The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (2024)


Recipe by Pippa Kendrick

1. Preheat the oven and a large baking tray to 180C/gas 4. Start by making the pastry. Sift the flour and xanthan gum into a food processor, add the margarine, vegetable shortening and salt and pulse until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. If you don’t have a food processor, place the ingredients in a large mixing bowl and cut together with the flat of a knife.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of cold water, pulsing as you go (or stirring with a flat-bladed knife, if making the pastry by hand), until the mixture begins to pull together to form a dough. Tip the pastry into a large bowl (or keep in the same bowl, if making it by hand) and, using your fingertips, pull together into a ball. Knead lightly for about 2 minutes or until smooth and elastic.

3 Shape the pastry into a ball and place between 2 large sheets of cling film, then roll it out into a circle slightly larger than the tart tin and no thinner than 3mm. Peel off the uppermost sheet of cling film and carefully flip the pastry into a deep 23cm tart tin. Peel away the remaining cling film and gently press the pastry into the sides of the tin, filling in any cracks with pastry and patting it flat with your fingertips. Trim the edges and set aside.

4. Next, prepare the potatoes. Peel and cut in half, quartering any large ones. Place in a pan of salted water and bring to the boil. The second the water begins to boil, time the potatoes, allowing them to cook for 4 minutes before removing from the heat and draining. Shake the potatoes in the colander a little to chuff up the edges – this helps them crisp up. Pour the oil into a large roasting tin, tip in the potatoes and a heaped teaspoon of sea salt and firmly shake to coat evenly. Set aside while you make the filling for the tart.

5. Finely chop the onion, crush the garlic, then finely grate the carrots. Trim the stalks from the chestnut mushrooms and slice into rounds. Halve 240g of the chestnuts (the rest will be used for the topping).

6. Heat the olive oil in a heavy based frying pan until hot, add the onions and cook gently over a low heat until softened. Add the carrots, garlic, thyme and mushrooms and fry gently until softened and all of the liquid from the mushrooms has been absorbed – around 10 minutes.

7. Stir in the cream cheese and halved chestnuts and mix together gently until the cheese has softened and formed a creamy mixture. Season to taste, spoon the filling into the pastry case then level the top. Place the tart on the baking tray on the top shelf of the oven and the potatoes on the bottom shelf. Bake for 35–40 minutes or until the pastry is crisp.

8. Remove the tart from the oven, cover loosely in foil to retain its heat and set aside. Move the potatoes to the top shelf of the oven and increase the temperature to 220C/gas 7. Continue roasting the potatoes for a further 25–30 minutes until golden and crisp.

9. For the gravy, heat the oil and redcurrant jelly in a small saucepan, stirring until melted and smooth. Add the hot stock, bring to a simmer and stir in the cornflour. Simmer gently and stir continuously until you have the desired consistency. Set aside.

10. Finally, tear the wild mushrooms into pieces, roughly chop the remaining chestnuts and finely chop the parsley. Heat the garlic oil in a heavy-based frying pan until hot, add the mushrooms and fry gently until softened. Stir in the chestnuts, cranberries and parsley and spoon over the tart to form a decorative layer. Reheat the gravy and serve with the tart and roast potatoes.

“Sprinkle this herby, spicy, zesty mixture on your Christmas lunch veggies for loads of extra flavour ”

The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (1)


  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 4 fresh bay leaves
  • 4 allspice berries
  • 2 tablespoons fennel seeds
  • 8 tablespoons sea salt
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • 4 sprigs fresh rosemary , leaves picked
  • 4 sprigs fresh thyme , leaves picked
  • ½ nutmeg


Use a speed peeler to peel 4 good-sized strips of zest from the orange and lemon. Add these to a mortar with the bay leaves, allspice berries, fennel seeds and a pinch of salt. Crumble in the cinnamon stick, then pound the lot with the pestle until it’s well broken down. You’ll have to get stuck in as this will take a few minutes! If you’re feeling lazy you could use a food processor, but I personally think the results are better if you do it the old-fashioned way.

Once you’ve got a rough powder (don’t worry too much if there are still a few bigger bits left), add the rosemary and thyme leaves and pound again until these are bashed up, too. Finally, add the rest of the sea salt, grate in the nutmeg and give it all a good mix with a fork. The rub will keep in an airtight container for a couple of weeks.

“Being a vegan doesn’t mean you can’t create knockout puddings. This dark chocolate, honeycomb, almond and berry dessert is even better than it sounds ”

The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (2)Ingredients

  • 200 g dark dairy-free chocolate
  • 85 g blanched almonds
  • 150 g dairy-free margarine
  • 85 g glacé cherries
  • 100 g dried cranberries
  • For the honeycomb:
  • 5 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 2 tbsp golden syrup
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda


Recipe by Pippa Kendrick

1. Begin by making the honeycomb. Generously grease a baking tray with vegetable oil. Melt the granulated sugar and golden syrup in a high-sided saucepan over a low heat. Once melted, turn up the heat a little and bubble the syrup until it turns to a rich, caramel gold colour.

