Super-eggy Scrambled Eggs (2024)

A slight twist makes these scrambled eggs extra special. I drizzled them with oregano pesto and served with a thick slab of toast.

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Super-eggy Scrambled Eggs (8)

While I suspect another scrambled egg recipe is the last thing most of you need, this one caught my attention. I came across it while paging through the new Serious Eats book - the idea is to use whole eggs plus egg yolks to make your eggs extra rich, creamy, and flavorful. A bonus, I might add, is the color the extra yolks bring to the finished preparation (particularly if you're using good, well-sourced eggs). They end up looking bright, vibrant yellow, and more appetizing than your average plate of eggs. I tricked mine out a bit with a drizzle of oregano pesto, a few toasted sunflower seeds, and a side of thick toast topped with a bit of Gruyere (then left under the broiler for a flash). Thanks Ed and crew - and big congratulations on the book.

Super-eggy Scrambled Eggs (9)

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had nice day with family, something I'm always thankful for. I did things like: race a three-year-old up a hill, hand off a huge sack of crushed malt, yeast, and hops to my brother-in-law, bake this, think about Christmas lists, and stand under the old oak tree my sister and I used to swing from. It got me thinking about the way my days tend to be shaping up in such a curious fashion lately. They're a real hodgepodge of tasks and activities. On one hand it makes me feel a bit scatter-brained, on the other I like the mix of creative, practical, and pedestrian. Wednesday, for instance, looked something like this...

Exit bed. Realize house is freezing, put on extra sweater. Immediately take sweater off after noticing excessive pilling, spend next ten minutes with sweater stone de-pilling. Put sweater back on. Start making scrambled eggs for breakfast. Burn toast. Repeat. Drop off film. Run dishwasher. Bottle beer in the dungeon/basem*nt. Shower. Empty dishwasher while thinking some more about whether there should be a follow up to Super Natural Every Day. Jot a few related notes on back of photo, pin to idea board. Book hotel for February adventure. Mail car registration. Observe damage to herb-garden by cilantro-loving raccoons. Lunch. Purchase couch so living room isn't empty for another six months. Play around with 4x5 camera while thinking about what I might want to cook next week. Walk through Golden Gate Park (pics above). Assemble random day-before-Thanksgiving dinner from straggler ingredients in refrigerator while prepping my contributions. Help Wayne make rochers (below). And, related to today's recipe - write up a few notes related to the eggs I've cooked three times in the last week.

Super-eggy Scrambled Eggs (10)

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egg Recipes

Breakfast Recipes

HS: I make a good-sized batch of the oregano pesto while I'm at it, for use later on in the week. Feel free to cut that part of the recipe in half if you prefer less.

3 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
scant tablespoon butter
fine grain sea salt

Oregano Pesto

3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup fresh oregano, chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1 large garlic clove
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, plus more to taste.

toasted sunflower seeds, (optional)

Whisk the eggs, yolks, and a good pinch of salt until combined. Set aside while you make the oregano pesto by pulsing the olive oil, oregano, parsley, garlic, and salt in a food processor until the herbs are just little flecks of green. Season with more salt if needed.

To cook the eggs, melt the butter in a large, heavy bottomed skillet over medium heat until it starts to foam. Add the eggs and stir gently with a spatula. Continue stirring, folding up the cooked egg from the bottom of the pan until the eggs are nearly set - remember they will continue to cook a bit after you turn them out of the skillet. Season with more salt (and pepper, if you like) to taste, and serve drizzled with pesto and a sprinkling of seeds.

Serves 2-3, but feel free to double, or triple the recipe for larger get-togethers.

Adapted from Serious Eats: A Comprehensive Guide to Making and Eating Delicious Food Wherever You Are by Ed Levine & the editors of Serious

Prep time: 5 minutes - Cook time: 5 minutes

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OcuzAP comment5

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A fast yet sophisticated breakfast option, love it!


Heidi, this is so good yet simple recipe. I'll make this weekend. Thanks for sharing such recipes again and again.-Moumita


drooling over here.... love the idea of garlic in scrambled egg...gonna try this nxt time :)

Deeps @ Naughty Curry

Adding another enthusiastic "yes!" vote for a follow up to SNE.-Monika

Monika {wcv}

Just to reiterate what everyone has already said - yes, you should do a followup to Super Natural Every Day! It's the favorite cookbook of both me and my husband, and neither of us are vegetarians. It's really changed the way I cook!


