Stanley Cup Final Countdown, Winnipeg Blue Bombers prepare for season opener - Raw Chili (2024)

Stanley Cup Final Countdown, Winnipeg Blue Bombers prepare for season opener

[Music] r this is Winnipeg Sports Talk daily with Andrew Hustler Patterson and Michael [Music] Reis what is going on everyone great to have you on the program today with us here on Winnipeg Sports Talk Andrew Patterson Michael Reis and uh we got a busy one we’re counting down to Thursday night bomber season is back the CFL opener between the Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Montreal aletes Princess Auto Stadium we’ll get the latest from Blue bomber practice as uh we get closer what just over 48 hours away from kickoff on a new season Darren bombing from bonfire Sports is down at Princess Auto Stadium after practice today DB is going to join us first up today uh we’re going to dive into some hockey topics obviously the Stanley Cup Final as well as the month of June for the Winnipeg Jets heading into the draft where we will be broadcasting from in Vegas Wednesday through Saturday for the final week uh Mike McIntyre the win of pick Free Press is going to jump on with us we got lots to talk about with Mike McIntyre uh as far as now that Scotty arneal is the head coach what’s next for Kevin chevel day off and this roster and later on after Mike joins us this is going to be really fun uh brandan perini who you will remember as a member of the Edmonton Oiler for a portion of what the 22 2122 season um was playing in the American Hockey League this year it’s got what 262 games in the league with Arizona and Chicago as well as the Edmonton Oilers um Brendan’s got into uh got into youtubing and has done some really interesting videos on some of his best teammates and um anyways we’re going to have him on the program for a wide- ranging conversation talking a little bit about his experience with Edmonton Conor mcdavis uh playing minor hockey with Kyle Conor what it was like being a rookie um with Mark shley with the Barry Colts um as well as why the hell is Conor McDavid having to buy his own beer in public we will talk about that coming up as well it should be a real fun show uh we’ll get to the cool bet lines we’ve got some picks for Cino at Downs tonight as well and uh and much much more so buckle up it’s great to have with us here on wst just before we bring in Michael Remis I do want to thank our wonderful family of sponsors that make this show possible each and every day we appreciate you supporting them tell them wiip Peg Sports Talk sent you a Ry transfer kolette Canada Princess Auto Consolidated Supply Manitoba battery Canadian Club Little Brown Jug Wallace and Wallace F apparel Akens Lake Wilderness Lodge next door at 116 Broadway the Winnipeg gold eyes is cineo Downs Breezy Bend Royal Sports of course our friends at Boston Pizza and we will get to a why not question of the day for the gang at not Auto Corp at Waverly and mcgilvery Michael Remis what is going on I’m feeling good usus we’re just counting down to the Stanley Cup Final on Saturday but also Hustler also uh CFL kicking off Thursday bombers aloette so I’m getting fired up got to get my fantasy picks all set and all that so I’m feeling good here yeah well no kidding and uh as I just said we U Dusty’s away for a couple days getting ready for the season uh on the weekend of course he’ll be calling games on TSN uh particularly in the west probably a lot of bomber games throughout the year but in the lock shop we were putting together a little CFL spread pick them um with a wanck and a few of the EST guys myself Remis will be involved so that’s going to be fun all year and I did tease a contest that we’re going to be doing through Winnipeg sports talk and we’ll hopefully have the full details in the next couple days on the show um but it will be your chance for any of you that are making the odd wag here on CFL games uh you’ll be able to just screen cap your bet send it into us and enter to win a couple of seats on our tour to Regina for Labor Day with transport tickets Hotel a whole bunch of other goodies so stay tuned for that as well I I really am fired up for uh I’m fired up for the game itself just to get back in a in a real meaningful game re I certainly am hoping the bombers can get one over on the aletes considering what we saw when these teams last played in Hamilton and of course we were there um but I got to tell you I I went to the gold ey game last night and it was so sleeping gorgeous and I said all day yesterday on the show if you’re going to go to the game last night might be it I mean not particularly nice today 11:00 game on Wednesday getaway day um but you know being there seeing the new scoreboard seeing everybody seeing my guy dancing Gabe who was in like midseason form I put out a tweet check that out if you didn’t see it Rock The Rock the air fiddle during cotton ey Joe just uh just phenomenal but uh it it got me there it is there it is for those of you with us on YouTube just crushing it um I cannot wait just to get back to to Blue bomber football CFL back games on TSN nightly uh it’s going to be a really really fun week and um as I say if you get the chance to get down to the ballpark do it over the next couple days uh and then I think uh Winnipeg is going to be showing up and showing out for the bombers when they uh get a chance to get their hands on the Montreal aletes once again yeah how nice is that new scoreboard uh look there H uh it’s a total game changer for the organization that’s pretty uh really nice and nice night last night not quite the same today h like I send my kids y uh you know dress them in the morning I’m like is it going to rain today what P’s it going to be and yesterday gave him the rain gear wasn’t nice in the morning and it was nice rest of the day and today uh rain gear now clearing up uh just stepped out for a sec so uh should be a great night Thursday and sh also me mention seeing in the chat the NBA final sorry NBA it’s the NB I every year H get this right it’s the NBA Finals finals and it is the Stanley Cup Final you can I put out a tweet years ago and I might have to retweet it because people don’t know I don’t know why I don’t know which one you stand for but one is finals one is final the Stanley Cup Final yes singular in hockey plural in basketball yet both identical best of seven game series it’s tough I don’t know who’s right but um oh let us know in the chat that could be a bonus why not question the day should it be finals or final you let us know I put out this tweet in 2016 sound like a see the graphic final final okay the final s in the NBA so uh just important distinction so make sure when you’re having water cooler conversations you don’t say Stanley Cup Final it’s just it’s just one you got to have proper proper uh grammar and etiquette uh when it comes to uh when it comes to that all right listen um there’s a bunch of hockey news as I said we’ll dive into the football and the latest in the bombers coming up with bombing uh at the bottom of the hour and then talk a little more bombers in the upcoming season interesting and with Mike’s thoughts on the upcoming year uh by the way shout out to everyone listening on the podcast and great to see everybody in here mixing it up in our YouTube chat um there’s a lot of hockey news but listen just before we even get to the legit hockey news Remis this is going to be something I can’t wait to ask peini about later on today on the show surely you have seen this video with Conor McDavid after the game six win going to the vendor with his wife to pick up beer and white claws for some sort of postgame celebration yes it came across my feed last night and how I know we’re on the same page has as I’m watching the video I got a DM from you saying man you got to check this out and I had to like I’m like was this real like was this recent it was crazy I’m was definitely recent because he’s wearing the same suit that he’s worn to the last three games they did a big thing about it before game six and that like I would have thought maybe he would have had a change of clothes or something else for afterwards no the same suit and for those of you that are listening on the Pod that don’t have the benefit of seeing the video McDavid it there’s some guys in the parking lot of this liquor store beer store all freaking out that it’s Conor McDavid and and the guy fires up the video selfie style and like I don’t want to say they mobbed him but it was pretty damn close it was pretty damn close um now listen you can feel the joy in everyone in this video I mean there was no not a threatening situation by any means at all but it was pretty over the toop and like this is going to happen in a Canadian Market hours after booking a ticket to the Cup Final on home ICE my question through all of this though Remis is like why the hell is McDavid having to go buy his own beer in public like a normal guy knowing that wherever he steps especially that night this is going to happen guaranteed yeah here want me to just play the video with the sound it’s all it’s all set here sure play it again for podcast listeners you can get to the YouTube uh part of it um ready to uh crush a few beers and some white claws beautiful night man thank you so much good game oh thank you so much mank you so much thank you so much man I’m so happy let’s go this is me with leg youve be good man thank you so much so much thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much give it hug man thank you so much man thank you so much the uh the the hug the give me a hug at the end you had to laugh um and listen you D you just getting thanked over and over again um and I got to tell you if the if that happened here in Winnipeg and the Jets were going to the cup and they just won game six of the Conference Finals and Mark shley or Josh morrisy was going to the vender down the street and coming out with a bunch of racks to go have some fun I wouldn’t be surprised it was somewhat similar um overall I will say they could have maybe given Lauren a hand with one of those racks of white claws um but listen the uh the excitement level is real there in Edmonton and uh you combine that with social media in 2024 and you get one of the more Awkward star player public interactions we’ve seen online in a long time yeah the uh like the touching him and the give me a hug maybe getting into the guys’s personal space a bit but that that was a there’s no doubt that was a personal space viol yeah they could have offered to help him load the car as well I’m seeing uh from people in chat but I think I was more the most part that was appalling the part that sorry the part that was the most appalling to me was that mcdavid’s getting his own beer and loading into his own car that’s insane he should what you can’t get uh delivery uh service here or there to do it he doesn’t have a a guy to go get your beers I know you want to like be a team guy and like pret pretend you’re a good leading leading from the front I know you want to be a leader and like get in the trenches but like I guess you’re not I guess these guys are just so over the top most people are like way to go and leave it at that like the recording yourself patting them on the back like I know that they’re happy and I you love the excitement but I don’t know it’s getting into the guy’s personal personal space here I know the guys in EST had some uh quite a few uh few disc questions about that listen at the end of the day his star power everywhere like all across Canada I think you know would be like listen this guy’s going to turn heads and he’s going to draw a crowd everywhere that he goes and listen this is not anything new in Edmonton but when you ratchet up the fever around the team and the player on the verge of playing for the championship um like listen if I’m one of the rookies on that team or or day har or one of the depth players and this comes across my feet I’m like oh my God Connor let me know let me if you if you need a couple racks of beer you need some white claws just text me I’ll get it for you you don’t need to be you don’t need to be putting yourself in the line of fire uh so to speak when it comes to uh fans that are that are over the moon and the one thing I I did crack up because of the good natured those guys I mean listen was it over the top yeah but the fact that they were just thanking him over and over and over again um it does show the Gratitude and again many of us out here still a little bent that somehow they won the draft lottery again and got that guy and now it’s LED them to this point uh but man if you are an Oiler fan you wake up every single day and you thank the your lucky stars that uh that Conor McDavid is uh is on your team yeah and I think I like the enthusiasm I mean seem like nice guys I don’t think there was anything malicious there they saw McDavid getting beers in were excited you know maybe the I think the touching and the gim me a hug maybe a bit a bit excessive bit Invasion bit of a yellow card a bit of a yellow card and you know everyone seems to be weighing in Carlo kako we’ve had on the show former any cheller with TSN 1050 says McDavid should never be out in public during a Stanley Cup run in Canada picking up beer that’s the rookie job and again I think that’s most that’s the craziest part that he’s loading his own car own beers everyone weighing in uh Derek Schmidt wants to know were the mountains at least blue on those Coors Lights and one thing that amazes me about Edmonton it’s like after the game still light out like it doesn’t get dark there it’s I’ve learned a lot about Ed it is so North like I I remember when I was out there um in like this Summer that like for the year that I was there was there for one of the Summers and we went to an uh well Eskimos at the time now elk uh CFL game and the game started at I think 7 and finished the game got back to White AV where I was living and at 10:30 it was still light outside crazy like I mean the sun had gone down but it was still legitimately light and it really like it it towards the what when is the equinox like around the 21st of June like around that time like it is literally not dark until midnight um so yeah it was uh like that that that video was probably shot at like close to 10:45 or something like that right now so uh yeah it’s uh it’s up there and uh long days and very short days sometimes in the winter with uh with where they are North North Brown um let’s get to a few of the news and notes from the NHL today um for the teams that just got bounced on the weekend the Rangers and the Dallas Stars um some news coming out of that there was a lot of talk about Jacob trouba for many reasons over the course of the playoffs sounds like he was playing with a broken ankle re now a broken ankle I guess there’s different levels of it um I don’t think they really got into it but um for a lot of people that thought that he was a little bit of a step behind or wasn’t quite there and obviously trying to make up for it with some uh over-the-line plays that trouba’s known for pretty significant injury that was hampering the ranger Captain yeah it sounds like Adam Fox had a knee injury Jacob trouba he broke his ankle in the season saying quote uh a big chunk of his ankle came off and since what Molly Walker tweeted since it was a weightbearing bone he was mostly okay but skating did not feel good and I think there’s some confusion if he was playing in the playoffs with a broken ankle or not I saw someone say that it wasn’t broken during the pl but that might have been deleted now so but uh I mean crazy that but he had to miss a couple broken ankle it’s something you’re usually out for a long time with and just all these guys seemingly you know playing through uh playing through something