10 Minimalist Home Challenges for a Happier You (2024)

  • Sustainable Living

10 Minimalist Home Challenges for a Happier You (1)

Ever felt overwhelmed by the constant pressure to accumulate more in life? Well, fear not! Dive into the world of minimalist experiments and discover the joy of living with less. From fashion to kitchen gadgets, these 10 life-altering challenges will reshape your perspective on what you truly need. Ready to declutter your space and embrace a more straightforward, happier home? Let’s embark on this journey of intentional living together!

Table of Contents

Halve Your Decorations

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Temporarily reduce the decorations in your home by half or a third. Create space and embrace the beauty of simplicity. Hack: Store removed items in a designated area and, if missed, bring them back after the experiment. Francis Jourdain’s wisdom may resonate: furnish a room by removing, not adding.

Hand-Washing Dishes After Meals

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Embrace intentional closure after meals by hand-washing dishes for a month. Experience the satisfaction of a ritual that grounds you in the present moment. Hack: Make it enjoyable by playing your favorite music or listening to a podcast while you wash, turning a chore into a mindful practice.

Keep One Television

Simplify your entertainment setup by testing the waters with just one television in your home. Enjoy the benefits of reduced screen time and a more focused family space. Hack: If it works well during the experiment, consider making it a permanent setup for quality family time.

Kitchen Gadgets Simplification

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Reignite your love for cooking by decluttering your kitchen gadgets. Store unnecessary utensils out of sight and enjoy a clutter-free environment for a more enjoyable cooking experience. Hack: Keep essential tools accessible in a designated area, making meal preparation smoother and less stressful.

Leave a Corner Empty in a Room

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Discover the beauty of empty spaces by leaving a corner untouched for a month. Challenge the urge to fill it immediately, and that simplicity adds its unique charm. Hack: If the emptiness grows on you, consider leaving it as a permanent minimalist feature.

Less Furniture in a Chosen Room

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Temporarily remove 1-2 pieces of furniture from a selected room and relish the feeling of extra space. Challenge assumptions about the necessity of every detail. Hack: Store the furniture elsewhere during the experiment and observe the impact on the room’s atmosphere and functionality.

Limit Tupperware to 8 Containers

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Bid farewell to a cluttered Tupperware cabinet by limiting yourself to 8 easily identifiable containers. Experience the ease of a well-organized kitchen and say goodbye to the frustration of mismatched lids. Hack: Nest the containers for efficient storage and retrieval.

One Coffee Mug for a Month

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Simplify your morning ritual using only one favorite coffee mug for a month. Store the rest out of sight and savor the joy of a clutter-free cabinet. Hack: Choose a mug that brings you joy and makes each morning feel unique with your chosen vessel.

Spend One Day a Week Unplugging from Work

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Prioritize intentional rest by designating one day each week free from work obligations. Recharge and focus on activities that bring you joy. Hack: Set boundaries with notifications and create a list of non-work-related activities to make the most of your unplugged day.

Spend a Week Using Public Transportation or Walking

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Challenge your reliance on a car by spending a week using public transportation or walking. Discover new facets of your community and reduce your environmental impact. Hack: Plan your routes, bring a good book or music for the journey, and enjoy the freedom from driving.


You’ve embraced a more intentional and fulfilling way of living by challenging assumptions about what we truly need. Whether it’s the simplicity of your rooms or the calmness of an empty corner, we hope you’ve discovered the joy in less. So, here’s to a clutter-free, happier life—cheers to the art of minimalism! Keep experimenting, keep simplifying, and keep enjoying the beauty of living with less. Your minimalist journey has just begun!

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10 Minimalist Home Challenges for a Happier You (12)

Melissa Pino

Melissa Pino is a biologist, master gardener, and regular contributor for Planet Natural. Melissa’s work focuses on promoting environmentally-friendly practices, helping people create healthy gardens and finding ways to achieve overall health and wellness.

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  • Sustainable Living
10 Minimalist Home Challenges for a Happier You (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.