2. Whisk in the bicarbonate of soda. The syrup will foam up – immediately pour it onto your greased baking tray. Set the tray aside and leave it to cool for 20 minutes. Slide the honeycomb off the tray and roughly chop it up.

3. Line a 450g loaf tin with enough cling film to allow it to drape over the sides by about 7–8cm, smoothing the cling film into the tin to form a crease-free surface. Break up the dark chocolate and roughly chop the almonds. Place the chocolate and margarine in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water, stir together until melted and combined to a smooth and glossy finish.

4. Take the bowl off the heat and stir in the chopped honeycomb, almonds, cherries and cranberries. Spoon the mixture into the lined tin and level the top. Fold the overhanging cling film loosely over the parfait then freeze for 1 hour.

5. Remove from the freezer and transfer the parfait to the fridge until completely set. Once you’re ready to serve, carefully lift the parfait from the tin, unwrap the cling film and cut into 2cm slices.

“Gooey, nutty and seriously chocolaty, these vegan brownies are a total joy to eat ”

The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (3)Ingredients

  • 5 tablespoons sunflower oil , plus extra for greasing
  • 200 g dairy-free dark chocolate
  • 170 g self-raising flour
  • 3 heaped teaspoons cocoa powder
  • 180 g golden caster sugar
  • sea salt
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 230 ml unsweetened organic soya milk
  • 200 g pecan nuts


Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4. Grease a square baking tin (roughly 20cm) with a little oil, then line with greaseproof paper.

Place a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water, making sure the base doesn’t touch the water. Break 150g of chocolate into the bowl and allow it to melt, then set aside to cool slightly.

Meanwhile, sieve the flour and cocoa powder into a large bowl, then stir in the sugar and a pinch of salt. Halve the vanilla pod lengthways, scrape out the seeds, then add them to the bowl. Stir in the oil, soya milk and melted chocolate until combined.

Roughly chop and stir in the remaining chocolate and most of the pecans, reserving a few for the top. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin, spreading it out evenly. Sprinkle over the remaining pecans, then place into the hot oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until cooked on the outside, but still gooey in the middle.

Leave to cool for around 5 minutes, turn out onto a wire cooling rack, then serve warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, if you’re feeling extra indulgent.

Topped with coconut

“Millet flakes are naturally gluten free, so a great way to get some texture in your gluten-free biscuits – these ones are delicious ”

The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (4)Ingredients

  • 125 ml olive oil
  • 4 tbsp soya yogurt , plus extra
  • 3 lemons , (the juice of 1 lemon and the zest of 3)
  • 125 g light brown sugar
  • 165 g gluten-free plain flour
  • 75 g gluten-free oats
  • 40 g millet flakes , plus extra to top
  • 40 g unsweetened desiccated coconut , plus extra to top


Recipe by Anna Jones

These are crumbly, gluten–free vegan treats, which pack a hit of slow–release energy from the millet flakes.

Preheat the oven to 180C/gas 4. Combine the olive oil, yoghurt, lemon juice and zest of 2 lemons in a bowl. In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and mix until you have a soft, doughy consistency. If it’s too dry, add a little more yoghurt.

Roll into 20 evenly sized balls, then place on a baking tray and press down lightly to flatten. Sprinkle with the extra millet flakes and coconut, and the remaining lemon zest. Bake for 10–15 minutes, until golden. The biscuits will be soft when they come out, but will harden as they cool.

The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (5)Ingredients

  • 2 vanilla pods
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla-bean paste
  • 1 x 400 g tin of light coconut milk
  • 300 ml unsweetened organic soya milk
  • 165 g agave syrup


Halve the vanilla pods lengthways, scrape out the seeds, then add to a large bowl, discarding the pods. Add the remaining ingredients and stir well to combine.

Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker, then churn for 40 minutes, or until smooth, occasionally scraping down the sides with a spatula. Give it a final stir, then transfer the mixture to a large freezer-proof container. Pop in the freezer for around 2 hours, or until set, then serve.

If you don’t have an ice cream maker, place the mixture into a large freezer-proof container and pop it in the freezer. Allow to set for 3 to 4 hours, giving it a good whisk every 30 minutes or so.

The 8 Tastiest Vegan Christmas Recipes Meat Eating Guests Will NOT Resist (2024)


What is the most popular vegetarian alternative to a turkey dinner at Christmas? ›

Nut Roast. The most popular Christmas meal for vegetarians and vegans is the nut roast. This typically describes a mixture of nuts, breadcrumbs, leeks, onions, broth and either oil or butter. However, this recipe is malleable and offers the opportunity for many alterations according to personal preference.

What is the difference between a vegan guest and a vegetarian guest? ›

Vegetarians and vegans: the substantial difference

Those who choose to go vegan have not only decided to eliminate all types of meat and fish from their diet, but have also given up eating all products of animal origin, such as eggs, milk and cheese, as well as honey and food colorants derived from animals.