yeah uh and and listen I I mean just there’s a lot of discourse about trouba um I mean you sent me somewhere else I mean they’re already talking but listen they do have a lot of really quality defenseman there uh but they’ve invested a lot in trouba um they signed him to the long-term deal they gave him the C uh and at times he was a third pairing defenseman for the Rangers during the playoffs now how much that has to do you know with what he was dealing with healthwise I mean hard for us to say right now but it was interesting I mean knowing how much he has missed here on the Jet Blue Line and how much the Jets would kill to have a guy like that on their team and how quickly things can change for a guy that was kind of the uh you know he was the guy for a long time the Big Apple and the captain and moving forward and you know when you lose a few games and don’t play your best or take some dumb penalties uh all of a sudden opinions can be very mixed to say the least yeah um I mean maybe he you know that misplay on the two onone in that last game because he didn’t want to skate back and he’s like I’ll just go attack attack the puck but um the quote from Molly Walker here is uh that okay he broke the ankle at March and he was cleared in F fine to play in the playoffs um he said you’re definitely he’s like it was tough because you feel fine you want to be out there but you’re definitely limited it got better obviously the longer it went on that was a tough one uh so he didn’t skate on a broken ankle all playoffs it happened uh in March so there’s some confusion with uh I guess a quote being out of context but I mean still I mean came back very quickly broke I mean it broken ankle it’s got to be tough as it went on as he said uh the other news coming out of today uh it sounds like it’s the end of the road for Joe pavelski who um you know did not have a great uh play or not have a great Series against the Edmonton Oilers uh but honestly I mean shocked me with just how well he was able to perform over the course of the time with the uh with the Dallas Stars I mean you know he played he came into the league in ‘ 0607 with the San Jose Sharks played all the way until the end of the 19th season and then came in with five more years with the Dallas Stars including like an 81-point season in 2122 and Incredibly consistent last four years in the league well 25 goals in 56 games for 51 points in his second year with Dallas and then 27 goals 81 points in 82 28 goals 77 points in 82 games and this year his lost in the NHL 27 goals 67 points in 82 games but what does stand out was the quiet playoff with just one goal in 19 games but man 1332 regular season games 200 in the playoffs coming very close to winning the Stanley Cup but never getting his hands on it and uh that’s it for a former seventh round draft pick of the San Jose Sharks back in 2003 yeah 2003 that’s uh 21 years ago he was drafted age 39 and I remember when Dallas signed him to the that contract I mean he’s 35 years old and signed to a multi-year deal like I’m not sure uh this is going to work out and he signed a three-year deal and then two uh consecutive one-year deals but uh he had a great you know great stint in Dallas there I mean 1332 career games 1,68 career points uh but he played on Team USA in the Olympics played in many many playoffs with San Jose uh you know when they went to the Cup Final did not win uh you know great player a great player end his career without a Stanley Cup but certainly up there especially up there for American uh born players so he is always a beast in front of the Nets Joe Peli and as they say father time uh works you know hits everyone and just did not have the playoff series that you’ve known Joe pavelski that he’s capable of yeah he um you know I I think back to you know the height of his career with San Jose I mean 41 goals in 1314 37 the next year 38 the next year 2922 38 again like he finished up with 476 goals so 24 short of 500 I you know I I know that he said he’s done the fact that he had 27 this year no he’s that clo it was that close to being on a team that actually was going to The Cup final but also 24 goals away from a very very significant number being a 500 goal scorer in the National Hockey League you wonder how much of this is the disappointment of losing the way they did to Edmonton um that maybe turns around when he gets more into the off season all I can tell you is the guy can still play although was concerning that he had such a quiet playoffs and frankly that’s a big reason probably why we’re talking about the Edmonton Oilers moving on I mean uh the depth of the Dallas Stars didn’t really show itself and listen steuart Skinner was a big big part of that yeah it sound like he you know he had kind of made the decision before maybe his mind changes you know we did see Zach pzy do what the I I say Roger Clemens used to do this he’d like pitch only home games and start halfway through the season Zach pzy came in what you know close to the end of the season with Colorado and when he was healthy made an impact for them and I wonder you know if we see more guys do that essentially become like a trade deadline pickup there’s some people in chat saying is he a Hall of Famer and I follow this guy on Twitter hus adjusted hockey Paul padudi and he’s got a formula with all the Hall of Famers and adjusting for eras and he has pavelski he tweeted this out last summer a year ago June 212 23 says he exceeds the standard and he should be a Hall of Famer and um you know among Americans he should be you know he’s a bit behind ronic kachaka and the Clair who should be in and he says pavelski I think the maybe the standard they’re letting in more guys in the Hall of Fame lately but Pavel ging very very very uh exceptional career for him I mean how many 19 Seasons uh incredible yeah and you know and like listen and then on the other side Fort Gary Q fires up in chat numbers are there but no cups I hate this argument like this is a team game and there are guys that are blessed by being on some incredible teams and are very average players and we’re somewhat fortunate to be winning the cup I mean Patrick Maron shows up every year on the fourth line of some team and has a bunch of rings to show for it Patrick maroon isn’t going to the Hall of Fame anytime soon and then there’s other guys that don’t ask for trades that that devote their career to a particular franchise in which he did with San Jose and was very very disappointed to have to move on when they decided not to sign them for what it was going to cost but I don’t take anything anything away from guys uh in that and especially when you talk about someone that was so competitive for so long um there’s some Good Fortune there’s a lot of luck that goes into it and there’s one team that wins the Stanley Cup with a 32 each and every year um I don’t think the other 31 teams are all complete losers and there’s only one team that you know really and listen they got one team that win the Stanley Cup they deserve everything coming to them but I don’t take away from players because they didn’t win a championship um if they’re a great player like Joe pavelski and I think that he will be remembered as truly one of the greatest American players of all time and a guy that for almost 20 years um was amongst the best in the NHL yeser was a 18 18 my bad season’s not 19 still incredible number and I’m with you there I think um you know a lot of people mentioning Dale Howard chuk as a you know Hall of Fame player who you know didn’t win a Stanley Cup you mean you get drafted on what the worst team in the league you go up against Dynasty Edmonton Oilers it’s tough as you said one team wins and there’s more teams now it’s getting harder than ever and I you can’t take away from this great career I mean two Stanley Cup Final appearances one with San Jose one with Dallas uh sometimes it just doesn’t work out but I you can’t deny the numbers he put up and his place in hockey history like I mean let’s just put it to right now like say the Oilers lose in seven games to the Panthers and I mean are McDavid and dry cdle going to be guys that just can’t get it done overrated I mean I don’t think so um whoever loses gets to the end and Paul Maurice will be the first one to tell you that based on what happened last year um there’s some great teams that fall just short um only one team can win at all and listen I mean in the hot take world we live in a lot of legacy is sort of tied into did you win a championship and listen doing great things in the biggest moments on the biggest stage is something that can absolutely pull you up if you disappear in the playoffs uh and you never get it done and you’re always losing to teams below you then okay maybe there’s a little bit of argument there but overall winning or not winning a Stanley Cup if we’re talking about an individual player is something that can help a guy but I don’t spend a lot of time taking guys down a few notches if they weren’t fortunate enough to be on the best team in the league on any given year um we’re going to get bombing in here and uh chat a little bombers because the season opener is two days away Mike McIntyre coming up as well a little bit later on and then coming up uh afterwards a real fun conversation with Brendan perini you know perini has been around from you know Arizona Chicago the Edmonton Oilers American Hockey League this year he’s been doing some moving if you have to do moving if you’re making a move with your family to a new spot this year let the most trusted name in moving and transfer here in Manitoba take care of you and your family uh with such a big part of uh of your of your future ry’s transfer family-owned and operated for over 60 years is there for you folks they’ve got an extensive Logistics business which takes them throughout Southern Manitoba every day which means that whether you’re moving inside the city or somewhere in southern Manitoba Ry transfer can help you out with flexible times roots and of course the best prices in town head on over to got a beautiful brand new relaunched website top right corner you’ll see the request a quote function uh click on that 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or find out more online at CTE . CA hey for all those tools uh boats toys you’re going to be using this summer you got to get batteries and Manitoba battery is the best prices in town and you’ll be shopping local and getting the best service pretty good deal huh well you’re always getting the best deal at Manitoba battery beating the pants off the big box stores seven days a week and even better than that they’ll deliver it to you for free with any purchase over 60 bucks inside the perimeter it is just that easy you can pop by and see him in person on Logan Avenue or on dobert the new location on the south side of the city or simply pick up the phone and give them a call or order online at Manitoba and let Donnie and the Gang at Manitoba battery bring it to you and just before we bring in Darren bombing I know there’s going to be a lot of CC enjoyed at Princess Auto Stadium on Thursday of course Canadian Club available throughout Princess Auto Stadium as the official Spirit of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers going to be given quite a few fans I think a little extra oomph to get behind the blue and gold of course Canada’s favorite and oldest Canadian whiskey is Canadian club you can grab it at your local Manitoba Liquor Mars at the game on Thursday and of course don’t forget CCE and ginger an incredible drink of the summer also available over at Princess Auto Stadium all right we are two days away from kickoff on the CFL season let’s welcome in Darren bombing from bonfire Sports back from practice today at Princess Auto Stadium getting ready for Thursday night what’s going on Hustler how are you I’m fired up for Thursday man I uh I was at the Ballpark last night had a great time at the gold eyes game it was absolutely beautiful knew the weather yeah maybe wasn’t going to cooperate the next couple days uh but listen rain or shine I know that stadium is going to be rocking on Thursday for a gray cup rematch in game number one of the CFL season but guess before we get to Thursday um we I got to pick your brain on the first week of practice sort of a weird training cap didn’t see a lot of the regulars a few more of them back and now um it’s time to get ready for a football game that means something on Thursday yeah you know call it a practice week it was one day today practice was closed tomorrow’s walkthrough and of course day before the game if I can plug H I always appreciate it uh the day before every game Home and Away uh Chris WBY will join me for game day Winnipeg and our pregame show live coming right out of your show Winnipeg sports talk at 3M so when you wrap up uh everybody will join us uh on Game Day Winnipeg on bonfire Sports so yeah the the the first practice week if you will was one day and that was yesterday but it was a good day um you know to see Brady Oliva practice for the first time since training cap began to see uh Brandon Alexander they’re starting safety practice for the first time uh so far this season all very positive signs uh you know Jordan younger the new defensive coordinator who of course was the defensive backs coach here in Winnipeg for the last number of years under Richie Hall he will work alongside Richie Hall but be the defensive coordinator himself um he wants guys to be versatile and move around so if Cam Lawson their Canadian defensive tackle has to miss some time they’re going to be okay because they’re going to move guys around Adam big hill will start the season on the six-game injured list they got to move some guys around and have have Kyrie Wilson play the middle and Brian Cole kick over to weak side they’re going to be okay um you know to go through all the injuries and to go through all all the you know guys on the field it’s a lot it’s football right you can’t just talk uh about the couple guys there’s so many implications and so many things that can change it’s it’s like um you know it’s like a domino effect so uh watching Winnipeg do all of these different things early in Camp and then give all of those young guys the full final preseason game uh at Princess Auto Stadium I think just shows that how important it is for them to ensure that no matter what may happen they’re going to be prepared and huster I’ll just I’ll just say this and I sure hope we can talk about the entire league the East and West Division and how the CFL shakes out uh with things kicking off League wide on Thursday of course here in Winnipeg um but I expect Winnipeg to be the best team in the CFL this year until proven otherwise well I mean listen they’re certainly the uh the favorite we were just uh Matt aan joined me in the lock shop today and I miss mattye great guy we went through he said to say hi by the way um we’re I mean the bombers are plus 215 favorites for the great cup I think it’s a pretty short number but it speaks to you know the program that the winnter peg Blue Bombers have built um the fact that they brought Dalton shown back they brought Brady Oliva back not a lot of people thought that it was possible they have lost some players before we get to the league overall let me just ask you this for fans that maybe haven’t been paying attention to every single thing happening in training camp we know the veterans and the guys that are returning yeah who are a few players new players that might be playing some significant minutes and maybe introducing themselves to bomber fans for the first time in uh in real time Thursday night yeah starting boundary Corner that’s where Winston Rose has been off and on for the last couple years uh Jamal Parker