This recipe was delicious! Here's what I did with my leftover oregano pesto: drizzled it on top of a bowl of Red Indian Carrot Soup (from Super Natural Cooking) along with a few shreds of Pecorino Romano. I would do this again. :)


No matter how mundane the day, there is always food to look forward to :)I know this is very off topic, but I see from a lot of your photos you have marble counters. Do you find they stain a lot or require a lot of special treatment? Really tempted to put a marble top on a small table to make a pastry table...


What a great recipe! I'm def having them this morning for Saturday brunch :)

Ana in London (@Anainlondon)

My decision to have chickens in the city revolved around the idea of a constant supply of scrabbled eggs. I open the fridge and cupboard and just throw in whatever I have on hand.There is no need for me to add extra yolks for richness. The eggs we eat are literally hours old and so rich they need no help. Their color is so stunning that I can't tell if I enjoy looking at them or eating them more.Chickens are surprisingly easy to care for, even in the city. They don't require a lot. In fact I would say they require less than a dog or cat.


This was really nice but this surely can't be that healthy with all the extra yolk. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed it!


U make everything look so good I wish I was as talented XD


Love anything eggy and this looks tasty with the sunflower seeds. Must try!


So, these look like the eggs of my youth that my dad made with eggs from our own chickens...yum!

Rocky Mountain Woman

Lovely and simple. I own SNE and love so many of the recipes in it...I would definitely buy a follow-up :)

Zesty Cook

What a delicious breakfast -- I love super eggy scrambled eggs -- sometimes all I add in is a handful of kale and half an onion, and just go crazy on some fresh eggs. Nothing is more satisfying.Thank you for sharing this post.


Oh what a yummy breakfast recipe. I am always looking for new ways to make eggs and this looks delicious!

Melissa Darr

sounds like a perfect weekend breakfast! good fuel for busy days


The description of your day made me smile.Your garden is GORGEOUS.Extra points for using parsley in a recipe.That is all. ;)Hugs - Mel


Yum Yum!! Scrambled eggs, is my husbands favourite, he will love this recipe!

Honey For Jam

I love scrambled eggs...and these look totally delicious. I'll definitely be making these!

Deborah at

I too am curious about the rochers.


beautiful pictures!this seems like such a nice way to start the day off right. or even for dinner! i often enjoy eggs in the evening.

Caitlin @ Vegetarian in the City

Nice idea. I use a similar idea when I make French Toast - supplement the eggs with additional egg yolks for more custard-y (and less overly egg-y) french toast. I think I got the idea from Cooks Illustrated...

sarah @ two tarts

That bread looks similar to my favorite bread in the universe that goes by the name of "Pane Ilon"Where did you find that bread? Beautiful.


You have so many dishes! I'd love to see a photo of how you store them all.


Please please please make a follow up!!! I have made everything in your cookbook and have loved them so much I am giving it away as a Christmas present to all my family!

Lauren Felts

I LOVE adding extra yolks to scrambled eggs - and my big claim to fame is that I was doing it back when most people were scrambling whites. I know - applause please :).Your meal also looks so beautiful - it is making me urgently miss N Cali bread - I think I might need to make this meal as one of my most pronto when I return this Xmas.xx

Em (Wine and Butter)

Ha that's funny, for the life of me I couldn't figure out how eggs could be more eggy!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

It seems perfect for a sunday breakfast!!

The life after

I love that you posted such a simple recipe but one that will surely scare the bejeebies out of some...Since yolks are the most nutrient dense AND most easily digestible part of the egg it really does make sense to add more to our food.When I add raw egg to smoothies (from our own hens... I have zero worries about bacterial contamination) I use only the yolks because the whites actually contain an anti-nutrient (a substance that blocks absorption of nutrients) that is at least partly negated when cooked.And cholesterol? I'm glad that one has finally been laid to rest: cholesterol in food has very little bearing on blood cholesterol. Plus, the ultra-low goals presented by the standard medical community have been linked to higher overall health problems... cholesterol is a GOOD thing.


The eggs sound sooooo good.


God, I looooove eggs and toast. These look delicious! And I say yes, yes, a hundred times YES to a new cookbook! (Please?!)

The Cozy Herbivore

Love eggy eggs and this oregano pesto looks awesome.

Oana from dishchronicles

I know that scatter-brained feeling! I think it means often that I am on the verge of something exciting! I do hope for you that might be true, and that the exciting thing is another cookbook! Your first is on my Christmas list this year.

Jennifer @ Raisin Questions

I've added extra egg whotes to my scrambles but never egg yolks - and it sounds rich and yummy! And so, so bright and sunny!And my opinion - YES! Follow up book please! I just got Super Natural Every Day for my brithday and am already deep in love with baked oatmeal and millet muffins and roasted chick peas.


