Minutes

October 14th

72. C.H.U.D. (1984-Cheek) ☼ NF **1/2 88 Minutes

73. Buried (2010-Cortes) NF **** 95 Minutes

October 15th
74. Frankenhooker (1990-Henenlotter) ☼ OL *** 85 Minutes

October 16th
75. C.H.U.D. II: Bud the Chud (1989-Irving) ☼ PC ** 84 Minutes

76. Dead Snow (2009-Wirkola) NF **** 91 Minutes

77. The Devil's Rock (2011-Campion) ☼ NF *** 83 Minutes

78. Chillerama (2011) ☼ NF **1/2 119 Minutes

October 17th
79. Noroi (2005-Shiraishi) ☼ OL ***1/2 115 Minutes

October 18th
80. The Gate (1987-Takacs) NF *** 85 Minutes

81. 100 Tears (2007-Koch) ☼ NF *1/2 92 Minutes

82. Saint (2010-Maas) ☼ NF **1/2 85 Minutes

October 19th
83. Friday the 13th (1980-Cunningham) PC ***1/2 95 Minutes

84. Prom Night (1980-Lynch) PC *** 89 Minutes

85. Happy Birthday to Me (1981-Thompson) PC *** 110 Minutes

86. My Bloody Valentine (1981-Mihalka) PC *** 90 Minutes

87. Deep Red (1975-Argento) PC **** 126 Minutes

October 20th

88. White Zombie (1932-Halperin) PC *** 69 Minutes

89. Mark of the Vampire (1935-Browning) ☼ PC **1/2 60 Minutes

90. Island of Lost Souls (1932-Kenton) ☼ PC **** 70 Minutes
Combination of hitting a wall, hurricanes, and sickness killed my challenge...but here's the rest of my least I'll hit my goal!!

91. The Return of the Vampire ☼ PC **1/2
92. Dark Shadows ☼ RNT ***
93. Stake Land ☼ OL ***1/2
94. Devil Within Her ☼ NFI **
95. Tale of Two Sisters ☼ NFI ***1/2
96. MST3K: The Indestructible Man OL ***
97. Duel PC ***1/2
98. Stephen King's IT PC ***1/2
99. The Omen PC *****
100. The Fog PC ****
101. Halloween PC *****
102. Halloween II PC ***
103. Halloween III PC **1/2




-☼ =1st Time Viewing
-BLUE = Blu Ray
-PC = from my Personal Collection
-NF = Netflix Streaming
-RNT = Rental
-OL = Online Viewing
-TCM = Turner Classic Movies
-LOA = Loaner

My Checklist:


ULTIMATE Checklist:


31 Film Subset:


My Theme Night Participation:




Last edited by JHCA13; 10-31-12 at 09:00 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (121)09-15-12, 09:25 PM


DVD Talk Hall of Fame

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (122)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

Previous Totals
2007 - 312
2008 - 52
2009 - 118
2010 - 123.5
2011 - 107

Blu-ray: 26
DVD: 65.5
TV: 3
Streaming: 7
First Time Viewing: 70

Sep 30
1. The Devil and Daniel Webster (1941)
2. Cat People (1942)

Oct 1
3. Cat and the Canary (1927)
4. Waxwork
5. Cat and the Canary (1978)

Oct 2
6. Puppet Master III
7. The Dorm That Dripped Blood

Oct 3
8. Jack-O

Oct 4
9. [Rec]2
10. MST3K: Track of the Moon Beast
11. Herschell Gordon Lewis: The Godfather of Gore

Oct 5
12. Slaughter High
13. Halloween II
14. The Birds

Oct 6
15. Cat O' Nine Tails
16. Attack of the Puppet People
17. Piranha
18. The Ninth Gate
19. Two Evil Eyes

Oct 7
20. The Hand
21. The Blood Spattered Bride
22. Marebito
23. Jason Goes To Hell
24. Jason X
25. Mad Love

Oct 8
26. Dreamscape
27. Freddy vs Jason
28. I Spit on Your Grave

Oct 9
29. You'll Find Out
30. Scar
31. Paranoiac
32. Mondo Cannibale

Oct 10
33. Off the Beaten Path
34. Phantom of the Opera

Oct 11
35. Slasher
36. The Brides of Dracula
37. Thirteen

Oct 12
38. Summer of the Massacre
39. Maniac Cop

Oct 13
40. Blood Sucking Babes from Burbank
41. Up for Rent
42. The Witching
43. Curse of the Werewolf
44. Kiss of the Vampire
45. Nightmare