stole his job last year Parker started in the gray cup he’s injured and will probably be a while starting the year on the six game injured list and and maybe longer uh so there was a couple young guys uh Tyreek McGee who was on the practice roster in Winnipeg last year and Terell bonds brand new to Canada uh and the Blue Bombers just a few weeks ago it looks like Terrell bonds won that job at a training camp but they have McGee on the practice roster to start the season so bonds McGee at that cornerback spot next to Dietrich Nichols that’s the busy side of the field it’s the short side they call it the weak side but you got to be strong to play that weak side of the field um Tyrell Ford was a Blue Bombers draft pick a couple years ago a Canadian of course Edmonton Elks quarterback Trey Ford’s twin brother he was with the Green Bay Packers last year he’s back in Canada now and looks to start at cornerback on the other side of the field so two new DBS playing uh very important positions on the edges of the Blue Bombers defense uh with Adam big hill out I mentioned Kyrie Wilson kicking to the middle who’s the weak side well um you know the bombers did lose a couple guys um in the linebacking court this year Brian Cole has been around playing on special teams it looks like he’ll be the weak side linebacker until Adam big hill is healthy and ready to go of course the biggest Omission on the Blue Bombers defense or change I’ll say is uh Jackson Jeffcoat and trying free agency and then deciding to retire uh celesten habba was in the lineup a lot last year for Winnipeg it’s going to be him and a rookie Taiwan garbett playing defensive end opposite Willie Jefferson but again this defensive line whether it’s six seven or eight different D linemen dressing for a game you’re going to see all types of guys all different types of places you’ll see Willie Jefferson lining up at nose tackle right on top of the center uh you know don’t hold your breath for things to look normal with this very versatile Change Up Blue Bombers defense offensively of course Rasheed Bailey leaving uh via free agency to join the Toronto Argonauts uh they have a couple young rookies that uh will slide in there ontaria Wilson Kedrick uh or Carrick wheatfall uh myON Mitchell I think Mitchell looks to be the the kick returner this year but all of that said I think the Winnipeg Blue Bombers receiving core is the best receiving Corp in the CFL for three reasons Nick demsky Denny Lawler Dalton shown I take those three and one of them being a Canadian to boot over any other Trio in the CFL today let alone Zack kis who I think is probably the most dangerous quarterback in the CFL and just speaking of Zach I mean by all accounts um from yourself from Hamilton from DT it seems like Zach has come in incredibly focused and I mean there’s a lot of things you can take from training camp but um no question as to whether Eight’s going to be ready for Thursday night I saw a pass in practice yesterday Hustler I don’t think I’ve ever seen a ball thrown so impressively live and in person in my entire life and I’ve watched a lot of football uh it was uh an out and upu route for running back Johnny Augustine and Zach Karis threw it to the far side of the field like if it was six Ines off it would have been an completion it was absolutely perfect uh the the velocity he had on the ball was impressive and like I’m out of I’m I’m out of superlatives and and adjectives to describe it it was just one of those passes where you’re just like holy you know what uh Zack Karis still has it if anybody thinks Zack Karis is like in the Twilight of his career give your head a shake he could win and probably will I would say an early favorite right now to win mop in the CFL uh in 2024 I will say this though just just to wrap up the the position groups of course Jamarcus Hardrick huge loss in free agency signing the big ticket deal with the saskatch on Rough Riders uh Winnipeg’s o line is going to be pretty much intact otherwise you know Jeff Gray deciding to move on from football Liam Dobson has started games and and will slide in uh at left guard but it’s uh a CFL veteran and new to the Blue Bombers this year Eric Lofton who will start at right tackle and for a right-handed quarterback back like Zack Karis uh you know Lofton is a guy that he’s going to be seeing a lot of I encourage your listeners to head to bonfire sports check out my one-on-one with Zach Karis we talked about life gratitude for where he is in his career and the glut of Weaponry he has around him working with offensive coordinator Buck Pierce uh and then I’ll have an interview my one-on-one with buck Pierce uh up later today on bonfire Sports as well if you want to get a little bit of a taste of what this incredibly potent and dangerous bombers is all about well listen I can’t wait to see that and again I mean we know the bombers are notor notoriously tight lipped about all their plans and for obvious reasons however I we talk about all the players Buck Pierce could be a guy that we talk a heck of a lot more about this year than maybe we have in the past because of the options that are now available to him with Chris strer in the mix and the possibility and the fact that multiple quarterbacks are allowed out on the field and we know what a versatile guy he is and how much and how much he can do um bombing CFL wide I mean you mentioned you think the bombers are the team to beat and certainly I don’t think many people would disagree with that after the bombers who’s next and and and how close is this Gap right now do you think I kind of see this league as pretty wide open this year maybe more in the past I’m not sure we’ll have any really terrible teams like we have in the past although you never know what happens with a QB injury early on in the season right um and I see a number of teams you know like the British Columbia lions like Montreal coming in huge questions with the Argos um you know that that that are in the mix as well I mean how do you see this landscape and how wide open the season may be well I’ll start by saying this this is the way I look at the CFL hustler because it’s nine teams like it it’s so fun to follow because you really can understand what’s going on in each market and in the CFL like you mentioned it a quarterback injury can change everything a team that just surprises whether it’s good or really bad can change the entire landscape of how things shake out the schedule maker you know like last year Montreal played Ottawa four times and Ottawa was not very good so that allowed them to you know have a a much easier schedule and get themselves into the playoffs and got hot at the right time and now they’re great Cup champs uh I always look at tear in the CFL in that top tier I have Winnipeg I have BC and I have Montreal and the reason I Montreal is that I think being a championship team having that continuity going from one year to the next uh you know you have to put them in that top tier they are the defending champs uh I’ve got that middle tier of teams that are right on the cusp I have in that group and of course quarterback play whether it’s bivi Mitchell or Taylor Powell that’s going to depend you know it’s going to be depended huge on how good the Hamilton tiger cats can be this year the biggest addition Hamilton made is one I don’t think enough people are talking about and that’s uh Scott milanovich as their new head coach I think that’s a huge upgrade and that’s not a shot at Orlando steinhauer but milanovich is a proven winner in this league so I have Hamilton in that second tier I have Edmonton in that second tier adding McLoud bethl Thompson another year of this Chris Jones defense and bringing in his guys I think Edmonton is a team well they’re my sleeper I think they’re a much better team than people give them credit for Saskatchewan new head coach we don’t know I kind of got them on the bubble of that middle tier and bottom tier just because of so much change in this off season and Trevor Harris is 38 years of age and has yet to show that while he throws for a lot of yards yet to show that he can be a consistent winner so Saskatchewan uh Ottawa I think will be a little bit better this year Toronto I mean we’ll see how Cameron Dukes is as their quarterback uh I don’t even know if we’re going to see Chad Kelly this year but that’s a huge shot for them they Got Talent but um you know I don’t think they’re going to be as good as they were last year that’s an easy thing to say and then the Calgary stamp Peters I mean I don’t know could be a real tough year in Calgary we’ll just leave it at that yeah the uh listen I mean I know we’re all focused on Thursday night but Bo Levi going back to Calgary I’ll be at one year late the CFL had a terrible knack for missing biggest most obvious opportunities for Big Time games and not having there right to it in week one of of Bo going back to Calgary where he’s had his greatest successes yeah it’s it’s something I think the CFL really learned from last year because there was a bit of an outcry like why is there no gray cup rematch well we got one to start the season in 2024 why isn’t Bo going back to Calgary well first game for 24 uh that’s going to happen as well uh the schedule isn’t easy to do because the CFL in some markets is not the Stadium’s primary uh tenant right so you know uh whether it’s a uh you know Thursday Friday Saturday or Sunday that’s the other part of it is you got to kind of make everything fit um but I’ll give the CFL credit you know I’m a Critic of them as much as anybody I think uh at times um they’ve done a very very good job this year on and off the field to uh ensure they have what they uh you know have what fans need uh to for it to be a great season stats they need to still get on that I’m not going to go on that huster because I think you and I would be on for hey has it not been fixed like come tomorrow are we not get you got to be kidding me the live stats to my understanding will be good to go but it’s for us that look at historical stats and look for Trends and like you got guys like DT and Jeff Hamilton and myself and people in other markets it’s like you can’t go back to 2019 and see Zack karis’s numbers so that’s tough because those are important things to have to tell the stories of the great players in this great league but yeah uh live stats will be good to go and uh they’ve got some fancy stats this year Hustler um interesting that they’re you know deciding to do some of those things while still not having the historical records but ball trajectory speed players on the field all of these different things uh you know meters run or yards run with with the football uh top speed of of running and throwing all those things yeah we we’ll see how those numbers shake out as the season starts listen just first and foremost I mean was the most embarrassing situation again I don’t want to get fully into it but I mean the fact that we went through a season basically without any legitimate live scoring after having it for so long m i mean there’s live scoring for minor hockey in a lot of places right now I mean you have to be able to do that and listen with people betting on these games and doing props and with people playing DraftKings contests which all helps the Canadian Football League you got to be able to get that information otherwise people move on to other things and uh hopefully that certainly is exactly what uh what we’re uh what we’ll get this year and uh can uh can move uh move forward can I give people a tip when it comes to to betting CFL because like the the sports books have gotten a lot sharper and a lot better when it comes to setting the lines setting the odds all of those sorts of things a couple years ago it was the wild west and for those that knew what they were doing you made a lot of money they’re better now but in-game betting like over under after two and a half three quarters that’s where I have found Great Value in watching the CFL so if it’s uh you know a non- bombers game and uh you know it’s a low-scoring game that sort of thing and it’s early in the third quarter try to find that over under total for the full game because uh you can jump on it uh at the right time it’s kind of like Goldilocks you got to find it just just right you can uh you can do quite well with the ingame you know speaking of this have you taken look at the win totals for the for the league so far this year like the bombers are 13 uh on the nose I listen I think 12 wins I think 12 wins is going to win this division um BC is at 11 and a half um I think I’d sort of lean to the under you mentioned the Elks my favorite we were going through these with Matt earlier my favorite of everything up at kolette right now for the nine teams is the over on Edmonton over six and a half wins I think they I think they get to eight I think they can get to nine and I really think it’s going to come down to Edmonton and Saskatchewan for that final playoff spot and I could frankly see a crossover happening again it’s not like it doesn’t often happen ens all the time from a West team going across to the east um I do think Calgary is going to be up against it right now unless they have a big big turnaround at the quarterback position because they did not get the quarterbacking you need um last year and then they’ve lost some Big Time Players yeah I mean I just think McLoud bethl Tom combined with Gino Lewis and an upgrade at Canadian receiver in curle gens Jr uh you know they’ve got some veterans in that receiving core as well in addition to those guys but like listen listen to me Gino Lewis is making 200 or pardon me $300,000 a year or if not just below that he is as good like him shown and Kenny Lawler are for my money the best receivers in the league today and you know people talk about Dom ryes people talk about uh you know some of some of those other guys is someone that with a pass heavy McLoud bethl Thompson and the arm strength that he has they’re just going to throw him 5050 balls all day long so you know if you’re in a fantasy league or you’re looking at full season stuff or whatever it is I see that MBT Gino Lewis combo as uh one that is going to knock the socks off the stats guys and hopefully they can keep up his uh his uh uh season total for kolit is over under 1100 um 11005 the um Dalton shown has the biggest number 1275 yard and again if you blindly bet unders you probably are going to end up okay because listen they hit these overs these guys need to really play the majority of the games in the season right the minute a guy misses a month or so you’re pretty much guaranteed in on the under but it is interesting to see where they rank these players and Dalton shown based on this would be the favorite actually along with Tim White Tim White’s got that same number at at at 1275 yeah um for for it Kenny Lawler for what it’s worth is 1175 it’s a lot of there’s a lot of targets a lot of Ms you got to feed in this bomber’s offense you got to remember Brady Olivera said yesterday that he thinks the team can run rush for 2,000 yards this year and I wouldn’t be surprised if they did so uh I like the unders on the bombers guys I do still like the over on on the Edmonton guys because um you know and Tim white I mean I I probably slept on him uh he helped me win my full season CFL Fantasy League last year bunch of young guys uh invited me to play with them and I just absolutely mopped the carpet with them thank you to adarius picket and Tyrese beverett uh two two guys that are are definitely top 10 players talent-wise in this league ionic was talking about his CFL Fantasy Draft last night he was all fired up about his Squad hey everyone’s fired up about their squad it’s week one Thursday night Princess Auto Stadium Phill people in again