What does a vegetarian eat for Christmas dinner? ›

Try one of our best-ever vegetarian Christmas dinner recipes, from roasted butternut squash with butterbean and goat's cheese mash to spinach and ricotta lasagne roll-ups – or an impressive spiral vegetable tart. Serve up plenty of greens on the side, and it will be a merry Christmas all round.

How to cook for vegan guests? ›

Vegan dinner party recipes
  1. Courgette curry. A star rating of 4.8 out of 5. ...
  2. Beetroot & red onion tarte tatin. ...
  3. Beetroot hummus party platter. ...
  4. Italian-style roast cabbage wedges with tomato lentils. ...
  5. App onlyWhole-roasted curried cauliflower & chickpeas. ...
  6. Refried beans. ...
  7. Vegan pie. ...
  8. App onlyCreamy vegan wild mushroom risotto.

What do vegans eat instead of turkey? ›

Other protein-filled vegan options that could replace turkey in your vegan Thanksgiving table are tempeh, tofu and seitan. Choose one of these plant-based turkey alternatives, or combine more than one in your table, complimenting with veggies, rice, salads, or any other plant-based whole foods ingredients you want.

What is a good Christmas dinner instead of turkey? ›

Slow-roast lamb and pork with golden crackling also make impressive Christmas mains. There's festive favourites like beef wellington and salmon en croute, plus some vegetarian and vegan options.

Is being vegan healthier than eating meat? ›

Vegetarians and vegans typically have lower body mass index, serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and blood pressure than comparable regular meat-eaters, as well as lower bone mineral density.

Can vegans eat eggs? ›

People who follow a vegan diet don't eat any animal foods, including dairy, eggs, and honey. About 3% of Americans follow a vegan diet. Their reasons for eating this way vary. Some vegans do it to improve their health, as research shows that a plant-based diet could lower the risk of certain diseases.

Can vegans eat honey? ›

The bottom line. Vegans try to avoid or minimize all forms of animal exploitation, including that of bees. As a result, most vegans exclude honey from their diets. Some vegans also avoid honey to take a stand against conventional beekeeping practices that can harm bee health.

What is a festive veggie tray for Christmas? ›

Arrange broccoli on serving platter to form tree shape and tomatoes to form garland. Arrange bell pepper to form star and cauliflower to form snow (see photo). If desired, cover and refrigerate up to 4 hours. Just before serving, arrange pretzels at bottom of tree to form trunk.

What does Santa eat for Christmas dinner? ›

There are slight variations in each family but Santa usually gets a glass of milk, beer or whisky and then biscuits to munch on. Rudolph and his pals are given the healthy option of carrots but the new trend of lighting their way with 'reindeer food' laced with glitter adds the taste of oats and magic into their diet.

Which foods are surprisingly vegan? ›

Top 10 surprising vegan foods
  • Crumpets. This might be an obvious one to some, but a quick poll with our vegan and dairy-free friends shows many mistakenly believe crumpets contained dairy. ...
  • Dark chocolate. Chocoholics assemble! ...
  • Cream crackers. ...
  • (Some) biscuits. ...
  • (Some) crisps. ...
  • Ice Cream. ...
  • Pasta. ...
  • Peanut butter.

What does Gordon Ramsay think of vegan food? ›

Chef Gordon Ramsay, who has been known for teasing vegans, confessed on TV that he actually "loves" plant-based food. The British TV personality and the world-famous chef made his vegan confession on the US series of Masterchef: Back to Win.

What is the most popular alternative to having a turkey? ›

Cornish game hen, goose, duck, ham, beef, salmon, and mushroom recipes make worthy centerpieces for holiday meals.

What to serve instead of turkey? ›

Whatever the reason, here are 20 Thanksgiving recipes for a turkey-free table.
  • Roast Chicken With Maple Butter and Rosemary. Image. ...
  • Beef Wellington. Image. ...
  • Ombré Gratin. Image. ...
  • Skillet Pork Chops and Apples With Miso Caramel. Image. ...
  • Samosa Pie. Image. ...
  • Maple-Baked Salmon. Image. ...
  • Lasagna. Image. ...
  • Ina Garten's Make-Ahead Coquilles St.
Nov 10, 2022

What veg do people have on Christmas dinner? ›

Discover the perfect amounts of potatoes, carrots, parsnips, sprouts, peas and red cabbage to serve with your roast turkey. Need help planning your Christmas dinner?

What to eat if you don't like turkey? ›

20 Thanksgiving Dinner Alternatives
  • Pomegranate Cider Pork Loin with Rosemary Smashed Potatoes. ...
  • French Onion Chicken Lasagna Roll Ups. ...
  • My Mom's Chicken Marsala with Almond Green Beans. ...
  • Cacio e Pepe Pie. ...
  • Espresso Crusted Beef Tenderloin with Truffle Risotto. ...
  • Cider Braised Pot Roast with Butternut Squash.
Nov 19, 2020

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