Oct 14
46. Night Train Murders
47. Saw
48. Skeleton Farm's Halloween Horrorshow
48.5 Skeleton Farm's Halloween Horrorshow - extras
49.5 Saw II
50.5 Saw III

Oct 15
51.5 Wishbone
52.5 Saw IV
53.5 Saw V

Oct 16
54.5 Dominion
55.5 Saw VI

Oct 17
56.5 Edgar Allan Poe's Madhouse
57.5 Saw: The Final Chapter

Oct 18
58.5 Goblin
59.5 Human Centipede
59.75 The Cleveland Show: 2012 Halloween Episode
60.75 Dead Body Man

Oct 19
61.75 The Crate
62.75 Puppet Master X: Axis Rising
63.75 Goth

Oct 20
64.25 Abduction of Jaycee Dugard
65.25 Hollywood Vampyr
66.25 Mayhem Motel
66.75 The Girl in the Box
67.75 Cabin in the Woods

Oct 21
68.75 Nightmare on Elm Street
69.75 The Human Centipede 2
70.75 Mad Ron's Prevues from Hell
71.75 Killjoy

Oct 22
72.75 Killjoy 2
73.75 Killjoy 3
74.75 Leprechaun

Oct 23
75.75 Ragdoll
76.75 Killjoy Goes To Hell
77.75 Leprechaun 2

Oct 24
78.75 Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys
79.75 Rubber
80. Bob's Burgers: 2012 Halloween Episode

Oct 25
81. Leprechaun 3
82. Puppet Master: The Legacy
82.25 The Simpsons: 2012 Halloween Episode
82.5 South Park: 2012 Halloween Episode

Oct 26

Oct 27
83.5 Night Creatures
84.5 The Evil of Frankenstein
85.5 New York Ripper
86.5 Hellraiser: Revelation
87.5 Trick 'r Treat
88.5 Leprechaun 4

Oct 28
89.5 Leprechaun: In The Hood
90.5 The Living Dead At Manchester Morgue
91.5 Nightmare on Elm Street 2
92.5 Nightmare on Elm Street 3

Oct 29
93.5 Double Exposure

Oct 30
94.5 Horror Rises From The Tomb
95.5 Resident Evil
96.5 Nightmare at Noon
97.5 Leprechaun: Back 2 The Hood

Oct 31
97.75 My Name is Earl: halloween episode
98. Home Improvement: halloween episode
99. Possessed
100. What's Wrong With Helen?
101. Totem
101.25 King of Queens: halloween episode
101.5 The Office: halloween episode

Completed 10/9


This is how I planned on doing the checklist


Continent Checklist


Alphabetical Checklist


Last edited by The Man with the Golden Doujinshi; 11-01-12 at 07:47 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (124)09-15-12, 09:28 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

102 total
41 FTV

September 30th:
1. The Mummy (1932) *
2. Trick 'r Treat *

October 1st:
3. Kuroneko *
4. Blacula *
5. Amusem*nt *
6. Ghost Boat *
7. Xtinction: Predator X (Alligator X) *

October 2nd:
8. The Haunting (1963)
9. Dying Breed *
10. The Skeptic *
11. Undead *

Oct. 3rd:
12. The Dentist *
13. Doctor X *
14. Teeth *

Oct. 4th:
15. Cabin in the Woods *
16. Rubber *

Oct. 5th:
17. Ghost Son *
18. The Birds
19. The Last House on the Left (1972) *

Oct. 6th
20. Psycho
21. Willard *
22. Children of the Corn (2009) *
23. From Dusk till Dawn

Oct. 7th
24. The Hills Have Eyes II
25. Queen of the Damned *
26. Return of the Living Dead *

Oct. 8th
27. The Haunting (1999)
28. Curse of Alcatraz *

Oct. 9th
29. Deep Rising
30. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)*

Oct. 10th
31. Dead Tone *

Oct. 11th
32. Thinner
33. Cujo

Oct. 12th
34. Graveyard shift
35. The Dark Half
36. Motel Hell *
37. The Frighteners

38. Tales From the Darkside
39. House on Haunted Hill
40. Return to House on Haunted Hill *
41. Asylum *
42. Carnival of Blood *

Oct. 14th
43. The Crazies
44. The Crazies (remake) *
45. Critters
46. Critters 2
47. Critters 3
48. Critters 4 *