tomorrow we’ll send a raid over to you and Walby uh Wednesday afterwards if you’re not with us live or you’re listening on the podcast that’ll be available Wednesday evening uh and then week one firing it up after the game with uh full rundown of uh what happened between the bombers and alloet in a great cup rematch pregame postgame every game on bonfire Sports Winnipeg Walby joins me as you mentioned tomorrow at 3 after wst schnitzi Zach schnit the man himself will join me postgame uh for our fan reporter uh double head Duo that we do uh post game on game day after dark every week but uh yeah should be fun Hustler and uh you know I think bombers fans get out to the games there’s no bigger party than the one every two weeks on average throughout the summer and fall than the matad house on mat thanks buddy uh all the best this season say hi to Walby and we’ll see you guys tomorrow after wst you got it take care man all right there is Darren bombing of bonfire Sports and of course speaking of Princess Auto the Princess Auto tailgate party gets going two hours before the game tomorrow uh entertainment inflatables for the kids hot dog 350 hot dogs $5 beers uh no better deals and no better place to be with fellow bomber fans before you get going and then for the first regular season game as Princess Auto Stadium the bombers and aletes kick off at 7:30 and don’t forget make a plan Jan January 1st Canada Day doc Walker Sam Roberts Band fireworks completely free Canada is back and the bombers and Princess Auto welcome all of you to make plans to come down and join them there on Monday July 1st of course you can visit Princess Auto in town Panet Road Portage Avenue West you can always shop online 247 365 at princess uh our friends at and Wallace very busy much like the bombers right now getting into their season uh the fencing season is well underway right now installs going on throughout the city because of course Wallace and Wallace are the fencing experts along with Overhead Doors since 1946 if you need the security and protection of a new fence or if Winter’s done a number on your old one give them a call they’ve got vinyl ornamental welded wire chain link wood fences and if you need to replace your garage door they’ve Al got Winnipeg’s largest selection of overhead garage doors give them a buzz 4552 2700 the Wallace and Wallace team will arrange a time to come out and give you a free estimate you can also visit them at Wallace or pop down to their Showroom on uh laon Crescent just off of keniston uh and guys as we look ahead bomber Seasons here you know what that means we’re just about Into Summer wedding season and more guys when you’re looking into your closet and realize oh I got to up my men’s wear game there’s only one place to do that and that is f apparel at 190 Smith Street downtown custom suits beginning at 400 bucks along with chinos golf pants custom shirts both tucked and untucked styles and an incredible selection of men’s wear accessories 15% discount for wedding parties so if you’re having one or in a wedding party talk to the guys at F about taking advantage of that they’ve got a great deal right now for high school grads find out more in store at 190 Smith Street you can get more information and make an appointment to come in for a fitting at F that’s eapp and a quick shout out to the gang at Akens Lake Wilderness Lodge can’t wait to get out there later on this summer if you are looking for a worldclass fly in fishing destination where you can be on the water in less than two hours from the city of Winnipeg Akens lake is the spot and as incredible as the world class fishing is the world class Hospitality from the TR family and the Akens team is even better if that’s possible find out about remaining availability for the 2024 fishing season today at aens and of course you can also see them on all their social channels for the best of akans at aens Lake all right let’s welcome in Mike McIntyre from the winipeg Free Press to the program Mike what’s going on Hustler uh good Tuesday to you I uh I’m enjoying a week of holidays this week I’m actually off uh off the beat off the grind off the grid I was hoping to be on the golf course but Mother Nature he’s been a little Wicked lately uh kind of saturating everything so hoping to get out on the links later this week uh hopefully we get a little warmer sunnier weather dry everything out doesn’t look too bad out right now but it is wet out there as our two dogs Piper and bod keep reminding us uh you know you think we are living with two potbellied pigs the way they love to roll around in the backyard and and track it all in the house so so far holidays have mainly consisted of mopping up the floors uh after uh after our two hounds who’re they’re a big big muddy mess uh off this week well maybe you’ll be able to take in the bomber home opener as a fan to get to the game on Thursday night that is certainly a possibility I actually started my holidays uh by getting out to the gold eyes game on the weekend one of the one of the gold eyes games that was uh that was great I was there last night Parks looking great and that that new scoreboard that’s if people haven’t seen it it’s it’s a beauty uh and they do a lot of really they’ve really stepped it up this year in the kind of graphics and animation department and uh it was uh it was really good to see they’ve uh they’ve done a nice job with that and it looks like the gold eyes they they’ve got some fun players on their team this year I know they’re they’re trying to get back over 500 here after after a bit of a tough start on the road but uh gold eyes look like they might have a really uh exciting crew with uh with some veterans and some young players as well well and Max Murphy’s back dude is just absolutely mashing he’s on Pace he’s over an RBI a game Pace like he’s he’s he’s on track to go over a 100 RB in a 100 Game season which would be incredible no they uh I was there last night uh it was just a glorious night and I realized that this is the night to go looking at the for although it’s holding off right now I mean it’s not like it’s really cold out I mean this could be a could end up being a nice night for it and then tomorrow they’ve got the 11:00 a.m. game there’s a 30% chance of showers beat the rain we see what happens and it’s what is actually good though it’s actually the forecast a little bit warmer uh and no rain right now for Thursday night so 18 mix of sun and Cloud perfect for the first day of the season and then we get into some better stuff we’re looking at 25 and 27 scheduled predicted Sunday and Monday and finally some sunshine although I am worried just the kind of weather we want us to to have to glue ourselves in front of the TV to watch the Stanley Cup Final yeah which they’re sure dragging that out aren’t they I I realize there’s a lot of reasons TV and that they’re trying not to compete obviously with the NBA final but my goodness it would have been nice if they could have called an audible when both series wrapped up by the weekend and they we now have to wait an entire week and I get that there’s a lot of travel in between the two cities so they’ve um they’ve built in what two days between games after the uh you know every time this the scene shifts they’re gonna have a bonus day off but my goodness this is a Stanley Cup if this final goes seven like it is going to bleed into the week of the draft and the awards and the schedule release like I I saw somebody and this is true if it goes seven the team that wins the cup the management of that team is probably going to have to skip the Stanley Cup Parade because they’re gonna have to be in Vegas for the draft like I mean that is cutting it way too close in my eyes and there’s no real excuse because we’re back on track as a league right they they I know Co you know ran wild there for a couple years and caused all kinds of scheduling issues started this year on time uh and yet here we are with a Stanley Cup Final that as compelling as it is it is bleeding into some of the nicest weather and um you wonder what fan interest is going to be I suspect here in Canada as much as a lot of people hate the Oilers having a Canadian team uh will probably help in the ratings Department if the ratings weren’t very good for the Oilers Dallas series I saw a little surprising imagine if this was Florida Dallas and this and this schedule in Canada like there would be nobody watching h i i I’m um I’m interested in this matchup for a couple reasons first of all if you were to make a short list of hated players for jets fans like let’s say it was going to be a top five is Matthew kachuck avander Kane and Corey Perry they’re all on that list right top five I think there’s a very good chance that all three would be represented quite well they might be close they might be the top three actually but I’ll be generous I’ll say top five all of those guys are in the Stanley Cup Final and at least one if not two of them depending which Ryan Hartman is on that list Ryan Hartman is on the list Brad marshand is probably on that list for most hockey fans not necessarily just here in Winnipeg yeah but uh Cory Perry is definitely up there and Matthew kachuck without a doubt and obviously there’s some there’s some baggage with the Vander speaking of Vander um he did get nicked up we haven’t really got obviously they’re not going to be too forthcoming listen for a guy that has had so many ups and many Downs in his career and even ups and downs like right now during his time with the Edmonton Oilers this is a huge opportunity for a Vander not only to get his ring but I think if they’re going to get it done he is going to need to be a far bigger figure in the series shall I say and not necessarily scoring and assisting but we know the way Florida plays right and you know when if you got a Sam Bennett running around doing what is well Evander Kane’s on the other side of that and uh you know hopefully he’s healthy and able to be uh a big part of it right now because listen I know there’s a lot of people that don’t have a great opinion of Evander um and listen he’s brought it all on himself right but I’ll tell you what he could uh do himself a great service by having a big series and helping his team win the cup how about the Revelation today hus I know you’ve been on the air here so you may not have even seen it I think just come out in the last hour Chris noblock Edmonton Oilers coach revealed that he once interviewed for a Winnipeg Jets assistant coach job with Paul Maurice at the 2015 draft and noblock said that um he was young and inexperienced and and the job didn’t go to him obviously but that Paul Maurice actually said um um you know don’t don’t hesitate to reach out to me as kind of a mentor and that he’s taken him up on that offer now I was trying to put the timelines together here so you see the Rashad tweet here he he doesn’t say the specific timeline he just says interviewed so initially I thought this was the 2020 opening that ultimately went to Dave Lowry uh because that’s the last time Paul Maurice would have been hiring an assistant that was after uh Todd Woodcraft left the Jets to go to the uh University of Vermont I believe it was but then uh I believe it was Jason Gregor then tweeted a more detailed quote a few minutes later where noblock actually said it was at the 2015 draft so I was trying to figure out what job opening that would have been if you look back the summer of 2015 the Jets didn’t hire an assistant coach I’m not sure why Paul Maurice would have been doing a job interview in the summer of 2015 2016 the Jets hired two assistants for the 161 17 season they hired uh Todd Woodcraft and they hired Jamie compon uh who of course is now with Paul Maurice in Florida so I don’t know if this was and that was after Pascal Vincent who was an assistant went down to the Moose I’m not entirely sure on what job opening this was unless it was just Paul Maurice just being polite and and maybe doing some some work knowing that he was gonna eventually have an opening but because the Jets didn’t hire an assistant coach in 2015 is is my point uh but maybe this was for one of those jobs that ultimately went to Woodcraft or compon all of which is to say just an interesting Little Nugget that the two coaches in the Stanley Cup Final one is a former Jets coach and we learned today one could have been I guess a former Jets assistant maybe a current jet I don’t know who knows how things might have turned out yeah the noblock story is is amazing and we kind of talked about that at the beginning of the final four I mean you’ve got this guy that you know a former Junior coach that the start of this year was not even in the NHL right and then Paul Maurice and Peter laviolet and Peter dor three of the most seasoned experienced veteran coaches in the league um and I’ll tell you what Chris noblock has shown up uh shown out very very well just before we get to the Jets um do you get a sense I mean from I know you’ve been kind of polling uh readers and folks around here in the market do you get a sense of whether people are kind of pulling for Maurice and the Panthers uh or is it more the Edmonton Oilers I personally don’t really buy into the cold Canadian thing like I I don’t really care about that and frankly there’s a few Canadian teams that are right at the top of my own personal most hated list I’ve kind of really come around on Edmonton they’ve got these incredible players um you know and the the rivalry or the hatred maybe isn’t what it was growing up um but it seems really really split I mean we put that together in the chat yesterday for folks and uh there didn’t really seem to be a consensus on either side and a lot of people particularly talking about the Panthers and Paul Maurice some people really want Paul Maurice to win and succeed and there’s also some people on the other side that still aren’t big fans yeah and I mean I think uh it all comes down to to probably how you felt about Paul Maurice either during his tenure here in Winnipeg or perhaps at the tail end of his tenure I I do get the sense that that it would shift slightly towards Florida over Edmonton I think there are a lot of in look there’s a lot of Oilers fans in Winnipeg we see that when the Oilers come to town it’s not at the Maple Leaf or Montreal levels uh but there’s a lot of Oiler fans in this community and part of that probably is you know when we didn’t have an NHL team uh for the the 15ish years or so here that think a lot of folks Maybe started cheering for Edmonton there’s also a lot of manitobans we know that have moved to Alberta maybe moved back um but yeah I mean I think when you look at uh a couple things the the sort of smite division uh linger ing resentment resentment the the Perry and Cane effect that they’re both on the Oilers there will be some people probably holding their nose um hoping some way both teams can lose this Stanley Cup Final we know that’s not possible someone’s winning it um but you know I think Paul Maurice he was a great Ambassador for Winnipeg continues to be actually you ever you know anybody ever hears from him talk about Winnipeg it’s not like he he kind of tossed a new nuke uh or a grenade towards this city there were no burn Bridges certainly not publicly and Paul Marice uh you know he’s a great speaker obviously he’s been absolutely on fire in these playoffs I think hus like if you were to start at the playoffs um and look what would be one of the best matchups to me Edmonton Florida that that’s right at the very top of the list I think this is just a dynamic matchup there’s great storylines see you know from Maurice chasing that elusive Stanley Cup he’s been there twice hasn’t won uh the Oilers you know the Canadian team the the the best players in the game uh in McDavid