That's a heck of a lot of errands...thank goodness for eggy eggs!

Belinda @zomppa

What about super duper and naturally smoother every day...


Thank you everyone for all the nice (and encouraging!) comments. To those of you who asked about the rochers, Wayne religiously uses the recipe from the Tartine cookbook for the almond rochers. :)


Fun post. Who knew raccoons loved cilantro so much. The eggs look delish. Will have to try them soon.


Did these random days start occurring around about the time you finished off Super Natural Every Day? You'd better get onto that next one Heidi! ;-)

Emma Galloway

The photos are so nostalgic like always when the year is ending.


Love these simple scrambled eggs idea, great for lunch with a few slices of tomatoes.Thank you for this nice post.


I'm interested to know about the couch! It's not easy deciding on one!


The eggs sound delicious as did your day - what a lovely post! Have a GREAT weekend!


what a gorgeous heap, and a wonderful way to "use up" extra yolks.a belated happy holiday weekend, heidi.and six months isn't so long to leave a living room in the lurch. we're awaiting one after two and a half years in our "new" space!


Just ordered your books. I thought that it would be fair enough after the amount of great recipes I have been getting for free from your blog. It makes my menu planning much easier when I know that I can go to one place and the recipes won't disappoint!


Love these simple scrambled eggs idea, great for lunch with a few slices of tomatoes! Will give the pesto a whirl, thanks for sharing a simple, yet delicious looking recipe. Lainie :)

Lainie Anderson

scrambled eggs are my fav thing in the world!

Maria @ Orchard Bloom

Can I help you with your decision about a follow-up to SNE?The answer is yes yes yes! A thousand times yes! :)


I really hope there is a follow-up to Super Natural Everyday. I just recently bought both of your books and I think they are the best cookbooks I've read in a long time.


Hi there!What a wonderful idea - it´s never crossed my mind to use extra egg yolks on this recipe!Thanks for sharing and congrats for the great pics.Cheers,


I love eggs in the morning; these sound lovely, Heidi. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.xo

The Healthy Apple

I was so happy when F&W published that recipe from Nopa! It tastes every bit as good from a home oven.


Oh Heidi, your day sounds wonderful. It is such a joy having all the relations together for fun, laugh and playtime with the little ones. Those are what make the entire holiday. The true meaning of the holidays is the love of God and family. Your eggs are right now cooking as I write. God bless,

Beverly Jane

So i've been searching all over for too egg recipes. I really like this.! pesto I would have never though.

Elle of Chellbellz

Mmm this looks a lot like the scrambled version of one of my favorite egg recipes: a pesto-cheddar-mushroom-tomato omelet. Next time I'm looking for something quicker I think I'll be making this!


This looks delicious. I would love to stir in some fresh spinach too.HS: I second that Dr. Sarah - chopped spinach & celery leaves & dill is a nice combination too!

Dr. Sarah Cimperman

I love scrambled eggs. They are comfort food, convenience food, fast food, sick-bed food and toddler food. I love them slow cooked and creamy rather than fast cooked and harder. What a treat with extra yolks and all those pesto flavours. GG

Glamorous Glutton

Yes, Is there a "rocher" recipe?


I love to add cheese curds to my scrambled eggs. Mmmmmm.


love this recipe! a good reminder that sometimes the simplest things are the best things. like eggs. :)

sara beth turner

Thank you for this! I would also love the recipe for the rochers, as I often find myself with left-over egg whites from making the occasional gelato.Thanks again!

Bella Issakova

Please, please another book! :-D

Mary Jo

Dear Heidi,I love your blog. I love how it reminds me of time spent in SF. I love how you suggest new uses for food I thought I knew all about - who knew raw kale salad was so good and who knew my 3-yr old would love it, too?? And, I love how you use pesto so liberally! It has given me so many ideas. Thank you! I hope to meet you one day when the tour for your new book brings you to Las Vegas.Cheers, Amy

Amy Alexanian

Really creative: eggs are such a comfort food!

Ivona Poyntz

Creative, practical and pedestrian - what a great way of summing it all up. I must use this as my mantra when I'm feeling a bit scatter-brained about all the directions I'm being pulled in.

Sally - My Custard Pie

Mmm, looks good as usual! The great food scientist nerds at America's Test Kitchen taught me to add bits of frozen butter to eggs while you're scrambling them. Something about the temp being right for the melting butter as it coats the setting protein in the egg. They're amazing in both taste and texture. Not sure the effect is the same with extra yolk, but . . .HS: I'll have to give it a go! Sounds quite interesting.