Oct. 15th
49. Feast *
50. Feast 2 *
51. Feast 3*

Oct. 16th
52. Friday the 13th
53. Friday the 13th part 2
54. Friday the 13th part 3
55. Friday the 13th The Final Chapter
56. Friday the 13th A New Beginning

Oct. 17th
57. Friday the 13th part VI
58. Friday the 13th part VII
59. Friday the 13th part VIII
60. Jason Goes to Hell
61. Jason X

Oct. 18th
62. A Nightmare on Elm Street
63. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2
64. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3

Oct. 19th
65. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4
66. A Nightmare on Elm Street 5
67. Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
68. New Nightmare
69. Freddy vs Jason

Oct. 20th
70. From Dusk Till Dawn 2 *
71. From Dusk Till Dawn 3*
72. Ghoulies
73. Ghoulies 2
74. Ghoulies 3 *

Oct. 21st
75. House
76. House 2
77. Jeepers Creepers
78. Jeepers Creepers 2

Oct. 22nd
79. Pet Sematary
80. THEM
81. The Thing
82. The Thing (remake)
83. Vampires

Oct. 23rd
84. The New York Ripper *
85. Orca: The Killer Whale *
86. Piranha *

Oct. 24th
87. The Fog
88. The Fog (remake) *

Oct. 25th
89. The Funhouse *
90. Creepshow
91. Creepshow 2

Oct. 26th
92. Amityville Horror

Oct. 27th
93. Halloween
94. Halloween II
95. Halloween III

Oct. 28th
96. Halloween IV
97. Halloween V
98. Halloween: Curse of Michael Myers

Oct. 29th
99. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
100. Halloween Resurrection

Oct. 30th
101. The Lost Boys

Oct. 31st
102. IT

* - First time viewing

Last edited by Keith6601; 11-04-12 at 04:21 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (126)09-15-12, 09:36 PM


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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (127)

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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

The Past...
2006 - 170
2007 - 168
2009 - 198
2010 - 102
2011 - 163
Thanks to CHAD for the table inspiration

October 1st
1 - Cabin in the Woods
2 - All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

October 2nd
3 - V/H/S
4 - ATM
5 - Night of the Living Dead (1990)
5.5 - Dexter S7 E1 "Are You...?"

October 3rd
6.5 - House at the End of the Street
7.5 - The Vineyard
8.5 - Black Waters of Echo's Pond
9.5 - Dolly Dearest
10.5 - Shutter (2008)

October 4th
11.5 - Night of the Demons (2010)
12.5 - Devil

October 5th
13.5 - An American Werewolf In London
14.5 - Beware the Moon: Remembering American Werewolf In London
15.5 - Midnight Movie
16.5 - See No Evil

October 6th
17.5 - Midnight Meat Train
18.5 - Beast Within (a.k.a. Virus Undead)
19.5 - Bunshinsaba

October 7th
20.5 - Watcher in the Woods
21.5 - Woods Have Eyes
22.5 - Vacancy
23.5 - Screaming In High Heels
24 - Dexter S7 E2 "Sunshine and Frosty Swirl"

October 8th
25 - Last House on the Left (2009)
26 - Cabin Fever
27 - Session 9
28 - Black X-Mas (2006)

October 9th
29 - Fear Itself: Eater
30 - Fear Itself: Spooked
31 - Fear Itself: Community
32 - Fear Itself: The Sacrifice
33 - Fear Itself: In Sickness and In Health
34 - Fear Itself: Family Man

October 10th
35 - The Messengers
36 - Rosewood Lane
37 - The Loved Ones
38 - The Tall Man
39 - Biophage
40 - Elevator

October 11th
41 - Fear Itself: Something With Bite
42 - Fear Itself: New Year's Day
43 - Silver Bullet

October 12th
44 - Hypothermia
45 - Little Shop of Horrors (Director's Cut)
46 - Little Shop of Horrors (Theatrical)

October 13th
47 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
48 - Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon

October 14th
49 - Return of the Living Dead
50 - The Reaping
51 - The Carpenter
51.5 - Dexter S7 E3 "Buck the System"

October 15th
52.5 - Fright Night (1985)
53.5 - Rogue River

October 16th
54.5 - Brotherhood of Blood
55.5 - The Card Player
56 - Walking Dead S3 E1 "Seed"

October 17th
57 - Sinister
58 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
59 - Wrong Turn
60 - Wrong Turn 2
61 - Repo! The Genetic Opera