and dry Sidle so yeah it’s a compelling series for sure and um we know both these teams they can score um one of the storyl lines I’m curious to see how this plays out the Florida Panthers are going to have to be on their best behavior they were one of the most penalized teams in the regular season I believe they’re the most penalized team in the playoffs and we all know the Edmonton Oilers their power play alone can win a series in fact you could make an argument that five on five the Dallas Stars were much better than the Edmonton Oilers but it was penalty killing or lack thereof on Dallas and the pp which really sank the Stars so if if if Florida’s gonna take you know if it’s going to be a raid to the Penalty Box for the Panthers uh the Oilers are going to be enjoying that I I suspect no doubt about it and speaking as we transition into a Jets talk and uh coaching or assistant coaching search Mark Stewart former Jets how about that with this PK that never gets scored on uh pretty nice run for Stu and he’s getting some uh some ploted as well um you hearing anything on the Jets search for assistant coaches I mean Scott O’Neal said last week that this is already in motion right now but it seemed to be somewhat quiet um this is something we know that they want to get done relatively soon and know that there’s many other teams in the hunt for potentially their Prospect additions I’d be stunned if uh if we don’t have answers by the end of this week I suspect it’s coming to a head here in short order you can cross one maybe local candidate in a way that I think some people had speculated uh I know Kenny weeb and I in our piece last week head and that’s Nolan bomgardner who had been an assistant with the Moose um previously has been an assistant in the NHL um with the Vancouver Canucks and not surprisingly I guess because of his ties to Travis Green uh Nolan bomgardner was officially hired today as one of the new assistants Mike yo as well uh and they have strong ties with with Travis Green so um Nolan bomgardner was certainly a name that I suspect the Jets would have had some interest in at least um but clearly uh that’s not going to happen now so yeah I think they’re getting close to the uh the brass tax if you will and I would think here hus this this could be a very newsy week for lots of reasons in the NHL the one I guess benefit to the Stanley Cup Final not starting till Saturday we know how the NHL is and Gary Batman he doesn’t like anything to uproot or distract from the main event and I think by and large you see teams respect that uh but there’s a lot of speculation that hey maybe we even get some trades this week um you know all all but two teams at this point could realistically partake in in that if it were to happen and I also think we’ll see some clarity on on some coach hirings and that will include uh here in Winnipeg with the Jets assistant so it could be a a newsworthy uh very busy week here of course you also have all the GMS now at the combine this week um and that may also spur some some talks obviously the focus is on the the future with uh with some of these kids but anytime you get GMS together uh they’re bound to uh to chat yeah well and listen just quickly on bomber um a great friend of the program not him since you know he played here I mean an absolute Gem of a dude um but that actually opens up another opening with the organization I mean we’re not just talking about two spots with the Jets a very significant role on Mark Morrison’s moose staff open as well it does and uh Eric duah of course uh remains there with the uh the Moose but um yeah they suddenly the the to-do list they added one more item to it today um you know from a Jets perspective Piper guest star’s Piper folks um so yeah they uh they they’ve got their work cut out from um you know we Kenny and I wrote a piece the other day about what a busy couple weeks it is coming up here between now and uh the start of free agency a lot of questions that the Jets are going to have to answer internally what they’re doing with some of their ufas um you know what what they’re targeting potentially in free agency and don’t look now we’re already June 4th like July one is gonna come up on us in a hurry here and um it’ll be interesting to see what the Jets look like both behind the bench and uh on paper um you know when when when July first or second or whatever once the dust settles on free agency you know there’s uh listen there nothing is more guaranteed on wst then the chat to lose it the second Piper enters in and sure enough I love the fact that we have a piper Emoji for uh for members as well shout out to Remis for putting that together and making so the other day I’m I go to the gold eyes game as I mentioned and uh uh one of the one of the workers I I hadn’t met the guy yet but he just says where’s where’s the dog and I’m like well bark at the park uh like he expected me to have Piper with me I guess I’m like bark at the park isn’t until August I don’t think that that can work but yes it’s and at the Kenny and renie this one takes the cake that’s there’s Bodie I took some backyard photos there’s Piper yes and bod yeah bod and Piper there’s Piper sniff in the air um I at the Kenny and renie year end a couple weeks back the highlight was having someone yell like halfway across the room hey Piper’s dad and that that was a first for me to be referred to as uh as Piper’s dad but uh hey um you know outside of the non-stop love for Piper in chat there was a question uh from somebody it’s a little back there so sorry whoever mentioned this but James Patrick James Patrick he’s got obvious ties to Winnipeg um where’s he at right now and do you think he is uh under consideration for potentially uh joining the uh the organization I think he’s a name that so he’s he’s back in the Western Hockey League this past season believe H you may know this I can look it up but the team he’s working with I believe isn’t Zinger son involved with that team in the dub so there REM yeah there remains a connection Zinger son is involved um maybe rumo can do the research here uh but yeah he he he was back coaching in the Western Hockey League and there remains certainly a connection then between you know Patrick and heisinger and and True North you know there will be people I’ve seen it who bring up that podcast interview a few years remember that one hus oh how can I forget it um and that was spicy yeah uh and um for people don’t know what we’re talking about James Patrick went on uh and I can’t even remember who it was was it a former I think it was a former some former guys that he had played with a very True Grit podcast the True Grit podcast something like that he was on Survivor the guy former Ranger okay so and then but what happened I mean they were talking about a lot of things this is when James Patrick was still coaching the Winnipeg ice and um by the way Victoria Royals was where he and Zinger son I believe is he’s in a management uh there Jake who had a big big role with the ice uh up until the ice was sold and um he ended up moving on to another organization yeah so to your original question absolutely I think it’s a name that we consider now again people will wonder did that podcast interview did that uh cause friction and and you know for people who didn’t see it um and I don’t have the words in front of me but James Patrick basically said that he heard he heard from from certain people um that the Jets locker room this wasn’t at the time this was now going back in time but um that it it been like the most toxic locker room they’d been in and there was a lot of people wondering like who James Patrick had talked to certainly Kevin Hayes would be a name that comes to mind because of the connection between maybe Nolan Patrick and Kevin Hayes with the flyer Cody eeken would be like I mean eeken and and Hayes were two guys that certainly had a cup of coffee and not much more in Winnipeg and by all accounts probably didn’t have the best of time during their brief stay in Winnipeg hell Hayes came in in the 2019 season which was the UN the beginning of the unraveling I mean I I I and again God knows we’ve talked about this enough but I mean I go back to New Year’s 2019 you know the team was second overall at the time they just gone to the Conference Finals on paper talent-wise they were right there with the best in the National Hockey League and you know then business started with line and like it just it seemed to be a brutal situation they showed it on the ice Moon walking into the playoffs and then obviously the series against St Louis ended in a pretty dubious way and they never really recovered I mean it took years to get through and Rick bonus coming in to try to work back on that culture but that was the first kind of really everyone had heard stories or Rumblings about that but it’s tough to sort of say oh I heard this it’s another thing when a guy coaching for a team with the stroke that James Patrick had to say something like that that that was a real eye opener I think for a lot of people that don’t pay attention to any scuttlebutt yeah so I mean would True North uh hold that against him I I don’t know the answer to that I do think James Patrick would make a lot of sense in that um you know he’s a guy so he he obviously is a veteran coach but he also has shown an ability uh a really significant ability to work with young players obviously he’s had some great success now at the junior level um he was a longtime assistant in the NHL so yeah that’s a that’s for sure a name uh to keep an eye on um and you know Scott arneal mentioned that there’s probably some names that maybe nobody’s thinking of uh either guys on existing benches looking for changes of scenery um or guys that are just upand cominging coaches and I do think at the end of the day you know whether it’s in the next day or two or by the end of the week uh when we do hear of two assistants I think it will be a um a nice blend of probably experience and um exuberance if you will uh because you’ll probably see you know a bit of a new name or a fresh face combined with with some seasoning but I think hus like we always talk in the playoffs right what could you know what could what could a team learn from the playoffs well I think this year’s playoffs have put a punctuation mark on the importance of special teams I mean it gets said all the time uh but it’s really bearing fruit this year like you I think believe I saw the stat the other day I believe Edmonton and Florida are one and two this year in the playoffs in penalty killing you have the two best penalty killing teams have made it to the Cup Final where were the Jets the Jets penalty kill was atrocious it was atrocious during the regular season and it was even worse during the playoffs and so when when we talk about what the Jets need to address this season um re stenland yeah well it’s interesting that there’s a guy right and Dimitri kulikov too while you’re at it um you know but Kevin stenin ended up being a really really screwd pickup he filled that fourth line I think he scored like 10 or 11 or 12 goals so there’s some offense there and he’s a big part of what the B Lindsay was on with us uh on Monday after the Florida Panthers had got to the cup and specifically when I mentioned stenny talked about what a huge part of the PK he was um and just what a great addition to it I mean there was some Personnel I mean because they were seventh in the year like when Arie came in and took over it they improved a seventh and that was when stany and Saku menolan were parts of that and I mean I think it was a combination of a couple things last year but Personnel certainly part of it and that of course gets to uh some of the things that we’ll be talking about in the next couple weeks as to what’s on Kevin chevel day off’s plate in addition to being a part of rounding out scottt O’Neal’s coaching staff Mike great stuff as always let you get back to the dog and uh maybe we’ll see you down at Princess Auto Stadium on on Thursday you bet hus have a great week appreciate it buddy great stuff from uh from Mike as always um gang coming up right now really awesome conversation with uh former NHL and Edmonton Oiler brandan perini um before we do that though uh I do want to give shout out to our friends at Nextdoor Winnipeg of course the hogy boys are doing their thing on South Osborne but they’re also cooking up incredible eats at the beer can and at next door down at 116 sherbrook and tomorrow night if you like wings they’ve got an amazing wingy Wednesday promo where they serve up a pound of naked wings for 15 bucks but on Wednesdays they roll out the sauce cart where you get to choose your own sauces mix and match and pour as much as you want from over 14 housemade sauces got into some wings there actually when we were watching the pwl game with with Liz a couple Fridays ago but the Wednesday is the day to do it if you if you’re a wing nut um the uh the wings themselves are amazing and uh all the cool sauces that they put together definitely worthwhile trying um gor great beers um other wonderful culinary options for you waiting there um down at next door 116 sherbrook Avenue adjacent to uh to Good Neighbor brewing and don’t sleep on uh what the boys are cooking up over at the beer can as well and of course at hogy boys uh a shout out to the gold eyes great time last night as I mentioned off the top of the show gorgeous night not quite as nice today but it does seem like the rain’s holding off temperature’s nice enough so if you’ve been missing the ball want to go out get some of that great grub have a couple cold ones maybe a mix in a little brown jug as I did last night uh we got a game tonight and then tomorrow 11 a.m. getaway day maybe an extended lunch and head down down to the ballpark and don’t forget we’ve got less than 10 tickets left for our gold eyes patio party coming up on June 18th there’s a link in the description or if you’re listening to the Pod go to Winnipeg sports and grabbed one of those final tickets I checked out the new patio decks that will be on uh on the 18th which is two weeks today looked awesome they had two big groups La there last night uh bar style tables and chairs for everyone uh cannot wait to see you all out there for that and again there is a capacity it’s a hard number so if you haven’t already don’t miss out get those final few tickets right now at Winnipeg sports and click on the gold ey link um our you know I I do want a quick Breezy Bend Golf update for you um yesterday was the longest day in Gulf where prospective contestants in the US Open one of the four majors play 36 holes in the final round of qualifying and uh there were a number of guys with some local ties here uh Aaron cocherel and Braxton kst played out in Ontario close to the RBC Canadian open uh and unfortunately fell short as did former wst guest I guess all three of those guys are a former wst guest Eric Howard chuk who uh can get around the course pretty darn well he qualified for the final round I think he was playing in Oregon or California if I’m not mistaken uh but he wasn’t able to qualify as well a lot of big names on the PGA tour did get through I saw Mark hubard win the one coming out in on Ontario uh Adam Scott in the mix as well uh but anyway congratulations to all those players for getting that far and we’ll wish them luck moving forward and a big thanks to our friends at Breezy Ben golf and country club for their great support of Winnipeg Sports Talk um we are going to get to this bid on Brendan Pini just before we do that though um I do want to throw out a why not question of the day for not Auto Corp in chat and this is sort of a wide ranging one but let us know is there a coach out there that you know you would love to see Scott