I've made my scrambled eggs like this for years (without the pesto). So creamy and rich! Yum.


Is there a "rocher" recipe? Thanks.


This morning my stomach is growling and those eggs and toast look so perfect right now.

Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

Yes, there should be a follow-up. You have to wonder this??!?! Hope you had a lovely holiday Heidi.
HS: You too Elissa, always love seeing your name pop up :)xo


Scrambled eggs was the first dish I learned to make, so I make them perfectly. Even thought of doing a video because such a simple dish is often cooked all wrong. These look all "right." Your busy days are very busy, but your life seems exciting. And, yes, always keep doing more cookbooks.


I love a good eggy-egg! These sound fantastic!

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar

Thanks for the simple recipe. Just tried this for dinner with your recipe for Easy Little Bread. Delicious! Just what I needed.

Andrea @ Roadhouse Roast

mm, oregano pesto & gruyere sound like excellent additions! any ideas of what to do with excess egg whites leftover from making extra eggy eggs? Katie x
HS: Rochers :)


i'm not too fond of scrambled eggs, but the oregano pesto sounds really interesting. Perhaps I make this tonight to drizzle over the spaghetti squash fritters I plan to make.Thanks for doing what you do. You are inspiring.


I love your recipes and this one as well. However, there are quite a lot of yolks in this one clearly you can do it once in a while otherwise cholesterol is gonna skyrocket!Love&LightMargherita


The eggs look lovely. But all your photographs do. I wish you a lovely weekend.

the f girl

I have been a follower for a long time--even before my sixteen-year-old became a vegetarian (but that gives me even more of a reason to pay attention to the recipes). I have to say that there are so many reasons I come here: the recipes, the photography (why does photo 2 feel the most like my life?) but I so enjoy your writing. Everything is seasoned just right.


Three things:1) your photos and honesty make me want to cook things honestly, and then take pictures2)"creative, practical, and pedestrian" perfectly describes my days of recent (particularly pedestrian, so perfect a word, i sighed with empathy...). I am a farmer by day cook at a winery restaurant by night in the okanagan valley of bc, canada; its winter and i find myself more of a yogi than anything these days; a comforting randomness to such days...i enjoy it before the inevitable restlessness sets in3) anyone who adds extra yolks to their eggs is certainly eating seriously. Colour and flavour, as they should be


I love the recipe, it doesn't get much more comforting than pesto and eggs...and I love the photos of the dahlias, they just suggest vibrancy.


A follow up to Super Natural Everyday? Of course!

charlotte au chocolat

It's great to hear that your Thanksgiving was very nice. Here in Japan, we don't do Thanksgiving feast but I miss it a lot.Scrambled egg looks amazing with extra yolk! Your photo makes me hungry!


double your yolks, double your fun!

lynn @ the actor's diet

Not a huge fan of overly-eggy eggs, myself (I like to bury my eggs under mountains of onions and herbs and cheese), but I'd love to see the recipe for those rochers! Are they just accessorized meringues? Also, a follow to to Super Natural Everyday would be wonderful!


I would love to see a follow up to Super Natural Everyday. Your blog, books and beautiful photography inspire me so much.


is that cheesy toasted bread i see..? yum!

kale @ tastes good to me!

Thanks for sharing your Golden Gate Park pics. I've been to that beautiful."Empty dishwasher while thinking some more about whether there should be a follow up to Super Natural Every Day. "

Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga

YES there should be a follow up to super natural every day! I learned to cook from you and I learned to be creative in cooking from you too.I love your description of your day. It's like a description of my ideal life. I hope to have that life one day. Until then please keep sharing yours!


What a great idea to use extra yolks, I must try this. I hope there is a follow up book to Super Natural Everyday, your recipes are fantastic!

Anne @ Baking Me

There should definitely be a follow up to Super Natural Every Day :) Also, I'm glad you shared the eggs because it's such a clever idea to add more yolks. Fantastic!

la domestique

What a delicious breakfast -- I love super eggy scrambled eggs -- sometimes all I add in is a handful of kale and half an onion, and just go crazy on some fresh eggs. Nothing is more satisfying.Happy thanksgiving to you and yours - I am thankful for your recipes, books, and blog -- all have inspired me with my own blog, and having that creative outlet is such a gift. Be well and merry.


Looks like a perfect way to start the day!

Simply Life

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Super-eggy Scrambled Eggs (18)

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Super-eggy Scrambled Eggs (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.