October 18th
62 - Fear Itself: Skin and Bones
63 - Fear Itself: Chance
64 - Fear Itself: Spirit Box
65 - Fear Itself: Echoes
66 - Fear Itself: The Circle

October 19th
67 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)
68 - Killer Movie
69 - Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns (with John Carpenter commentary)
70 - Masters of Horror: Cigarette Burns (with McWeeny/Swan commentary)

October 20th
71 - Masters of Horror: Incident On & Off A Mountain Road (with Don Coscarelli, Stephen Romano & Perry Martin commentary)
72 - Masters of Horror: Incident On & Off A Mountain Road (with Don Coscarelli & Joe R. Lansdale commentary)
73 - Masters of Horror: Dreams In the Witch House (with Stuart Gordon commentary)
74 - Assorted DVD & BD extras (91 minutes) (WILDCARD #1)
75 - Assorted DVD & BD extras (90 minutes) (WILDCARD #2)

October 21st
76 - Hotel Transylvania
77 - 28 Days Later
78 - Cannibal Apocalypse
79 - Cannibal Apocalypse Redux

October 22nd
80 - Lake Mungo
81 - The Devil's Carnival
82 - Don't Look Now
83 - Wrong Turn 3
84 - Mirrors
85 - Bait (2012)
86 - The Faculty
86.5 - Dexter S7 E4 "Run"

October 23rd
87.5 - Wrong Turn 4
88.5 - Terror Train
89.5 - The Funhouse
90.5 - Hammerhead
91.5 - Witchboard
92.5 - Paranormal Activity
93.5 - Paranormal Activity 2

October 24th
94.5 - Paranormal Activity 3
95.5 - Paranormal Activity 4
96 - Walking Dead S3 E2 "Sick"
97 - Trail of the Screaming Forehead
98 - Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer
99 - Wrong Turn 5

October 25th
100 - 28 Weeks Later
101 - Life Blood
102 - Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
103 - House of the Devil
104 - Rocky Horror Picture Show

October 26th
105 - Atrocious
106 - Staunton Hill
107 - Suck
108 - Truth or Die
109 - Halloween (1978)
110 - Halloween II (1981)
111 - Halloween III
112 - The Ward

October 27th
112.5 - Dear Dracula
113.5 - Jaws
114.5 - Scary Movie
115.5 - Scary Movie 2
116.5 - Scary Movie 3
117.5 - Scary Movie 4
118.5 - Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
119.5 - Psycho (1998)
120.5 - Assorted DVD & BD Extras (103 minutes) (WILDCARD #3)

October 28th
121.5 - Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
122.5 - Frankenweenie
123.5 - Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
124.5 - Halloween: H20
125.5 - Halloween: Resurrection
126.5 - Smiley
127.5 - The Caller
128 - Dexter S7 E5 "Swim Deep"

October 29th
129 - The Strangers
130 - Grave Encounters
131 - Grave Encounters 2
131.5 - True Blood S5 E9 "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"

October 30th
132 - True Blood S5 E10 "Gone, Gone, Gone"
132.5 - True Blood S5 E11 "Sunset"
133- True Blood S5 E12 "Save Yourself"

October 31st
134 - Lovely Molly
135 - Monster Brawl
136 - Worst Witch
137 - 247°F
138 - Trick r Treat
139 - Insidious


Last edited by EdTheRipper; 10-31-12 at 11:35 PM.

The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (129)09-15-12, 09:50 PM


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Re: The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread

I'm in... though I probably won't even get half of what I've done in previous years because of a vacation that I have planned.

1. Night of the Living Dead
2. Dawn of the Dead (European/Argento Cut)
3. Day of the Dead
4. From Beyond
5. Re-animator
6. The Night Flier
7. Slither
8. Tucker and Dale vs Evil
9. Dreamworks Spooky Stories
10. From Dusk til Dawn
11. The Lost Boys
12. The Faculty
13. The Shrine
14. From Dusk til Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money
15. From Dusk til Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter
16. Bubba-Ho-Tep
17. Alvin and the Chipmunks meet the Wolfman
18. Sleepy Hollow
19. Sweeny Todd
20. Prometheus
21. Blacula
22. Scream, Blacula, Scream
23. The Tall Man
24. Hotel Transylvania
25. Paranormal Activity
26. Paranormal Activity 2
27. Paranormal Activity 3

Last edited by ThePhantomGoat; 10-24-12 at 08:27 PM.

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The 8th Annual "October Horror Movie Challenge" (10/1 - 10/31) ***The List Thread*** - DVD Talk Forum (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

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