arneal add to his staff in an assistant role and I mean we’re not looking for Scotty Bowman but guys out there that have either been doing it or at another level American Hockey League Western Hockey League James Patrick was a name obviously that came from the chat that we were talking about with Mike McIntyre um intriguing names who you got for assistant coach of the Winnipeg Jets let us know in the chat for the why not question of the day for notor not autocorp over at Waverly and mcgilvery all right this going to be real fun caught up earlier this morning with Brendan perini who’s uh having a lot of fun telling hockey stories on YouTube and uh we had a wine raging combo here it is it is great to have you on Winnipeg sports stock how are you oh yeah thank you so much guys uh just for having me and coming in for uh for a little chat with you guys today well Hey listen there’s a lot we can get to but um first off congratulations on the channel it’s h it’s always great um to get content from individuals that have played in the National Hockey League especially recently and uh I mean you haven’t been doing this long but the the response and reaction from hockey fans and uh people on the Net’s been great hasn’t it been yeah it’s been uh it’s been fun it’s um like it started as uh something I guess like during during this past season um where I was like okay what what can I do like away from the rink you know so um and it’s it’s given me like I dabbl with it a little bit uh last spring last summer uh doing some golf stuff and like it it kind of like you know I watch a lot of YouTube to begin with so I was like oh you know like um like I can I can sort of do this stuff like more on the golf side and then I I did some golf videos I found a pretty challenging to sort of like keep up and then I I stopped I kind of got discouraged and then um I uh I ended up this this year in like December is sort of like I shot a bunch of stuff but I just had it sitting there and then I’m like you know what just for a hobby like while we’re on the plane while we’re on the boss in the hotel and just started editing again yeah that’s how it kind of picked up Steve and then um I follow a a wrestler former like WWE guy who does like a lot behind behind the scenes and this is what you know working with stone fold is like the rock I was like you know what I can I can take that too and do that in the hockey side as well and so it kind of made the perfect balance because I’m a big golfer and obviously the hockey is easy stuff and I didn’t really want to do something of like cliche like drills on the ice um so yeah I was like you know what let me try and pull the uh pull the curtain back a little bit on what it’s really like behind the scenes and especially everyone in Canada it’s with hockey like people are sort of like dying for an inside look you know so yeah I got some cool episodes coming out obviously everyone sort of lashed on to the first one of like raing different teammates I played with or behind the scenes stories of them and then it was like now do another one of those or uh you know rate rate this guy rate that guy I’m like well I haven’t even played with you know kale marar I don’t even know him you know so I’m like you want me to rate like my experience with them because everything is based off of my experience with with these individuals right so um but yeah I got a lot of a lot of cool stuff coming here every Friday on oh okay check out the uh check out the the the YouTube channel it’s uh Brandon perini you can look it up for bub zp1 and uh give him a sub we’ll talk a little bit more about that but you mentioned you know people and teams and individuals that you’ve had experience um your last time in the NHL was a great start to the season actually with the Edmonton Oilers what’s it uh what’s it like seeing guys like McDavid and dry cdle guys that you know from on the ice and in the dressing room getting to within four wins of the Stanley Cup yeah it’s cool man I’m not going to lie like I’m happly for a lot of people uh that organization like they treated me really well the fans like I think they deserve it more than anyone it’s just like the everyone in in Winnipeg and whatnot like you just Canadian cities rally around the teams right um so it’s it’s cool to see like um it’s it’s been a while obviously uh since Canadian team has won it but um I don’t know they’re they’re looking pretty strong so we’ll we’ll see I guess what uh how it all sort of shapes out you know M McDavid as a player I mean sort of stands alone right now and my God we saw an example of that in game six against the Dallas Stars what um what was he like as a guy like in the room um and what are you seeing from him right now knowing him a little bit from playing on that team how he’s I mean he seems to be just so incredibly driven right now when things aren’t going he’s putting that team on his back and getting it done yeah that’s that’s how I would kind of describe them really if I’m honest like obviously you guys show me the video off there that circling around the internet it it’s interesting because uh like you watch that video or whatever and you don’t really see much but he’s actually like he’s a really funny guy and he’s got a a lot bigger personality than people think people think he’s like extremely like monotone and stuff because it was interviews and I mean he sort of like I shouldn’t say like he has to be because you know there’s I guess in across if you look across all sports like there’s you know very big personalities on a lot of big players but um I guess that’s just you know who he is comfortable being in front of the camera but behind the camera like on the plane all like you know in the dress room he’s he does have a a funny personality about him he’s very like uh jokey and witty and like sarcastic almost um but yeah it’s cool man to see that like he’s just yeah like you said kind of putting them on on his back and you know not to discredit any of the other guys too but like when I was there it was just to give people insight you know it was and I I’m not raised like we weren’t raised me and my brother to like how do I say this I guess give uh give credit easily because we were raised around like we had the fortunate um pleasure to be around a lot of professional players professional athletes like nhlers like we were training with uh do you remember Tyler Kennedy play with Pittsburgh he won the cop uh you know we were training with TK when I was 12 years old so then he he won the cup round then and stuff so you know we round like stany Cup champion when we’re so young and um so we kind of seen a lot of it right and uh we weren’t really raised to like be like oh my God like we this we had seen a lot of stuff but I’m not kidding like uh when I played with him it was like once game this freaking guy would just pull something out of his hat where you’re like I I remember just looking over at guys on the bench and be like f did he just do that like it’s incredible and like you know to mention that wiip guy I play with sha and j i play with K coner growing up I play with Dylan Lin growing up Zack Linsky in the NHL play with Patrick Kane T and it was just like train with Matthews in the summer completely different like it’s like he he was like it just shocked me it shocked me so much it really cool I I mean listen you mentioned that video and we’ had a laugh about it and this of course the infamous one of McDavid going to grab a bunch of beers and white claws after the game still wearing his suit and getting somewhat mobbed by some very Amorous fans um I I I I mean put it this way is there not somebody with the Oilers that’s supposed to be getting the beer for the captain knowing that this is going to happen the second this guy episode in public God you you know what you would think so uh or at least any of the other guys on the team um I don’t know maybe he was just feeling it he’s like screw it you know I feel like going out doing it myself but there there used to be a guy I’m surprised like is in Chicago um there was a guy with Patrick kanane like all the time like he never when when we went out like anywhere like as a team or we did like team dinners or meals on the road or anything there was only a guy like with Pat so like like our security ey and he’s stuck by his side all the time now I don’t know if that’s because uh you know ad got into some stuff with the cab driver and other stuff you know I’m sure they kind of were like okay we we need some with at all times um and he had given up drinking all that at that point too um but yeah I don’t know I’m I’m surprised like I did definitely didn’t see that when I was there and then them of like having a security guy with McDavid at all times which you would think he would probably need right especially around there um yeah maybe at least get I don’t know moud or somebody to go and you’re going in to get the beer rookies or something are usually uh you know that’s their job well um I mean you’ve been in Edmonton um and played there just thoughts on playing in a Canadian city um and and maybe if you can’t I mean Chicago is a great Sports Town a great hockey town but it’s a massive massive City where there’s so much going on um how would you compare like being an Oiler as opposed to the day-to- DAT of being a Chicago Blackhawk for instance yeah it’s you know what it’s totally different I’m so like I’m so grateful I got the experience to play in Canada um it’s just like I guess the easiest way to sort of describe it like a Chicago right they’re they’re such a big Sports Town in general but they didn’t really know like aside from you know you got your Kane like you got your core four or five guys that they obviously they knew aside from that like the people you know if you went into a uh a store or something they kind of just knew you as a black boox guy which is is very cool too because you uh you know you get a lot of perks across the town but also um you kind of fly under the radar which is nice you can go different places and you’re not you know bugged or anything like that um whereas in a Canadian city it’s like they know name they know your your brother your dad your which is really cool also it’s like a you know I guess the easiest way to sort of describe it is like uh you know you’re like an almost a full-blown kind of celebrity in a way um and I always like I’ve told this story as as well like across different you know platforms and whatnot and podcasts but um when I when we did the preseason in Edmonton I swear to God it was like I think the first game we played against calber and I had been you know training camps whatever two three weeks long I had been going about the city on those little line scooters they had them all over the city now the the hotel we stayed at is right across from the arena so I would walk over to the arena but if you want to go anywhere else I would take the little line scooters around the city and so um yeah over the course of the couple weeks I was like buzzing around on these scooters and stuff you know nobody know who the hell I was or anything like that at the time there still kind of tail end Co right that was 2122 season so I had like kind of like a BAC clava like mask covering my eyes and I wear the hat like this so really I only had my eyes show and uh so sure enough you know no one’s no one’s saying anything and um we go we play the first preseason game against Calgary and I had like one plus one I’m not kidding you the next day after that game I went out and went on scooter and somebody started this thing like my nickname it edited became Lamborghini perini somebody started on Twitter and it like it just snowballed and so uh I got on one of these scooters to like go to the grocery store get some snacks or something there a couple miles down the road and uh I pull up to like the the stoplight somebody comes through the stoplight yeah yo and I swear to God I had like you could only see from here like it was like almost like I had you know just my eyes shown and that just like shows the the and it happened actually a couple times like while I was on the scooters and stuff and just overnight like they they knew who the heck you were they could spot you on the street and like that’s so cool me and I I like always kind of remember that time I I loved it there you know say this real quick is like you come in off the road like like Winnipeg kind of you know has this like thing for being like notorious to oh worst NHL City on the road or whatever like it’s always at the bottom of like players like raing stuff like that and uh so Winnipeg EV they all kind of have this like feel but you know when you see it from the start with no snow you see it with sunlight like it’s it’s actually a nice progression like into the winter and I enjoy the winter time a lot more um you know starting it from kind of the end of summer you know what I mean instead of come in off the road during the winter time see his snow baks 10 foot high it’s 400 PM it’s already Dar so guys kind of don’t see it at its true form right I mean Winnipeg like a lot of these cities do they get sort of a bad rap um but I’ll say this I mean the guys that come here and end up kind of spending time and seeing the ups and downs I mean I think often for the most part really like it I mean the Jets and the Oilers for that matter another city that you know by climate and location might not be at the top of the list sure have a lot of you had success keeping their players and I mean listen Edmonton I think is going to continue to be a destination especially as long as a certain number 97 and 29 are playing there because the end of the day for guys I mean it’s great to live on the beach and whatnot but you know as a hockey player your opportunity to win truly compete is right up there as well yeah I think there’s there’s always things too like I um I actually have a video too coming out of like uh raing NHL teams I’ve played on and um I kind of go through it’s a very like chilled uh video I don’t go into crazy detail but just like you know because I played in some different climates right Arizona I played in Chicago obviously Edmonton and Detroit and like there’s different feels original six things like that like there’s a a whole bunch of different things that sort of play do it but there’s good and bad to everywhere there there really is and it depends I guess what you like personally some people might like it in a it’s it’s more chill obviously sunlight is gray there’s like a you know it’s it’s a different lifestyle right and then yeah you take a wiip EG or an Edmonton where it’s like you’re G to be recognized a lot more you’re kind of treated more as a celebrity um you know winter times are different like just just so many things that play into it but there’s no kind of there’s there’s good and bad to everywhere there’s no like perfect situation right like it’s just kind of make the best of whatever it is the perfect one’s probably the one where you get the ring at the end of the end of the season what that does for you hey as a former coyote I can’t imagine you’re entirely shocked at how this is all sort of played out in the desert it’s uh it’s too bad I think number one like sucks to to see um because there’s a lot of good people out there and that believe it or not like they have a lot of good people in the organization that were that were really trying for the team you’re right I’m not shocked I mean I if anything I think it’s almost a little bit overdue um and I I listen to uh I listen to the owner I actually get credit to this owner because I listen to an interview where he said something like he had a meeting with Gary Batman Gary kind of asked him straight up like you know can you look the players in the eye and you know say that this is like a true NHL experience with that other Arena that they were at at the college one right and uh and the the owner said I didn’t really understand it but when he said it to me like that of like hey the players like the NHL player is four and a half five years so if you’re soaking up three four of those years at a college Arena are you truly giving them the best NHL experience they can have you know them their families and he he said like I didn’t even I didn’t understand it I didn’t think of it from that point of view so I should give a lot of credit to him for like letting go and because a lot of times that’s ego playing in right of I think he was almost like I I’m just speculating here but think maybe sometimes they they think like oh they’re they’re bluffing but DaNell is never going to move it anymore you know maybe he’s like trying to call Bluff but yeah it’s too bad like I’m really close to Shane Don I played with donor my my first year we played online together and you know was trying to um talk with him a lot like you know during when he was with the coyota I think he in like a senior vice president role or something like that you know he kind of said to me that there’s just there’s so many conflicting things going on there in the organization of like he would try his best to get his foot in in a door with the mayor or something to get certain meetings and then you know people wouldn’t show up to the meetings like the coyote side and it’s just he’s like man I just found that there’s a there’s a lot going on you know from that side and it’s too bad because that’s that’s such a good spot and I think it like I’m I’m not joking here guys like I I know it could be a a Vegas like I know it can be top five place in the NHL if they had the proper like setup yeah um because who doesn’t want to live like in in spot sunny and 70 year round it truly is a great place to like raise a family to live um it’s an awesome place to play like even though it’s it’s not like a homebuilt like you know you might not get fans like a Winnipeg or an Edmonton but I think if you get a proper Arena and stuff there’s be people there now they might like when I was there if we would get you know some games would get 15,000 or whatever 10,000 are cheering for Winnipeg who’s playing there on the road because a lot of people vacation there but at least the people are there you know what I mean I I always used to say like I don’t really care who the hell they’re cheered for as long as the people are there you know it makes it feel like a good atmosphere right so um yeah too too bad uh like I said but maybe who knows if they can figure something out bring it back properly I’d love to see it like properly done oh I think it’ll happen I mean whether marulu is behind it or not I think that’s the big question I think for the league and for everyone’s best interest it probably you have a fiveyear time out and then have somebody that comes in that hasn’t burned all those bridges in the community and can make it happen I I I just have to ask you I mean like I’m sure many people listening or watching have have been there being one of those 10,000 Road fans that came in I mean that building out in Glendale seemed so far away and talking to fans that was a big reason why it was let me ask you this as a coyote like when you played there where did you live like even for the players how what was a game day like I mean getting over for a morning skate uh how much time did you spend on highways yeah I mean actually it was a a good setup my first year and then like uh under tip Dave tip it because tip had us always practice at um it’s called the IC in Scottsdale like we all lived in Scottdale area so this rank was like 10 minutes max like for me it was probably I think it was 5 minutes like door too to this little practice R so we’ always do everything out of there and when toet came in he’s like no the players need better recovery they need this they need that we got to go to the big one so we did everything out of the big one and the big one is like on a ride no traffic 35 minutes um but then you add traffic in on a game day and it was like close to an hour which which sucked and we were doing that like you know we go down from morning and skate and then back and then the traffic an hour then back again and um actually guys ended up and myself too we probably had about six seven guys who we ended up doing day rooms because it was too much driving um which was like you know we go down there do pregame skate and then we’d go to a hotel right around the corner of check in sleep and then back to the game which was awful like I don’t know why they were did switch it from the little practice rink um you know I I guess like I said that’s what I heard was like it was just you know we need better recovery we need this but you know what like for 10 15 minute skate in the morning it was like why don’t we just do it right here you know so it wasn’t wasn’t really a bad setup like because like you do that you’d be home really quick but then uh when they started doing the other one it was it was terrible so um I didn’t mind Arena out there I mean it always like you know let me say it was out there where nobody really lived out that way of like even F wise too because it was like all the population or majority years in that Scot area like that’s kind of the mecca of you know Phoenix Scottdale um so if they could get anything back towards there like I think that the average of s would just shoot up so much more you know well that’s the plan I mean get it closer to I mean so people don’t have to drive an hour hour and a half in crazy traffic to get to a game might have more people at the game Brandon Pini is with us in Winnipeg Sports Talk Brandon you mentioned a couple Winnipeg Jets that you played with young gr tell us about you played with Kyle Connor as a very young player uh what was that like and what have you seen of him and what he’s turned into in the NH yeah play played with KC uh for uh banam banam and [ __ ] B like when we were 14 and then 15 um like not Shock you know the player he turned into was was good back then and what not like our line actually like I played on the line with Kyle so it was me Kyle and dyl Lin that was our our line which was so yeah it was so much fun look at like our whole team there we had Zach rinsky obviously you know a really good Demon Alex movich was our Goldie like we we had so many uh so many guys who went on from that team and did really cool things in the hockey world so um but yeah it’s it’s funny to see uh you know like it’s interesting too like things always sort of play out um different and I’m glad that he’s been given like a a good run with the team um and let me just explain that really quick of like sometimes you know like I guess just to bring it back to the Arizona thing a little bit is like there was a lot of moving pieces you know um if you look at like the way my career has has gone of myself Max doing Anthony declair honor Murphy um even like Ean Larson but we Dylan stro like it’s hard to build something somewhere if not given like a long you know term possibility that’s what I’m sort of saying with Kyle it’s great to see like he’s stable with Winnipeg boom they gave him the chance you know sign long deals sign long contracts get pushed whereas like the the Arizona thing is like a lot of moving stuff going on guys coming going every single year and young guys all over the place so um yeah it’s been really cool and then obiously just to mention like played with with sha too and Junior um in that was your first year in Junior and I guess he would have been the big dog with the Colts I mean he’ been drafted in 11 so that’s the 12 13 season uh many people thought that he might stick in the NHL that year yeah and that myself including actually he sort of like screwed me a little bit coming back because I thought I was going to get uh a lot more ice time and stuff than I did but um oh yeah good guy like one thing I always kind of remember with with him especially like me being the young guy first first year away from home like he was just really really good like as far as like treated you good he wasn’t like an older guy who treated you like [ __ ] or anything like that you know like you treated you like like proper and yeah just always kind of like I think we Texas back and forth a little bit um maybe over the last few years like nothing nothing crazy the odd message on Instagram or something um I think the last time I talked to him he had played it’s some sort of uh um golf tournament they had like a Canadian PGA tournament yeah yeah matoba open here and he was he did that said I’m big golfer and I seen I don’t know 42 over or something like that and I so I was like what the heck happened but um no yeah such a just a very genuine Guy and um he’s funny because actually him and donor are so far the only two guys I’ve met that they don’t swear so I always justed to fun find it funny on the ice you know he’d say like what the frig or like what the frick and donor would say like fudge sakes like what the fudge like those are the only two guys shy from donor I’ve met so far who was like very clean and don’t you know it’s kind of funny that you mentioned that because um obviously in the crazy hockey history of Winnipeg Shane Don was the first round pick that played that final year in winipeg yeah and then went to went to Phoenix and what’s even more bizarre is of course his son gets in to the coyotes lineup in these final weeks and days of the franchise before moving to Ottawa or to Utah excuse me I mean there really is some but but it’s funny bring that up because in some ways personality wise there’s been some comparisons of of Mark with with Shane Don um you know guys that have been their entire careers with one team um Mark’s obviously signed the eight-year extension and he’s going to be here Lely until uh until he hangs him up and obviously the incredible rut I mean Don was absolutely Mr coyote and and you pointed out those are the two guys that don’t swear I don’t think that that’s not a long list uh when it comes to nhlers is it yeah no that’s uh well I got to take some serious um discipline too i’ I’ve tried it in bouts actually and the you know it’s kind of funny because um like I did one one video and and I don’t actually uh like I haven’t swore I think on YouTube yet and um like I just I didn’t know like how it works with monetization and all that sort of stuff and uh my grandma actually I talked to her on the phone recently it’s just like you got to stop your swearing you got to stop and I’m like I’m I thought I was like what am I even saying so I give those guys a lot of credit like it’s it’s hard but I used to laugh playing with donor and he would come off and especially be like you know they’d be trying to give the ref like you know give some [ __ ] and stuff about a bad call or something you’re not even watching the fudging game you know I can’t help but like just yeah how do you keep a straight face even the r yeah just like I think got I swear to God like maybe it was like Biz or like I don’t know I forget it was Keith Yandle or one of those guys who told me like they only ever heard him like he got hot like once like really lost his mind um in the playoffs or something one year on the refs that’s the only time they ever heard him say like the F for or something so give him a lot of credit that’s that’s hard to do Brandon pini’s with us um you know you mentioned we talked about your time with Edmonton so you know those guys they’re in the Cup Final um I mean you played with Aaron eat on that Barry team as well so you know uh any thoughts on this final um and you know as a player that you know spends all year playing the game like do you watch a lot of the playoff games you kind of pay attention to it or you locked in uh like I’m sure shley is like you know watching every second of the game he’s sort of that hockey nerd I where does it work out for you right now because the hockey is great but at some point kind of like when you’re working all day you don’t want to keep doing things that are associated with work totally yeah and it it’s like our out is kind of like golf we watch a lot of golf like that’s our our out and away from hockey and then you sort of hear like uh golfers right like you know we watch so much that we hear those guys where when they go home they watch something different so I haven’t like I’ve been paying attention a little bit I would say like almost 50 50 like if it’s on I’ll watch a bit but not really like going out of my way to seek it um but yeah I mean I’ve watched the like I I seen the game the other night the the Ed one um the odd time like uh when Florida’s been on the last little bit too I enjoyed like it’s kind of funny for me I like watching the Leafs when when they were still in it too and stuff um like I I mentioned to you before I trained with Matthew the last got seven years or so out in Arizona so um you know kind of like to check in on just guys have played with and stuff too right and you guys you kind of have a rapport with I don’t really know as far as my prediction goes final I give the edge to Florida just and their team is like really well built and you know when you have the experience of like being there the year prior it’s like okay this didn’t work last year now let’s do this but kind of that just gives me the edge but who knows we’ll see we’ll see that’s why they play the games right yeah exactly we’ll see I mean when you got freaking 97 on the ice anything ain’t gonna happen uh Brandon this has been so much fun having you on the program um fill people in again on the YouTube channel um the sort of content if people haven’t seen it and where they can find out and of course as we always tell you for Winnipeg Sports Talk hit that subscribe button yeah thanks you first off let me just say thanks for giving me the kind of platform to share today um so you can find me at bubs buub zp1 bubs P1 on everything basically Instagram Twitter you name it uh Tik Tok Amazon I I got it all uh and then obviously the YouTube stuff I release every Monday I’m doing golf stuff every Friday is um more story time let’s call it as far as NHL off we’ll have you know if anyone’s a soccer fan out there I’ll have some soccer stories of you know meeting different guys and stuff like that um my video this week is about the NHL combine because that’s kind of going on and I’ll have videos going all week every summer so um yeah that’s where to find me and uh yeah drop a like And subscribe and all the above and you know send send me a message to in the comments on anything you want to I’m open to to kind of filming anything in Hawk’s world uh I will say though people keep asking me do another one of you know rate this guy rate that guy in the NHL it’s only guys I’ve played with okay like I mean so I’m trying to do everything from kind of my perspective and uh a um a sort of positive outlook you know it’s very easy there’s a lot of negativity out there so it’s very easy to go down a path of I didn’t like this and I didn’t like that I’m trying to pull the curtain back for you guys of a what you know really kind of goes on but you know tell you a lot of the good things that go on right yeah lcen there’s a lot of views out there if you just want to drag dudes for the entire time but I’m not sure there’s a lot of staying power and all that and no yeah my personality and my uh like I I want to promote a lot of um good energy out there to the world and to people who watch and you know that’s that’s what I’m all about so well hey dude this was a a lot of fun really enjoying the content that you’re cranking out and hopefully we can do this again sometime time I’m sure there’s we’re just scratching the surface of what we’re doing but anyways all the best enjoy the final and we’ll look forward to more coming out on the YouTube channel again just search brandan perini hit that subscribe button and uh Mondays and Fridays check out the content you’ve got coming on thanks so much for doing this have a great one yeah thank you guys I appreciate it again for having me if you ever need a guest let me know more than welcome we’ll do it again soon we’re not just for the showboats or the champion we’re here for the good ones the ones who work hard and show up for others not to get recognized but because it’s the right thing to do we’d like to think that our good intentions show up in our beard we keep working to perfect it not because we want fame or Fanfare but because you deserve it 1919 the good you deserve all right had a few generics at the Ballpark last night oh what a great way to start off the week uh the gold eyes look like that I mean it’s not raining right now so it should be fine for the game tonight and again 11:00 a.m. tomorrow and of course Little Brown Jug generics 1919s available at the Ballpark as well um I got to give a shout out to the gang down at Royal Sports speaking of getting ready for Thursday got your bomber gear bomber fans uh if you’re not ready for the upcoming season head on down to Royal Sports and get outfitted jerseys hats hoodies t-shirts they’ve got it all down at Royal Sports not to mention a massive jet section NFL Major League Baseball tons of blue jay stuff I think the city connects are coming in real soon uh the jerseys I think already there hats I believe next week if you’re looking for one of those of course when it comes to licens merch no one has more and does it better than Royal Sports and while you’re there check out soccer uh softball baseball tennis running the biggest hoey section in town and a ton of bikes coming in by the day as we get into summer it’s all at Royal Sports 750 Pema follow them on Instagram at Royal Sports Winnipeg for the latest merchandise drops and sale information and uh listen we do have to wait a couple more days for the NBA finals for bomber season to get going and Saturday for the Cup Final tonight though if you’re dropping by Boston Pizza you can still take advantage of that amazing playoff menu with the wing flights the Sicilian Square footer Pizza the jalapeno popper dip and watch a Big Blue Jays game Jay’s lost last night with Gosman on the hill 72 to the Orioles to begin the 4 Game Spot and hey whether it’s for the NHL watching the bombers baseball throughout the summer uh BP is always the spot to gather with friends and if you are staying at home you can still get the Great Taste of Boston pizza delivered hot and fast to your door by ordering online at Boston Pizza all right we got to get to uh the cool bet lines for tonight and REM it’s a little light it’s a little light although as I figured out in the lock shop what do you think about this NHL Stanley Cup Final opened Panthers minus 125 favorites Oilers plus 105 yesterday it was Panthers minus 132 and Oilers plus 110 money keeps on coming in on the Panthers Panthers now minus 143 and the Oilers plus 119 um listen I think this is a really tough one to call but if you do like Edmonton patience is paid off you’re getting a much better number than when the series dropped earlier this week yeah I’m surprised I think some of the projection systems have this as uh pretty even so that is a that’s a big favorite or not a huge favorite that’s definitely a a significant significant favorite there for Florida so I’m I’m surprised uh going to be really tight I think Florida like in seven I don’t know if I had to I I don’t know if that’s an official prediction but really tight you might as well just take you know take the plus money there I think that’s I think that’s Val yeah oh I think so too I mean I think so too I think this is far closer to maybe even money for the Oilers minus 120 on the Panthers sort of thing so uh uh but I think a lot of people riding with the Panthers like listen you can’t take away what they’ve done who they’ve beaten how they’ve gotten there but also the fact they were there last year we often see teams fall short and then get back and get over the hump um our Focus though hey it’s Thursday and that is CFL week one game one right here in the peg at Princess Auto Stadium bombers and aletes and a great promo for CFL betters all season long every single week for those of you that bet at cool bet and play CFL you’ll have one wager a week where you get a 20% multiplier um and and listen if you go to Futures right now all sorts of futures um bombers right now are plus 215 to win the gray cup alloet and BC next up at plus 450 uh the bomber win total is 13 which is a really high number I’m kind of thinking they come in around 12 and six so it would be the under but for any of those Wagers if you uh if you’re playing it before you use up your your 20% multiplier you can use it on a future uh this week so say you just want to bet the bombers to win the gray cup and you’ve got them at plus 215 and you would say you wanted to put a 100 bucks on that it would normally pay 315 on that you add the 20% multiplier and all of a sudden that 315 turns into 358 again uh you only get to use it once per week but open for futures right now and again we’ve got win totals uh we’ve got rushing props passing props receiving props as well and regular season wins I think my favorite bet of the win totals is the Elks over 6 and a half now I think because of how much action that has got in Edmonton that number went fromus 110 to minus 133 but again if you add in the 20% multiplier it basically brings it back to minus 110 so um that’s all there it’s going to be happen throat and cool betters obviously if you haven’t played there before use the promo code wstd when you make your first deposit will hook you up with a 100% bonus up to 200 bucks on that first deposit and hoping to have Patty greguar from cool bed on maybe Thursday before kickoff and we’ll lay out the details for our cool bet Winnipeg Sports Talk contest for bomber fans where we’re going to be giving away a trip for two to the Labor Day Classic on the crew bus that I will be hosting uh all you’re going to need to do is screenshot any CFL bet each week we’ll pick a qualifier uh we’ll do that for June we’ll do it for July and then in early August you know maybe we’ll actually Marble Race it off that’s actually probably a great idea we’ll take qualifiers through those first couple months we’ll set a date in early August we will drop the marbles all the qualifiers will get one and whoever wins Hotel transport on the most fun bus heading out west tickets for the game and a whole bunch of other great swag along it by the way if you want more information just on that trip uh there’s a few spots left I believe I saw Pat rathwell in chat you can go to the 1930 crew on Instagram Twitter Facebook and get more information and jump on that if you do want to be a part of it but again there will be a chance to win your way on through Kolb bet and Winnipeg Sports Talk uh tonight in the majors Jay’s are uh plus 130 dogs at home to the Baltimore Orioles I think it’s Looney Dog Night haven’t had a great record on Looney dog with the dogs have been great uh my favorite play and I’m going to put this out for our cool B play of the day on Kolb bet socials at coolbet Canada uh Cleveland hosting Kansas City and you know I’m a sucker for the Royals in Kansas City but Seth lugo’s on the hill he’s 9- one with a 1.72 erra no idea how the The Royals are getting plus money on this one I like KC I’m going to jump on that one again it’s all ready for you for CFL season at Kolb bet and check out today’s Lock Shop Mata wanik and I went through our favorite win totals talked a lot about the landscape of the league Maddy gave us a few of his favorite rece rushing and receiving props and we did confirm we’re going to be doing a little handicapping contest between wst and EST myself Remis iwanik neelon maybe a couple other guys over there we’re going to pick the games against the spread all season long we’ll uh count them all up and see who the king is of CFL betting between Winnipeg sports talk and Edmonton Sports Talk um all right he before we get to the uh before we get to the racetrack we got to give a big shout out to our guy Rick Delane and you know we had Aaron Cochran a couple weeks ago nice little wst bump uh top 20 on the DP World Tour and Rick wasted no time getting into the winner circle since he joined us last week kicking off his Sprint car or the modified season uh by getting into the win uh wind Circle down in Stanley yeah is at the deer horse Creek Speedway uh with soda auto racing and check out this picture of him taking down the checkered flag looking so great hus in the wst car absolutely incredible comes on the show and wins the first race so follow Rick uh Delan racings on Instagram Facebook x uh post and updates but look at this picture I take that picture and post it on our IG congratulate him and say hey let’s let’s roll one down many more W’s and checkered Flags to go yeah I mean just that logo on the hood of the car it it’s such a beautiful car it it’s awesome every time I see it so thank you Rick for uh putting it on there and going out and winning races that is so look like he banged up the side pretty good over the course of the course of the race we work in the garage for this one but still got first off and yes the Reaper lots of love for Rick Delan and the wst car in the uh the Youtube chat um all right Remo we’re back at the track tonight Tuesday night racing down at a cinoa Downs getting my picks up here by the way for a quick update I have had a nice start to the season I am actually ahead for the year uh and I have a I would say not a huge lead but a comfortable lead right now on Michael Remis as we get into uh the full week of Monday Tuesday Wednesday regular schedule for the rest of the summer oh uh sorry brand correct I think it was actually in Mor might have Googled it wrong either way uh big win for Rick oh you’re talking about Rick back to Rick I’m ahead I trying to ignore I’m trying to ignore you talk about you talk about our horse picks that’s exactly what I’m talking and I’m like let’s change the topic it’s not going well for me you keep winning and I’m my big minus so I’m trying I had a nice one last night uh race four my Exacta box of three and eight Morrow Outlaw and victory line came through and it was actually a better number Victory line was the big favorite but Morrow Outlaw actually won the race uh which turned that uh $1 exact or $2 exact into about a 32 wins so I was up 12 last night we’re going to try and keep it rolling into tonight and uh I’m starting right out of the gate I wasn’t going to bet race one but then I did uh I’m putting $3 on number two inano Caro to win uh you got anything on race one no I do not race two I’m in on all right I’m on Race two as well and I’m putting five bucks on number five I believe this is the favorite will is Chill to Win okay I’m going with the long shot here 15 to one the one for me in the past really slow horse really slow is back really really slows back $2 I don’t know we talk about Joe pavelski retiring I don’t know maybe really slow is getting up there in uh the Joe pavelski of horses but 15 to one I’ll put $2 dos on really slow uh all right let’s see here going through I am not on oh no I am on on race number three I have a 14 Exacta in race number three Porto Roo euse and maybe my number one horse from the last couple years Club champ yeah think of Breezy Bend when I think of Club champ and I think of winning and Antonio White Hall’s on it so uh I got the exactor box on that one for four yes I’m going with the trifecta I got Club champ Porto Roo ause and stylish Gent I like it I like it all right I uh I don’t have race four or five uh so if you have race four or five let us know I do I have race four and five race four exact to box six and seven Not Afraid and Yola okay I like it going with that’s $3 exact these are $6 bets $3 exact a boxes and race five I am on seven and eight as it loads half in the rapper and Damn the Torpedoes it’s Tom Petty album had to throw down on downam the Torpedoes so there we go both of those both of those were solid horses last year yes at uh cinoa Downs all right I’m doing my nightly triactor box in race number six uh the heavy favorite Keep Calm Cru on one word there’s no spes noes keep com Cruz on yeah uh along with mchan number five and number nine golden diversion so a 259 oh which listen I’m I’m basically AI right now ai smart picks not the program selections but I’m in line with AI so uh that’s that’s the triactor you got anything on six no I’m done I did I did three $6 bets and the $2 to win so I’m I’m out here okay had two bucks left for race seven and I put two on number two RM uh a few of my buddies actually bought this horse last year and we followed rym quite closely had a few nice runs so uh we’ll see if rym come out of the gates with a W in uh in race number seven tonight to H start it off not one of the program selections are the AI picks but we’ll try and outsmart them tonight with ryam race number seven don’t forget hpib if you want to bet remotely on the track and tracks around the world and you can always watch the cineo Downs each and every night with Kirk and stretch on the ASD YouTube channel says uh else got it back a bunch of fellas uh chow dog and a bunch of the guys they were they were in oh I’m not sure whether they called it the hard ball Stables but that’s who has Rite them now I haven’t stayed on top of it throughout the uh throughout the offse so I’ll have to get an update but either way I’m riding with uh with rym tonight um all right great show today really fun combo with brandan perini uh appreciate Mike McIntyre is always coming by and some great bomber stuff with DB but uh the bomber chat is not over yet everyone with us on YouTube let’s get ready to raid we’re going to join Ed Tate at Blue Bombers .c they are the Blue Bombers YouTube channel they’ve got a show on right now so let’s go in and drop some wsts in the chat and let everybody know that we are ready for the home opener on Thursday uh we got two more days to go we’ll be all over tomorrow uh we’re gonna have Marshall Ferguson Dave Naylor on talk more about the landscape of the league heading into the weekend uh Ken weeb tomorrow as well with the latest on the Jets assistant head or assistant coach search uh I don’t get his k thoughts on the final as well before he heads out to the gray owl so stick and stay folks let’s go say hi to Eddie and let him know the wst raid is here thanks to all of our sponsors thanks to everyone listening on the podcast and everyone hanging around on YouTube today we’ll see you tomorrow at 1 let’s go say hi to Ed oh my God shut it down let’s go thanks for tuning in to one of

Andrew “Hustler” Paterson and Michael Remis host Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily. They continue to count down to this year’s Stanley Cup Final between the Edmonton Oilers and Florida Panthers and preivew the upcoming CFL Season. Guests: Former NHLer Brendan Perlini @Bubzp11, Mike McIntyre of the Winnipeg Free Press and Darrin Bauming of Bonfire Sports @BonfireSports

YouTube Links: @Bubzp11 + @BonfireSports

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Thumbnail Photo Credit: © Jasen Vinlove-USA TODAY Sports

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  1. Very Nice Evander Kane Thumbnail.

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Stanley Cup Final Countdown, Winnipeg Blue Bombers prepare for season opener - Raw Chili (2024)
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